select convert(varchar(255),'') dsca
into #y
where 1=0
-- delete #y
declare @s varchar(255)
set @s='也许疯'
DECLARE bbb cursor for
select TABLE_NAME,column_name FROM information_schema.columns
where table_name in (select table_name from information_schema.tables where TABLE_type='BASE TABLE' and table_name like '%%' )
and data_type like '%varchar%'
declare @t varchar(255)
declare @f varchar(255)
open bbb
fetch next from bbb into @t,@f
while @@fetch_status=0
exec( ' if exists (select * from '+@t+' where '+@f+'='+''''+@s+''''+' ) insert into #y select '+''''+@t+'.'+@f+'''' )
--insert into #t select '+''''+'select * from '+@t+' WHERE '+@f+'=@F'+'''
fetch next from bbb into @t,@f
close bbb
deallocate bbb
select * from #y
drop table #y