猫头鹰旋转木马 - 物品堆叠在一起

时间:2023-01-31 15:03:24

I'm trying to group images into groups of 8, and use each grouping as a separate slide for Owl Carousel. However, rather than stacking horizontally like normal, the groupings are just stacked vertically.

我正在尝试将图像分组为8个组,并将每个分组用作Owl Carousel的单独幻灯片。但是,与正常情况下水平堆叠不同,分组只是垂直堆叠。

My owl settings:


//Gallery carousel
function gallery(){
		margin: 10,
		nav: true,
		items: 1,

The php generating the HTML (uses ACF gallery plugin for WordPress)


<!-- Gallery Thumbs -->
	$images = get_field('gallery');

	if( $images ): ?>
		<div class="gallery">
			<div class="gallery-group"><!-- Group the images in pairs of 8 -->
			<?php $i = 0; ?>
			<?php foreach( $images as $image ): ?>
				<?php $caption = $image['caption']; ?>
					<a data-fancybox="gallery" href="<?php echo $image['url']; ?>">
						 <img src="<?php echo $image['sizes']['thumbnail']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image['alt']; ?>" />
				<?php if ($caption): ?>
					<p><?php echo $caption; ?></p>
				<?php endif; ?>
				<?php $i++; ?>
				<?php if ($i % 8 == 0): ?>
					<div class="gallery-group">
				<?php endif; ?>
			<?php endforeach; ?>
	<?php endif; ?>

I got the following CSS that applies to the carousel:


	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: 50%;
	transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

	width: 1000px;

I included owl.carousel.min.css, owl.theme.default.min.css and owl.carousel.min.js. I'm running the latest version of jQuery. No errors in the console.


I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but one thing to note is that I use negative margins on some elements like my header and footer to stretch out background colours. Perhaps this is affecting things?


2 个解决方案



I found a solution to this using the following SCSS:


	max-width: 1000px;
	width: 100%;
	overflow-x: hidden;
		display: flex;

It just feels strange how I need to add that. You'd think the plugin would be able to handle this on its own. It's also a messy solution, because all of the images load the bad way, and then shift to the proper way, so I have to hook on to the carousel init event to fade it in. Just feels like a lot of hoops to go through, so if anybody knows a better solution, please feel free to let me know.

我需要添加它,这感觉很奇怪。您认为该插件可以自行处理。这也是一个混乱的解决方案,因为所有的图像加载了坏的方式,然后转移到正确的方式,所以我必须挂钩到carousel init事件以淡入它。只是感觉像很多篮球通过,如果有人知道更好的解决方案,请随时告诉我。



The trouble is that for some reason owl is not adding it's "owl-carousel" class to the main element so it's styles aren't working. Add it manually and it'll be good.


        margin: 10,
        nav: true,
        items: 1,



I found a solution to this using the following SCSS:


	max-width: 1000px;
	width: 100%;
	overflow-x: hidden;
		display: flex;

It just feels strange how I need to add that. You'd think the plugin would be able to handle this on its own. It's also a messy solution, because all of the images load the bad way, and then shift to the proper way, so I have to hook on to the carousel init event to fade it in. Just feels like a lot of hoops to go through, so if anybody knows a better solution, please feel free to let me know.

我需要添加它,这感觉很奇怪。您认为该插件可以自行处理。这也是一个混乱的解决方案,因为所有的图像加载了坏的方式,然后转移到正确的方式,所以我必须挂钩到carousel init事件以淡入它。只是感觉像很多篮球通过,如果有人知道更好的解决方案,请随时告诉我。



The trouble is that for some reason owl is not adding it's "owl-carousel" class to the main element so it's styles aren't working. Add it manually and it'll be good.


        margin: 10,
        nav: true,
        items: 1,