
时间:2021-10-25 15:01:21

I have a select and drag code that works well until in selection is added a position relative div.


Here is the code and you can see a working demo at http://jsbin.com/azeli/2 To see the problem just mouse select span 1, span 2 and the nested span 4

这是代码,您可以在http://jsbin.com/azeli/2上看到一个工作演示要查看问题只需鼠标选择span 1,span 2和嵌套span 4

$(function() {

  var selected = $([]), offset = {top:0, left:0};

    $("#selectable1 span.drag").draggable({

        start: function(ev, ui) {

        selected = $(".ui-selected").each(function() {
        var el = $(this);
        el.data("offset", el.offset());


        offset = $(this).offset();


      drag: function(ev, ui) {

        var dt = ui.position.top - offset.top, dl = ui.position.left - offset.left;

        selected.not(this).each(function() {
          var el = $(this), off = el.data("offset");
          el.css({top: off.top + dt, left: off.left + dl});



Please let me know if this can be fixed. Thank you.


1 个解决方案



Make the position absolute for all elements within the selection, restore the original position when the selection changes.


outside the loop


var originalPositions = new Array();

inside the loop


// call the restorePositions() that goes through the array of 
// saved elements, restoring each position and remove the element from the array;
// if element in the loop has a position thats not relative, add to array
el.css({position: 'absolute', top: off.top + dt, left: off.left + dl});



Make the position absolute for all elements within the selection, restore the original position when the selection changes.


outside the loop


var originalPositions = new Array();

inside the loop


// call the restorePositions() that goes through the array of 
// saved elements, restoring each position and remove the element from the array;
// if element in the loop has a position thats not relative, add to array
el.css({position: 'absolute', top: off.top + dt, left: off.left + dl});