dw_1显示基本内容,dw_2显示其他信息.现在我的数据查询出来了,怎么把这两个数据窗口的内容打印出来啊?,我用简单的dw_1.print,dw_2.print 内容是给我打出来了,分别打印一页出来了.我需要把这两个数据窗口的内容打印到同一张纸上.
7 个解决方案
//参数一定要为传址形式 //
//fp_dw_key → reference //
//fp_dw → reference //
string l_attr_list //数据窗口对象的语法
string l_error
string l_o b j e c t_list // DWO对象列表,以TAB键分开
string l_o b j e c t
int l_new_field
int l_pos, l_start
int l_dw_height // 数据窗口fp_dw中header区的高度
int l_dw_key_height // 数据窗口fp_dw_key中detail区的高度
l_dw_key_height = integer(fp_dw_key.describe("datawindow.detail.height"))
l_dw_height = integer((fp_dw.describe("datawindow.header.height")))
l_error = fp_dw.modify("datawindow.header.height=" + &
string(l_dw_key_height + l_dw_height))
if l_error <> "" then
l_o b j e c t = "header"
goto Error_City
end if
// 取得以TAB字符分离的数据窗口fp_dw中DWO对象的列表
l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
l_pos = 0
do // 假定列表不为空
l_start = l_pos
l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t + ".band") = "header" then
if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".type")="line" then
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y1 ='" + &
string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y1")) + &
l_dw_key_height) + "'")
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t+".y2='" + fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y1") +"'")
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y ='" + &
string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y")) + &
l_dw_key_height) + "'")
end if
end if
loop until l_pos = 9999
//把数据窗口fp_dw_key中的对象以TEXT的形式 COPY 到数据窗口fp_dw中的header区
l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw_key.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
l_pos = 0
l_new_field = 0
do // 假定列表不为空
l_start = l_pos
l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
l_attr_list = f_print_dw_describe(fp_dw_key, l_o b j e c t)
if l_attr_list = "" then return false
l_new_field = l_new_field + 1
l_error = fp_dw.modify("create text (" + &
l_attr_list + " name = hdr" + string(l_new_field) + ")")
if l_error <> "" then goto Error_City
loop until l_pos = 9999
// 打印
//如果没有打印机,可以将以下部份RETURN TRUE之前的代码屏蔽起来,就可以看到变化后的后果了
// 恢复数据窗口
// 去除新增加的FIELD
//for l_pos = 1 to l_new_field
// fp_dw.modify("destroy hdr" + string(l_pos))
//// 移动列
//l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
//l_pos = 0
// l_start = l_pos
// l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
// if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
// l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
// if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t + ".band") = "header" then
// fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y ='" + &
// string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y")) - &
// l_dw_key_height) + "'")
// end if
//loop until l_pos = 9999
//// 收宿数据窗口header区
//fp_dw.modify("datawindow.header.height=" + string(l_dw_key_height))
return true
messagebox("Error in col " + l_o b j e c t, l_error)
return false
//fp_dw → reference 传值 //
//fp_col → value 传直 //
// 目的: 描述各列的属性,返回给f_print_dw //
string l_error
string l_bg_color, l_color, l_fontface, l_height, l_text, l_x, l_y, l_width
string l_fontheight
l_bg_color = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".background.color")
if l_bg_color = "!" then
l_error = "bg_color"
goto Error_City
end if
l_color = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".color")
if l_color = "!" then
l_error = "color"
goto Error_City
end if
l_fontface = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".font.face")
if l_fontface = "!" then
l_error = "fontface"
goto Error_City
end if
l_fontheight = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".font.height")
if l_fontface = "!" then
l_error = "fontheight"
goto Error_City
end if
l_height = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".height")
if l_height = "!" then
l_error = "height"
goto Error_City
end if
l_width = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".width")
if l_width = "!" then
l_error = "width"
goto Error_City
end if
l_x = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".x")
if l_x = "!" then
l_error = "x"
goto Error_City
end if
l_y = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".y")
if l_y = "!" then
l_error = "y"
goto Error_City
end if
choose case left(fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".coltype"), 5)
case "char("
l_text = fp_dw.getitemstring(1, fp_col)
case "datet"
l_text = string(fp_dw.getitemdatetime(1, fp_col))
case "numbe"
l_text = string(fp_dw.getitemnumber(1,(fp_col)))
case "!" // 假定为text
l_text = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".text")
end choose
l_color = "33554432"
l_bg_color = "1086374080"
return " band = header " + &
" color = '" + l_color + "'" + &
" background.color = '" + l_bg_color + "'" + &
" font.face = '" + l_fontface + "'" + &
" font.height = '" + l_fontheight + "'" + &
" height = '" + l_height + "'" + &
" text = '" + l_text + "'" + &
" width = '" + l_width + "'" + &
" x = '" + l_x + "'" + &
" y = '" + l_y + "'"
messagebox("Error in col " + fp_col, l_error)
return ""
//参数一定要为传址形式 //
//fp_dw_key → reference //
//fp_dw → reference //
string l_attr_list //数据窗口对象的语法
string l_error
string l_o b j e c t_list // DWO对象列表,以TAB键分开
string l_o b j e c t
int l_new_field
int l_pos, l_start
int l_dw_height // 数据窗口fp_dw中header区的高度
int l_dw_key_height // 数据窗口fp_dw_key中detail区的高度
l_dw_key_height = integer(fp_dw_key.describe("datawindow.detail.height"))
l_dw_height = integer((fp_dw.describe("datawindow.header.height")))
l_error = fp_dw.modify("datawindow.header.height=" + &
string(l_dw_key_height + l_dw_height))
if l_error <> "" then
l_o b j e c t = "header"
goto Error_City
end if
// 取得以TAB字符分离的数据窗口fp_dw中DWO对象的列表
l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
l_pos = 0
do // 假定列表不为空
l_start = l_pos
l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t + ".band") = "header" then
if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".type")="line" then
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y1 ='" + &
string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y1")) + &
l_dw_key_height) + "'")
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t+".y2='" + fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y1") +"'")
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y ='" + &
string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y")) + &
l_dw_key_height) + "'")
end if
end if
loop until l_pos = 9999
//把数据窗口fp_dw_key中的对象以TEXT的形式 COPY 到数据窗口fp_dw中的header区
l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw_key.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
l_pos = 0
l_new_field = 0
do // 假定列表不为空
l_start = l_pos
l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
l_attr_list = f_print_dw_describe(fp_dw_key, l_o b j e c t)
if l_attr_list = "" then return false
l_new_field = l_new_field + 1
l_error = fp_dw.modify("create text (" + &
l_attr_list + " name = hdr" + string(l_new_field) + ")")
if l_error <> "" then goto Error_City
loop until l_pos = 9999
// 打印
//如果没有打印机,可以将以下部份RETURN TRUE之前的代码屏蔽起来,就可以看到变化后的后果了
// 恢复数据窗口
// 去除新增加的FIELD
//for l_pos = 1 to l_new_field
// fp_dw.modify("destroy hdr" + string(l_pos))
//// 移动列
//l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
//l_pos = 0
// l_start = l_pos
// l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
// if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
// l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
// if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t + ".band") = "header" then
// fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y ='" + &
// string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y")) - &
// l_dw_key_height) + "'")
// end if
//loop until l_pos = 9999
//// 收宿数据窗口header区
//fp_dw.modify("datawindow.header.height=" + string(l_dw_key_height))
return true
messagebox("Error in col " + l_o b j e c t, l_error)
return false
//fp_dw → reference 传值 //
//fp_col → value 传直 //
// 目的: 描述各列的属性,返回给f_print_dw //
string l_error
string l_bg_color, l_color, l_fontface, l_height, l_text, l_x, l_y, l_width
string l_fontheight
l_bg_color = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".background.color")
if l_bg_color = "!" then
l_error = "bg_color"
goto Error_City
end if
l_color = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".color")
if l_color = "!" then
l_error = "color"
goto Error_City
end if
l_fontface = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".font.face")
if l_fontface = "!" then
l_error = "fontface"
goto Error_City
end if
l_fontheight = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".font.height")
if l_fontface = "!" then
l_error = "fontheight"
goto Error_City
end if
l_height = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".height")
if l_height = "!" then
l_error = "height"
goto Error_City
end if
l_width = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".width")
if l_width = "!" then
l_error = "width"
goto Error_City
end if
l_x = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".x")
if l_x = "!" then
l_error = "x"
goto Error_City
end if
l_y = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".y")
if l_y = "!" then
l_error = "y"
goto Error_City
end if
choose case left(fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".coltype"), 5)
case "char("
l_text = fp_dw.getitemstring(1, fp_col)
case "datet"
l_text = string(fp_dw.getitemdatetime(1, fp_col))
case "numbe"
l_text = string(fp_dw.getitemnumber(1,(fp_col)))
case "!" // 假定为text
l_text = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".text")
end choose
l_color = "33554432"
l_bg_color = "1086374080"
return " band = header " + &
" color = '" + l_color + "'" + &
" background.color = '" + l_bg_color + "'" + &
" font.face = '" + l_fontface + "'" + &
" font.height = '" + l_fontheight + "'" + &
" height = '" + l_height + "'" + &
" text = '" + l_text + "'" + &
" width = '" + l_width + "'" + &
" x = '" + l_x + "'" + &
" y = '" + l_y + "'"
messagebox("Error in col " + fp_col, l_error)
return ""
run("print //d:\\printservename\sharename "c:\printfilepath\exam_1.prn")
run("print //d:\\printservename\sharename "c:\printfilepath\exam_1.prn")
我的第二个是grid的数据窗口,第一个是freeform 的
//参数一定要为传址形式 //
//fp_dw_key → reference //
//fp_dw → reference //
string l_attr_list //数据窗口对象的语法
string l_error
string l_o b j e c t_list // DWO对象列表,以TAB键分开
string l_o b j e c t
int l_new_field
int l_pos, l_start
int l_dw_height // 数据窗口fp_dw中header区的高度
int l_dw_key_height // 数据窗口fp_dw_key中detail区的高度
l_dw_key_height = integer(fp_dw_key.describe("datawindow.detail.height"))
l_dw_height = integer((fp_dw.describe("datawindow.header.height")))
l_error = fp_dw.modify("datawindow.header.height=" + &
string(l_dw_key_height + l_dw_height))
if l_error <> "" then
l_o b j e c t = "header"
goto Error_City
end if
// 取得以TAB字符分离的数据窗口fp_dw中DWO对象的列表
l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
l_pos = 0
do // 假定列表不为空
l_start = l_pos
l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t + ".band") = "header" then
if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".type")="line" then
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y1 ='" + &
string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y1")) + &
l_dw_key_height) + "'")
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t+".y2='" + fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y1") +"'")
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y ='" + &
string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y")) + &
l_dw_key_height) + "'")
end if
end if
loop until l_pos = 9999
//把数据窗口fp_dw_key中的对象以TEXT的形式 COPY 到数据窗口fp_dw中的header区
l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw_key.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
l_pos = 0
l_new_field = 0
do // 假定列表不为空
l_start = l_pos
l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
l_attr_list = f_print_dw_describe(fp_dw_key, l_o b j e c t)
if l_attr_list = "" then return false
l_new_field = l_new_field + 1
l_error = fp_dw.modify("create text (" + &
l_attr_list + " name = hdr" + string(l_new_field) + ")")
if l_error <> "" then goto Error_City
loop until l_pos = 9999
// 打印
//如果没有打印机,可以将以下部份RETURN TRUE之前的代码屏蔽起来,就可以看到变化后的后果了
// 恢复数据窗口
// 去除新增加的FIELD
//for l_pos = 1 to l_new_field
// fp_dw.modify("destroy hdr" + string(l_pos))
//// 移动列
//l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
//l_pos = 0
// l_start = l_pos
// l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
// if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
// l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
// if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t + ".band") = "header" then
// fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y ='" + &
// string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y")) - &
// l_dw_key_height) + "'")
// end if
//loop until l_pos = 9999
//// 收宿数据窗口header区
//fp_dw.modify("datawindow.header.height=" + string(l_dw_key_height))
return true
messagebox("Error in col " + l_o b j e c t, l_error)
return false
//fp_dw → reference 传值 //
//fp_col → value 传直 //
// 目的: 描述各列的属性,返回给f_print_dw //
string l_error
string l_bg_color, l_color, l_fontface, l_height, l_text, l_x, l_y, l_width
string l_fontheight
l_bg_color = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".background.color")
if l_bg_color = "!" then
l_error = "bg_color"
goto Error_City
end if
l_color = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".color")
if l_color = "!" then
l_error = "color"
goto Error_City
end if
l_fontface = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".font.face")
if l_fontface = "!" then
l_error = "fontface"
goto Error_City
end if
l_fontheight = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".font.height")
if l_fontface = "!" then
l_error = "fontheight"
goto Error_City
end if
l_height = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".height")
if l_height = "!" then
l_error = "height"
goto Error_City
end if
l_width = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".width")
if l_width = "!" then
l_error = "width"
goto Error_City
end if
l_x = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".x")
if l_x = "!" then
l_error = "x"
goto Error_City
end if
l_y = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".y")
if l_y = "!" then
l_error = "y"
goto Error_City
end if
choose case left(fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".coltype"), 5)
case "char("
l_text = fp_dw.getitemstring(1, fp_col)
case "datet"
l_text = string(fp_dw.getitemdatetime(1, fp_col))
case "numbe"
l_text = string(fp_dw.getitemnumber(1,(fp_col)))
case "!" // 假定为text
l_text = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".text")
end choose
l_color = "33554432"
l_bg_color = "1086374080"
return " band = header " + &
" color = '" + l_color + "'" + &
" background.color = '" + l_bg_color + "'" + &
" font.face = '" + l_fontface + "'" + &
" font.height = '" + l_fontheight + "'" + &
" height = '" + l_height + "'" + &
" text = '" + l_text + "'" + &
" width = '" + l_width + "'" + &
" x = '" + l_x + "'" + &
" y = '" + l_y + "'"
messagebox("Error in col " + fp_col, l_error)
return ""
//参数一定要为传址形式 //
//fp_dw_key → reference //
//fp_dw → reference //
string l_attr_list //数据窗口对象的语法
string l_error
string l_o b j e c t_list // DWO对象列表,以TAB键分开
string l_o b j e c t
int l_new_field
int l_pos, l_start
int l_dw_height // 数据窗口fp_dw中header区的高度
int l_dw_key_height // 数据窗口fp_dw_key中detail区的高度
l_dw_key_height = integer(fp_dw_key.describe("datawindow.detail.height"))
l_dw_height = integer((fp_dw.describe("datawindow.header.height")))
l_error = fp_dw.modify("datawindow.header.height=" + &
string(l_dw_key_height + l_dw_height))
if l_error <> "" then
l_o b j e c t = "header"
goto Error_City
end if
// 取得以TAB字符分离的数据窗口fp_dw中DWO对象的列表
l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
l_pos = 0
do // 假定列表不为空
l_start = l_pos
l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t + ".band") = "header" then
if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".type")="line" then
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y1 ='" + &
string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y1")) + &
l_dw_key_height) + "'")
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t+".y2='" + fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y1") +"'")
fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y ='" + &
string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y")) + &
l_dw_key_height) + "'")
end if
end if
loop until l_pos = 9999
//把数据窗口fp_dw_key中的对象以TEXT的形式 COPY 到数据窗口fp_dw中的header区
l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw_key.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
l_pos = 0
l_new_field = 0
do // 假定列表不为空
l_start = l_pos
l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
l_attr_list = f_print_dw_describe(fp_dw_key, l_o b j e c t)
if l_attr_list = "" then return false
l_new_field = l_new_field + 1
l_error = fp_dw.modify("create text (" + &
l_attr_list + " name = hdr" + string(l_new_field) + ")")
if l_error <> "" then goto Error_City
loop until l_pos = 9999
// 打印
//如果没有打印机,可以将以下部份RETURN TRUE之前的代码屏蔽起来,就可以看到变化后的后果了
// 恢复数据窗口
// 去除新增加的FIELD
//for l_pos = 1 to l_new_field
// fp_dw.modify("destroy hdr" + string(l_pos))
//// 移动列
//l_o b j e c t_list = fp_dw.describe("datawindow.o b j e c ts")
//l_pos = 0
// l_start = l_pos
// l_pos = pos(l_o b j e c t_list, "~t", l_start + 1)
// if l_pos = 0 then l_pos = 9999
// l_o b j e c t = mid(l_o b j e c t_list, l_start + 1, l_pos - l_start - 1)
// if fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t + ".band") = "header" then
// fp_dw.modify(l_o b j e c t + ".y ='" + &
// string(integer(fp_dw.describe(l_o b j e c t+".y")) - &
// l_dw_key_height) + "'")
// end if
//loop until l_pos = 9999
//// 收宿数据窗口header区
//fp_dw.modify("datawindow.header.height=" + string(l_dw_key_height))
return true
messagebox("Error in col " + l_o b j e c t, l_error)
return false
//fp_dw → reference 传值 //
//fp_col → value 传直 //
// 目的: 描述各列的属性,返回给f_print_dw //
string l_error
string l_bg_color, l_color, l_fontface, l_height, l_text, l_x, l_y, l_width
string l_fontheight
l_bg_color = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".background.color")
if l_bg_color = "!" then
l_error = "bg_color"
goto Error_City
end if
l_color = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".color")
if l_color = "!" then
l_error = "color"
goto Error_City
end if
l_fontface = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".font.face")
if l_fontface = "!" then
l_error = "fontface"
goto Error_City
end if
l_fontheight = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".font.height")
if l_fontface = "!" then
l_error = "fontheight"
goto Error_City
end if
l_height = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".height")
if l_height = "!" then
l_error = "height"
goto Error_City
end if
l_width = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".width")
if l_width = "!" then
l_error = "width"
goto Error_City
end if
l_x = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".x")
if l_x = "!" then
l_error = "x"
goto Error_City
end if
l_y = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".y")
if l_y = "!" then
l_error = "y"
goto Error_City
end if
choose case left(fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".coltype"), 5)
case "char("
l_text = fp_dw.getitemstring(1, fp_col)
case "datet"
l_text = string(fp_dw.getitemdatetime(1, fp_col))
case "numbe"
l_text = string(fp_dw.getitemnumber(1,(fp_col)))
case "!" // 假定为text
l_text = fp_dw.describe(fp_col + ".text")
end choose
l_color = "33554432"
l_bg_color = "1086374080"
return " band = header " + &
" color = '" + l_color + "'" + &
" background.color = '" + l_bg_color + "'" + &
" font.face = '" + l_fontface + "'" + &
" font.height = '" + l_fontheight + "'" + &
" height = '" + l_height + "'" + &
" text = '" + l_text + "'" + &
" width = '" + l_width + "'" + &
" x = '" + l_x + "'" + &
" y = '" + l_y + "'"
messagebox("Error in col " + fp_col, l_error)
return ""
run("print //d:\\printservename\sharename "c:\printfilepath\exam_1.prn")
run("print //d:\\printservename\sharename "c:\printfilepath\exam_1.prn")
我的第二个是grid的数据窗口,第一个是freeform 的