
时间:2021-03-03 15:00:55

Here is my data frame:


      Z            melting.point
AIN  -1.7596934    -0.3184053
AIP  -1.3968700     0.2290334
AIAs -0.5805174     1.8950577

The first columns replaces with the chemical names of the observations the initial default in R:


     compounds      Z                 melting.point
1       AIN        -1.7596934        -0.3184053
2       AIP        -1.3968700         0.2290334
3      AIAs        -0.5805174         1.8950577

So, based on the first data frame, I'd like to run a command such as:


plot(melting.point ~ Z, col = rownames(dat), data = dat)

but I get an error message:


Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'compounds' not found

Is there a way of coloring the points based on the row names of a data frame?


1 个解决方案


I cant reproduce your error but rownames(dat) is not a suitable colorname. So, try it with a factor or a numeric vector.


plot(melting.point ~ Z, col = as.factor(rownames(dat)),data = dat)
plot(melting.point ~ Z, col = 1:nrow(dat),data = dat)


I cant reproduce your error but rownames(dat) is not a suitable colorname. So, try it with a factor or a numeric vector.


plot(melting.point ~ Z, col = as.factor(rownames(dat)),data = dat)
plot(melting.point ~ Z, col = 1:nrow(dat),data = dat)