
时间:2022-03-21 14:58:16

I am working with some data file export from MAC system, I guess. I received a file name 20110205.tar then I tried to look at content inside which gave me just raw file ?BIN. My friend helped me to extract it to have a bunch of xml file with the name is in time format: "2011-03-15T23_57_59Z.xml", "2011-03-15T23_58_00Z.xml". I tried with XML package with some commands like xmlTree, xmlTreeParse, asXMLNode then I completely stuck. When I opened the xml file by notepad I have something like: (my friend used Python to to this but I have no idea about Python) I also tried with some packages like epidata but it seems many packages are not available for more. The extracted files I do winrar it and upload to mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?ot8vt0wdw5c3oc1 <asdiOutput xmlns="http://tfm.faa.gov/tfms/TFMS_XIS" xmlns:nxce="http://tfm.faa.gov/tfms/NasXCoreElements" xmlns:mmd="http://tfm.faa.gov/tfms/MessageMetaData" xmlns:nxcm="http://tfm.faa.gov/tfms/NasXCommonMessages" xmlns:idr="http://tfm.faa.gov/tfms/TFMS_IDRS" xmlns:xis="http://tfm.faa.gov/tfms/TFMS_XIS" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://tfm.faa.gov/tfms/TFMS_XIS http://localhost:58489/tfms/schema/TFMS_XIS.xsd" timestamp="2011-03-15T23:57:59Z"> <asdiMessage sourceFacility="CCZM" sourceTimeStamp="2011-03-15T23:57:27Z" trigger="TZ"> <trackInformation> <nxcm:aircraftId>UAL966</nxcm:aircraftId> <nxcm:speed>470</nxcm:speed> <nxcm:reportedAltitude> <nxce:assignedAltitude> <nxce:simpleAltitude>350</nxce:simpleAltitude> </nxce:assignedAltitude> </nxcm:reportedAltitude> <nxcm:position> <nxce:latitude> <nxce:latitudeDMS degrees="45" minutes="40" direction="NORTH"/> </nxce:latitude> <nxce:longitude> <nxce:longitudeDMS degrees="056" minutes="58" direction="WEST"/> </nxce:longitude> </nxcm:position> </trackInformation> </asdiMessage> <asdiMessage sourceFacility="CCZM" sourceTimeStamp="2011-03-15T23:57:27Z" trigger="TZ"> <trackInformation> <nxcm:aircraftId>UAL936</nxcm:aircraftId> <nxcm:speed>470</nxcm:speed> <nxcm:reportedAltitude> <nxce:assignedAltitude> <nxce:simpleAltitude>350</nxce:simpleAltitude> </nxce:assignedAltitude> </nxcm:reportedAltitude> <nxcm:position> <nxce:latitude> <nxce:latitudeDMS degrees="44" minutes="43" direction="NORTH"/> </nxce:latitude> <nxce:longitude> <nxce:longitudeDMS degrees="062" minutes="42" direction="WEST"/> </nxce:longitude> </nxcm:position> </trackInformation> </asdiMessage>

我想从MAC系统导出一些数据文件。我收到了一个文件名20110205.tar然后我试着看看里面的内容给了我原始文件?BIN。我的朋友帮我提取了一堆xml文件,其名称是时间格式:“2011-03-15T23_57_59Z.xml”,“2011-03-15T23_58_00Z.xml”。我尝试使用XML包和一些命令,如xmlTree,xmlTreeParse,asXMLNode然后我完全卡住了。当我用记事本打开xml文件时,我有类似的东西:(我的朋友用Python来解决这个问题,但我不知道Python)我也试过像epidata这样的软件包,但似乎很多软件包都没有。提取的文件我做了winrar并上传到mediafire:http://www.mediafire.com/ ?ot8vt0wdw5c3oc1 UAL966 470 350 < nxce:纬度> UAL936 470 350 :longitudedms> :longitude> :latitudedms> :latitude> :position> :simplealtitude> :assignedaltitude> :reportedaltitude> :speed> :aircraftid> :经度> :latitudedms> :position> :simplealtitude> :assignedaltitude> :reportedaltitude> :aircraftid>

Please, anyone help me. I want to do anything in R. 1. extract the tar file and decode the raw files become xml file 2. read the data in multiple xml extracted Thanks in advance!!!


1 个解决方案



Depending on your operating system, the R untar command might help; see ?untar. As an example of using XML, we can load the document

根据您的操作系统,R untar命令可能会有所帮助;看到了吗?作为使用XML的示例,我们可以加载文档

xml = xmlParse("2011-03-15T23_57_59Z.xml")

then query it using the xpath language (see especially section 2.5), e.g., for aircraft id and longitude


> xpathSApply(xml, "//nxcm:aircraftId", xmlValue)
[1] "UAL966" "UAL936"
> xpathSApply(xml, "//nxce:longitudeDMS/@degrees")
degrees degrees 
  "056"   "062" 

There are also convenience functions such as xmlToDataFrame, which might be fun to explore.




Depending on your operating system, the R untar command might help; see ?untar. As an example of using XML, we can load the document

根据您的操作系统,R untar命令可能会有所帮助;看到了吗?作为使用XML的示例,我们可以加载文档

xml = xmlParse("2011-03-15T23_57_59Z.xml")

then query it using the xpath language (see especially section 2.5), e.g., for aircraft id and longitude


> xpathSApply(xml, "//nxcm:aircraftId", xmlValue)
[1] "UAL966" "UAL936"
> xpathSApply(xml, "//nxce:longitudeDMS/@degrees")
degrees degrees 
  "056"   "062" 

There are also convenience functions such as xmlToDataFrame, which might be fun to explore.
