R - 警告信息:“在cor(...)中:标准偏差为零”

时间:2023-02-01 14:57:37

I have a single vector of flow data (29 data) and a 3D matrix data(360*180*29)

我有一个流量数据矢量(29个数据)和一个3D矩阵数据(360 * 180 * 29)

i want to find the correlation between single vector and 3D vector. The correlation matrix will have a size of 360*180.

我想找到单个矢量和3D矢量之间的相关性。相关矩阵的大小为360 * 180。

> str(ScottsCk_flow_1981_2010_JJA)
 num [1:29] 0.151 0.644 0.996 0.658 1.702 ...
> str(ssta_winter)
 num [1:360, 1:180, 1:29] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ...
> summary(ssta_winter)
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.     NA's 
    -2.8     -0.2      0.1      0.2      0.6      6.0 596849.0 

This above is the structure of the vector and 3D matrix. 3D matrix has many values as Null.

以上是矢量和3D矩阵的结构。 3D矩阵有许多值为Null。

> for (i in 1:360) {
+   for(j in 1:180){
+       cor_ScottsCk_SF_SST_JJA[i,j] = cor(ScottsCk_flow_1981_2010_JJA,ssta_winter[i,j,]) 
+    }
+ }
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)

This part of code above is the code to find correlation. But it gives waring as


> warnings()
Warning messages:
1: In cor(ScottsCk_flow_1981_2010_JJA, ssta_winter[i, j,  ... :
  the standard deviation is zero
2: In cor(ScottsCk_flow_1981_2010_JJA, ssta_winter[i, j,  ... :
  the standard deviation is zero
3: In cor(ScottsCk_flow_1981_2010_JJA, ssta_winter[i, j,  ... :
  the standard deviation is zero
4: In cor(ScottsCk_flow_1981_2010_JJA, ssta_winter[i, j,  ... :
  the standard deviation is zero
5: In cor(ScottsCk_flow_1981_2010_JJA, ssta_winter[i, j,  ... :
  the standard deviation is zero

also, the result of the correlation matrix is all NULL. how did this happen?


> str(cor_ScottsCk_SF_SST_JJA)
 num [1:360, 1:180] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...

I have used exact same code bfr with 350 flow vector and 360*180*350 matrix. This code works perfectly.

我使用完全相同的代码bfr与350流向量和360 * 180 * 350矩阵。这段代码完美无缺。

2 个解决方案



A few thoughts.


First, by using apply(), you can replace that nested loop with something like this:


cor_ScottsCk_SF_SST_JJA <- 
    apply(ssta_winter, MARGIN = 1:2, FUN = cor, ScottsCk_flow_1981_2010_JJA)

Second, it appears that >31% (596849/(360*180*29)) of the points in ssta_winter are NaN or (possibly) NA_real_. Given the return value of a correlation calculated on vectors that contain even a single NaN,

其次,ssta_winter中的点> 31%(596849 /(360 * 180 * 29))似乎是NaN或(可能)NA_real_。给定在包含甚至单个NaN的向量上计算的相关性的返回值,

cor(c(1:3, NaN), c(1:4))
# [1] NA

isn't it likely that all those NaNs are causing cor_ScottsCk_SF_SST_JJA to be filled with NAs?


Third, as the warning messages plainly tell you, some of the vectors you are passing to cor() have zero variance. They have nothing to do with the NaNs: as the following shows, R doesn't complain about standard deviations of 0 when NaN are involved. (Quite sensibly too, since you can't calculate standard deviations for undefined numbers):

第三,正如警告信息明确告诉你的那样,你传递给cor()的一些向量的方差为零。它们与NaN无关:如下所示,当涉及NaN时,R不会抱怨0的标准偏差。 (非常合理,因为您无法计算未定义数字的标准偏差):

cor(c(NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN), c(1,1,1,1))
# [1] NA

cor(c(1,1,1,1), c(1,2,3,4))
# [1] NA
# Warning message:
# In cor(c(1, 1, 1, 1), c(1, 2, 3, 4)) : the standard deviation is zero



The following uses library("psych")


partial.r(sd,c("GPA","SAT"),"GRADE1",use = "complete.obs")
Warning Message:
 In cor(data, use = use, method = method) : the standard deviation is zero

sd contains NA for SAT.


partial.r(subset,c("GPA","SAT"),"GRADE1", use = "complete.obs")
no warnings

subset has NA's removed




A few thoughts.


First, by using apply(), you can replace that nested loop with something like this:


cor_ScottsCk_SF_SST_JJA <- 
    apply(ssta_winter, MARGIN = 1:2, FUN = cor, ScottsCk_flow_1981_2010_JJA)

Second, it appears that >31% (596849/(360*180*29)) of the points in ssta_winter are NaN or (possibly) NA_real_. Given the return value of a correlation calculated on vectors that contain even a single NaN,

其次,ssta_winter中的点> 31%(596849 /(360 * 180 * 29))似乎是NaN或(可能)NA_real_。给定在包含甚至单个NaN的向量上计算的相关性的返回值,

cor(c(1:3, NaN), c(1:4))
# [1] NA

isn't it likely that all those NaNs are causing cor_ScottsCk_SF_SST_JJA to be filled with NAs?


Third, as the warning messages plainly tell you, some of the vectors you are passing to cor() have zero variance. They have nothing to do with the NaNs: as the following shows, R doesn't complain about standard deviations of 0 when NaN are involved. (Quite sensibly too, since you can't calculate standard deviations for undefined numbers):

第三,正如警告信息明确告诉你的那样,你传递给cor()的一些向量的方差为零。它们与NaN无关:如下所示,当涉及NaN时,R不会抱怨0的标准偏差。 (非常合理,因为您无法计算未定义数字的标准偏差):

cor(c(NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN), c(1,1,1,1))
# [1] NA

cor(c(1,1,1,1), c(1,2,3,4))
# [1] NA
# Warning message:
# In cor(c(1, 1, 1, 1), c(1, 2, 3, 4)) : the standard deviation is zero



The following uses library("psych")


partial.r(sd,c("GPA","SAT"),"GRADE1",use = "complete.obs")
Warning Message:
 In cor(data, use = use, method = method) : the standard deviation is zero

sd contains NA for SAT.


partial.r(subset,c("GPA","SAT"),"GRADE1", use = "complete.obs")
no warnings

subset has NA's removed
