
时间:2022-11-22 14:46:37

In the event handler for CellValueChanged, for a certain condition, I want the focus to stay in the cell and clear its content. What's happening is focus (cursor) is in the next cell when the handler finishes its work. It needs to be in the same cell that caused the event.


MyGrid.CellValueChanged -= new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(CellValueChanged);
if (condition)
MyGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["ColumnName"].Value = "";
MyGrid.CurrentCell = MyGrid["ColumnName", e.RowIndex];


1 个解决方案


I think you are looking for CellValidating event instead value changed event. Put that conditional code in this event and if that condition is failed then make e.Cancel = true, which will keep the focus in the same cell.

我认为您正在寻找CellValidating事件而不是值更改事件。将该条件代码放在此事件中,如果该条件失败,则使e.Cancel = true,这将使焦点保持在同一单元格中。


I think you are looking for CellValidating event instead value changed event. Put that conditional code in this event and if that condition is failed then make e.Cancel = true, which will keep the focus in the same cell.

我认为您正在寻找CellValidating事件而不是值更改事件。将该条件代码放在此事件中,如果该条件失败,则使e.Cancel = true,这将使焦点保持在同一单元格中。