I'm working on a project that uses OpenGL 4.0 shaders.
我正在开发一个使用OpenGL 4.0着色器的项目。
I have to supply the call to glShaderSource() with an array of char arrays, which represents the source of the shader.
The shader compilation is failing, with the following errors:
(0) : error C0206: invalid token "<null atom>" in version line
(0) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected $end at token "<EOF>"
Here's my (hello world) shader - straight from OpenGL 4.0 shading language cookbook
这是我的(hello world)着色器 - 直接来自OpenGL 4.0着色语言cookbook
#version 400
in vec3 VertexPosition;
in vec3 VertexColor;
out vec3 Color;
void main()
Color = VertexColor;
gl_Position = vec4( VertexColor, 1.0 );
And here's my code to read the shader file into my C++ code, and compile the shader at runtime:
这是我的代码,用于将着色器文件读入我的C ++代码,并在运行时编译着色器:
const int nMaxLineSize = 1024;
char sLineBuffer[nMaxLineSize];
ifstream stream;
vector<string> vsLines;
GLchar** ppSrc;
GLint* pnSrcLineLen;
int nNumLines;
stream.open( m_sShaderFile.c_str(), std::ios::in );
while( (stream.good()) && (stream.getline(sLineBuffer, nMaxLineSize)) )
if( strlen(sLineBuffer) > 0 )
vsLines.push_back( string(sLineBuffer) );
nNumLines = vsLines.size();
pnSrcLineLen = new GLint[nNumLines];
ppSrc = new GLchar*[nNumLines];
for( int n = 0; n < nNumLines; n ++ )
string & sLine = vsLines.at(n);
int nLineLen = sLine.length();
char * pNext = new char[nLineLen+1];
memcpy( (void*)pNext, sLine.c_str(), nLineLen );
pNext[nLineLen] = '\0';
ppSrc[n] = pNext;
pnSrcLineLen[n] = nLineLen+1;
// just for debugging purposes (lines print out just fine..)
for( int n = 0; n < nNumLines; n ++ )
ATLTRACE( "line %d: %s\r\n", n, ppSrc[n] );
// Create the shader
m_nShaderId = glCreateShader( m_nShaderType );
// Compile the shader
glShaderSource( m_nShaderId, nNumLines, (const GLchar**)ppSrc, (GLint*) pnSrcLineLen );
glCompileShader( m_nShaderId );
// Determine compile status
GLint nResult = GL_FALSE;
glGetShaderiv( m_nShaderId, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &nResult );
The C++ code executes as expected, but the shader compilation fails. Can anyone spot what I might be doing wrong?
C ++代码按预期执行,但着色器编译失败。谁能发现我可能做错了什么?
I have a feeling that this may be to do with end of line characters somehow, but as this is my first attempt at shader compilation, I'm stuck!
I've read other SO answers on shader compilation, but they seem specific to Java / other languages, not C++. If it helps, I'm on the win32 platform.
我已经在着色器编译中阅读了其他SO答案,但它们似乎特定于Java /其他语言,而不是C ++。如果有帮助,我就在win32平台上。
3 个解决方案
Just a quick hunch:
Have you tried calling glShaderSource with NULL as length parameter? In that case OpenGL will assume your code to be null-terminated.
(Edited because of stupidity)
You have made a mistake that others have made. This is the definition of glShaderSource
void glShaderSource(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar **string, const GLint *length);
The string
is an array of strings. It is not intended to be an array of lines in your shader. The way the compiler will interpret this array of strings is by concatenating them together, one after another. Without newlines.
Since stream.getline
will not put the \n
character in the string, each of the shader strings you generate will not have a newline at the end. Therefore, when glShaderSource
goes to compile them, your shader will look like this:
由于stream.getline不会将\ n字符放在字符串中,因此您生成的每个着色器字符串最后都不会有换行符。因此,当glShaderSource编译它们时,您的着色器将如下所示:
#version 400in vec3 VertexPosition;in vec3 VertexColor;out vec3 Color;...
That's not legal GLSL.
The proper way to do this is to load the file as a string.
std::ifstream shaderFile(m_sShaderFile.c_str());
//Error out here.
std::stringstream shaderData;
shaderData << shaderFile.rdbuf(); //Loads the entire string into a string stream.
const std::string &shaderString = shaderData.str(); //Get the string stream as a std::string.
Then you can just pass that along to glShaderSource
easily enough:
m_nShaderId = glCreateShader( m_nShaderType );
const char *strShaderVar = shaderString.c_str();
GLint iShaderLen = shaderString.size();
glShaderSource( m_nShaderId, 1, (const GLchar**)&strShaderVar, (GLint*)&iShaderLen );
glCompileShader( m_nShaderId );
If you copied this loading code from somewhere, then I strongly suggest you find a different place to learn about OpenGL. Because that's terrible coding.
glShaderSource( m_nShaderId, nNumLines, (const GLchar**)ppSrc, (GLint*) pnSrcLineLen );
glShaderSource(m_nShaderId,nNumLines,(const GLchar **)ppSrc,(GLint *)pnSrcLineLen);
I know the signature of glShaderSource looks tempting to send each line of the shader separately. But that's now what it's meant for. The point of being able to send is multiple arrays is so that one can mix multiple primitive shader sources into a single shader, kind of like include files. Understanding this, makes it much simpler to read in a shader file – and avoids such nasty bugs.
我知道glShaderSource的签名看起来很容易分别发送着色器的每一行。但那就是它的意义所在。能够发送的点是多个数组,以便可以将多个原始着色器源混合到单个着色器中,类似于包含文件。理解这一点,使得在着色器文件中读取更加简单 - 并避免这种令人讨厌的错误。
Using C++ you can do it much nicer and cleaner. I already wrote the follwing in Getting garbage chars when reading GLSL files
使用C ++,你可以做得更好,更清洁。我在阅读GLSL文件时已经写过了获取垃圾字符的内容
You're using C++, so I suggest you leverage that. Instead of reading into a self allocated char array I suggest you read into a std::string:
你正在使用C ++,所以我建议你利用它。我建议您阅读std :: string,而不是读入自我分配的char数组:
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
std::string loadFileToString(char const * const fname)
std::ifstream ifile(fname);
std::string filetext;
while( ifile.good() ) {
std::string line;
std::getline(ifile, line);
filetext.append(line + "\n");
return filetext;
That automatically takes care of all memory allocation and proper delimiting -- the keyword is RAII: Resource Allocation Is Initialization. Later on you can upload the shader source with something like
这会自动处理所有内存分配和正确分隔 - 关键字是RAII:资源分配是初始化。稍后您可以使用类似的内容上传着色器源
void glcppShaderSource(GLuint shader, std::string const &shader_string)
GLchar const *shader_source = shader_string.c_str();
GLint const shader_length = shader_string.size();
glShaderSource(shader, 1, &shader_source, &shader_length);
You can use those two functions together like this:
void load_shader(GLuint shaderobject, char * const shadersourcefilename)
glcppShaderSource(shaderobject, loadFileToString(shadersourcefilename));
Just a quick hunch:
Have you tried calling glShaderSource with NULL as length parameter? In that case OpenGL will assume your code to be null-terminated.
(Edited because of stupidity)
You have made a mistake that others have made. This is the definition of glShaderSource
void glShaderSource(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar **string, const GLint *length);
The string
is an array of strings. It is not intended to be an array of lines in your shader. The way the compiler will interpret this array of strings is by concatenating them together, one after another. Without newlines.
Since stream.getline
will not put the \n
character in the string, each of the shader strings you generate will not have a newline at the end. Therefore, when glShaderSource
goes to compile them, your shader will look like this:
由于stream.getline不会将\ n字符放在字符串中,因此您生成的每个着色器字符串最后都不会有换行符。因此,当glShaderSource编译它们时,您的着色器将如下所示:
#version 400in vec3 VertexPosition;in vec3 VertexColor;out vec3 Color;...
That's not legal GLSL.
The proper way to do this is to load the file as a string.
std::ifstream shaderFile(m_sShaderFile.c_str());
//Error out here.
std::stringstream shaderData;
shaderData << shaderFile.rdbuf(); //Loads the entire string into a string stream.
const std::string &shaderString = shaderData.str(); //Get the string stream as a std::string.
Then you can just pass that along to glShaderSource
easily enough:
m_nShaderId = glCreateShader( m_nShaderType );
const char *strShaderVar = shaderString.c_str();
GLint iShaderLen = shaderString.size();
glShaderSource( m_nShaderId, 1, (const GLchar**)&strShaderVar, (GLint*)&iShaderLen );
glCompileShader( m_nShaderId );
If you copied this loading code from somewhere, then I strongly suggest you find a different place to learn about OpenGL. Because that's terrible coding.
glShaderSource( m_nShaderId, nNumLines, (const GLchar**)ppSrc, (GLint*) pnSrcLineLen );
glShaderSource(m_nShaderId,nNumLines,(const GLchar **)ppSrc,(GLint *)pnSrcLineLen);
I know the signature of glShaderSource looks tempting to send each line of the shader separately. But that's now what it's meant for. The point of being able to send is multiple arrays is so that one can mix multiple primitive shader sources into a single shader, kind of like include files. Understanding this, makes it much simpler to read in a shader file – and avoids such nasty bugs.
我知道glShaderSource的签名看起来很容易分别发送着色器的每一行。但那就是它的意义所在。能够发送的点是多个数组,以便可以将多个原始着色器源混合到单个着色器中,类似于包含文件。理解这一点,使得在着色器文件中读取更加简单 - 并避免这种令人讨厌的错误。
Using C++ you can do it much nicer and cleaner. I already wrote the follwing in Getting garbage chars when reading GLSL files
使用C ++,你可以做得更好,更清洁。我在阅读GLSL文件时已经写过了获取垃圾字符的内容
You're using C++, so I suggest you leverage that. Instead of reading into a self allocated char array I suggest you read into a std::string:
你正在使用C ++,所以我建议你利用它。我建议您阅读std :: string,而不是读入自我分配的char数组:
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
std::string loadFileToString(char const * const fname)
std::ifstream ifile(fname);
std::string filetext;
while( ifile.good() ) {
std::string line;
std::getline(ifile, line);
filetext.append(line + "\n");
return filetext;
That automatically takes care of all memory allocation and proper delimiting -- the keyword is RAII: Resource Allocation Is Initialization. Later on you can upload the shader source with something like
这会自动处理所有内存分配和正确分隔 - 关键字是RAII:资源分配是初始化。稍后您可以使用类似的内容上传着色器源
void glcppShaderSource(GLuint shader, std::string const &shader_string)
GLchar const *shader_source = shader_string.c_str();
GLint const shader_length = shader_string.size();
glShaderSource(shader, 1, &shader_source, &shader_length);
You can use those two functions together like this:
void load_shader(GLuint shaderobject, char * const shadersourcefilename)
glcppShaderSource(shaderobject, loadFileToString(shadersourcefilename));