我的插入行在哪里? (DataGridView中)

时间:2021-05-20 14:47:25

I am using a Datagridview (unbounded mode) and I have selected "enable adding" in the designer.


when the form loads, the grid is not populated (drop down to select a supplier and button to view aliases) and there is a single row displayed with the * in the tab.


However, when I populate the grid, I no longer have this insert row for adding to the collection.


Here's basically what I am doing:


List<SupplierAlias> aliases = //some db lookup.
aliasGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
aliasGrid.DataSource = aliases;

The columns are defined as unbound columns in the designer.


Previously, I was using clearing the aliasGrid.DataBindings but I took that out and it still removes the insert row.


2 个解决方案


Does SupplierAlias have a public parameterless constructor? If it doesn't, you'll need to use an IBindingList implementation to provide the new row - for example BindingSource:

SupplierAlias是否有公共无参数构造函数?如果没有,您将需要使用IBindingList实现来提供新行 - 例如BindingSource:

    BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();
    bs.DataSource = yourList;
    bs.AddingNew += delegate(object sender, AddingNewEventArgs args)
        args.NewObject = new SomeType(args);
    grid.DataSource = bs;


Answering own question for others' reference.


I changed the List<SupplierAlias> I used to databind to a BindingList<SupplierAlias> and I have my insert row now.

我将List 改为将数据绑定更改为BindingList ,我现在有了插入行。


Does SupplierAlias have a public parameterless constructor? If it doesn't, you'll need to use an IBindingList implementation to provide the new row - for example BindingSource:

SupplierAlias是否有公共无参数构造函数?如果没有,您将需要使用IBindingList实现来提供新行 - 例如BindingSource:

    BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();
    bs.DataSource = yourList;
    bs.AddingNew += delegate(object sender, AddingNewEventArgs args)
        args.NewObject = new SomeType(args);
    grid.DataSource = bs;


Answering own question for others' reference.


I changed the List<SupplierAlias> I used to databind to a BindingList<SupplierAlias> and I have my insert row now.

我将List 改为将数据绑定更改为BindingList ,我现在有了插入行。