K3 批量更新BOM用量的

时间:2022-07-09 14:54:15


update b set b.FItemID=(select FItemID from t_ICItem where t_ICItem.fnumber='01.0050.0014'),b.FQty=ROUND(b.FQty*(100-25)/100,(select FQtyDecimal from t_ICItem where t_ICItem.fnumber='01.0050.0014'))
from ICBOM a ,ICBOMCHILD  b,t_ICItem c,t_ICItem d
where a.finterid=b.finterid
and a.fitemid=c.FItemID
and b.fitemid=d.FItemID
and a.FUseStatus=1072
and d.fnumber in 
and c.fnumber in 



select * from t_BillLockTable
select * from ICBOMCHILD b where b.FAuxQty<>b.fqty
select * from ICBOMCHILD b where b.FAuxQty>=0
update b set b.FAuxQty=b.fqty from ICBOMCHILD b where b.FAuxQty<>b.fqty