
时间:2021-07-28 14:52:33

I need your help again. If I go to http://www.freebase.com/queryeditor/ and run a simple query, let's say:


    "type":          "/time/month",
    "name":          [{}],
    "month_number":  null,
    "calendar_system": "Gregorian calendar",
    "sort":          "month_number"

The results are returned fine. Now, I want to make the same thing, but call this from an Android application. As I see it, the query is a JSON string so my guess is that I could use a library like GSON to handle calls and responses. Is there a more simple way ?


Thank you for your time.


LE: it seems that according to their wiki


Note: Our read APIs have moved into Google Code. We recommend that all developers switch over to these new APIs to make sure that they benefit from all the latest features and bug fixes. See the API Changes page for details.

注意:我们的read api已经转移到谷歌代码中。我们建议所有开发人员切换到这些新的api,以确保从所有最新的特性和bug修复中获益。有关详细信息,请参阅API更改页面。

I have searched around but couldn't manage to get an idea. Their website is awful in providing java samples. On Google api on googlecode I can't find something to guide to. Please help as I am stuck...


1 个解决方案



There are two Java libraries for Freebase which may give you a slightly higher level of abstraction:


https://github.com/narphorium/freebase-java-api (uses StringtreeJSON) http://code.google.com/p/freebase-java/source/browse/ (uses org.json.simple)

https://github.com/narphorium/freebase-java-api(使用StringtreeJSON) http://code.google.com/p/freebase-java/source/browse/(使用org.json.simple)

(From http://wiki.freebase.com/wiki/Java a good source of information on Freebase)




There are two Java libraries for Freebase which may give you a slightly higher level of abstraction:


https://github.com/narphorium/freebase-java-api (uses StringtreeJSON) http://code.google.com/p/freebase-java/source/browse/ (uses org.json.simple)

https://github.com/narphorium/freebase-java-api(使用StringtreeJSON) http://code.google.com/p/freebase-java/source/browse/(使用org.json.simple)

(From http://wiki.freebase.com/wiki/Java a good source of information on Freebase)
