setenabled (false)没有禁用按钮输入。

时间:2021-10-27 11:31:06

I have the following two classes:



# 1

public class LobbyView extends JPanel

    private final JButton sendGameRequestButton = new JButton();

    public JButton getSendGameRequestButton()
        return sendGameRequestButton;

        sendGameRequestButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(15, 20));
        sendGameRequestButton.setText("Send game request");
        sendGameRequestButton.addMouseListener(new LobbyListener(this));


# 2

public class LobbyListener implements MouseListener
    LobbyView lobbyView;

public LobbyListener(LobbyView sentLobbyView)
    lobbyView = sentLobbyView;

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
    if (e.getButton() == 1)
        if (e.getSource() == lobbyView.getSendGameRequestButton())
            System.out.println("You pushed the disabled button");

Even though I disabled the JButton in the LobbyView constructor, I can still click it and get the message "You pushed the disabled button".


Does component.setEnabled(false) actually DISABLE a component, or just gray it out to make it LOOK disabled?

组件。setenabled (false)实际上是禁用组件,还是只是让它看起来是禁用的?

1 个解决方案



Even though I disabled the JButton in the LobbyView constructor, I can still click it


That is correct. You should NOT be using a MouseListner. The MouseListener works independent of the state of the button.


Instead you should be using an ActionListener. Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Buttons for more information. Or there is also a section on How to Write an Action Listener.




Even though I disabled the JButton in the LobbyView constructor, I can still click it


That is correct. You should NOT be using a MouseListner. The MouseListener works independent of the state of the button.


Instead you should be using an ActionListener. Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Buttons for more information. Or there is also a section on How to Write an Action Listener.
