
1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="modifysetLeaveconfig2.aspx.cs"View Code
2 Inherits="web.system.modifysetLeaveconfig2" %>
4 <%@ Register Assembly="AspNetPager" Namespace="Wuqi.Webdiyer" TagPrefix="webdiyer" %>
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24 <body>
25 <form id="form1" runat="server">
26 <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hfscmcid" />
27 <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hfplatform" />
28 <div class="container">
29 <div class="content">
30 <div class="cPanel">
31 <div class="detailPanel">
32 <asp:GridView ID="gvlist" GridLines="None" runat="server" CellSpacing="0" BorderWidth="0"
33 CellPadding="0" class="oderListTbl" AutoGenerateColumns="False" EmptyDataText="没有找到数据"
34 OnRowCommand="gvlist_RowCommand" OnRowDataBound="gvlist_RowDataBound">
35 <Columns>
36 <asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-Width="60px">
37 <HeaderTemplate>
38 <asp:CheckBox ID="cbAll" runat="server" Text="" onclick="javascript:SelectAll(this)" />
39 <br />
40 <asp:LinkButton ID="lbtall" runat="server" OnClientClick="javascript:return confirm('您确定要批量更新该数据吗?');"
41 CommandName="updateall" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("scmcid")+","+Eval("policytype") %>'>批量更新</asp:LinkButton>
42 </HeaderTemplate>
43 <ItemTemplate>
44 <asp:CheckBox ID="cbItem" runat="server" />
45 <asp:HiddenField ID="hfpolicytype" runat="server" Value='<%# Eval("policytype")%>' />
46 </ItemTemplate>
47 </asp:TemplateField>
48 <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="政策类型" ItemStyle-Width="50px">
49 <ItemTemplate>
50 <%# Eval("name")%>
51 </ItemTemplate>
52 </asp:TemplateField>
53 <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="状态" ItemStyle-Width="50px">
54 <ItemTemplate>
55 <asp:LinkButton ID="lbtModify" runat="server" CommandName="udtallstate" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("scmcid")+","+Eval("policytype") %>'
56 ToolTip="点击更改状态" Text="启/禁用"></asp:LinkButton>
57 </ItemTemplate>
58 </asp:TemplateField>
59 </Columns>
60 </asp:GridView>
61 <div class="pager">
62 <webdiyer:AspNetPager ID="pager" CssClass="paginator" CurrentPageButtonClass="cpb"
63 runat="server" AlwaysShow="True" FirstPageText="首页" LastPageText="尾页" NextPageText="下一页"
64 PageSize="1000000" PrevPageText="上一页" ShowCustomInfoSection="Left" ShowInputBox="Never"
65 OnPageChanging="pager_PageChanging" CustomInfoTextAlign="Left" LayoutType="Table"
66 CustomInfoHTML="总条数:%RecordCount% 当前页数 %CurrentPageIndex% of %PageCount%">
67 </webdiyer:AspNetPager>
68 </div>
69 </div>
70 </div>
71 </div>
72 <div class="clr">
73 </div>
74 </div>
75 </form>
76 <script type="text/javascript">
78 $(function () {
79 $("#gvlist tr:odd").addClass("highLight");
80 });
81 function SelectAll(aControl) {
82 var tempControl = aControl;
83 var isChecked = tempControl.checked;
85 elem = tempControl.form.elements;
86 for (i = 0; i < elem.length; i++)
87 if (elem[i].type == "checkbox" && elem[i].id != tempControl.id) {
88 if (elem[i].checked != isChecked)
89 elem[i].click();
90 }
91 }
92 </script>
93 </body>
94 </html>

using System;View Code
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using webframework.common;
using web.code;
namespace web.system
public partial class modifysetLeaveconfig2 : code.BasePage
webframework.bll.systemconfiguration.bllsetlog blllog = new webframework.bll.systemconfiguration.bllsetlog();
webframework.bll.systemconfiguration.bllsetLeaveconfig bll = new webframework.bll.systemconfiguration.bllsetLeaveconfig();
protected string platform = "";
protected static int pageIndex = 1;
private List<webframework.model.modelsystem> lpolicytype = new List<webframework.model.modelsystem>();
private static List<webframework.model.modelsystem> listshop = new List<webframework.model.modelsystem>();
private static List<webframework.model.modelsetLeaveconfig> listslc = new List<webframework.model.modelsetLeaveconfig>();
private static int times = 0;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
hfplatform.Value = Request.QueryString["platform"];
platform = hfplatform.Value;
hfscmcid.Value = Request.QueryString["id"];
if (!IsPostBack)
times = 0;
void PageRender()
listshop = code.CacheCollection.GetSystem("000001", platform);//动态添加列
pageIndex = pageIndex > 1 ? pageIndex : pager.CurrentPageIndex;
string sql = code.SqlHelper.GetTableByPager("select name,svalue AS [policytype],-1 AS [id], " + hfscmcid.Value.ToString() + " AS [scmcid] " + (listshop.Count == 0 ? "" : "," + string.Join(",", listshop.Select(p => p.svalue + " as [" + p.svalue + "]").ToList())) + " from t_system WHERE typecode='000004' and svalue IN (2,4,9) ", "name,policytype,id,scmcid " + (listshop.Count == 0 ? "" : "," + string.Join(",", listshop.Select(p => "[" + p.svalue + "]").ToList())),
"id", true, "", pageIndex, base.PageNum);
sql += ";select count(1) from t_system WHERE typecode='000004' and svalue IN (2,4,9)";
DataSet ds = code.SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(Config.CONSQL_172_16_6_1_READ, CommandType.Text, sql);
if (times == 0)
foreach (var item in listshop)
CreateGridColumn(item.svalue, item.name, item.svalue, 0, "", "width:150px;text-align:left;", gvlist);
lpolicytype = code.CacheCollection.GetSystem("000004", "").Where(p => p.svalue == "2" || p.svalue == "4" || p.svalue == "9").ToList();
listslc = bll.GetModelList();
gvlist.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
pager.PageSize = base.PageNum;
pager.RecordCount = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0]);
pager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;
protected void gvlist_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == "udtallstate")
#region udt
GridViewRow r = (GridViewRow)((e.CommandSource as LinkButton).NamingContainer);
int countmodify = 0;
int countadd = 0;
//listshop = code.CacheCollection.GetSystem("000001", platform);
//listslc = bll.GetModelList();
string[] valueStr = e.CommandArgument.ToString().Split(',');
int scmcid = StringUtils.StrToInt(valueStr[0], -1);
int policytype = StringUtils.StrToInt(valueStr[1], -1);
LinkButton lbt = ((LinkButton)r.FindControl("lbtModify"));
bool state = lbt.Text == "禁用" ? false : true;
bool tagerstate = !state;
string seq = (r.RowIndex + 2).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
foreach (var item in listshop)
int slcid = StringUtils.StrToInt(Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$hfslcid_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, item.svalue)], -1);
var list = listslc.Where(p => p.id == slcid && p.state == (state ? "Y" : "N")).ToList();
if (list.Count > 0)
countmodify += bll.UpdateByStatus(slcid, (tagerstate ? "Y" : "N")) ? 1 : 0;
string upStr = "状态" + list.First().state + "=>" + (tagerstate ? "Y" : "N");
blllog.Add(slcid.ToString(), UserOnline.Current.UserID, UserOnline.Current.UserName, upStr, "t_set_Leave_config");
if (countmodify > 0 || countadd > 0)
//base.Alert(string.Format("更新数量:{0},新增数量:{1}", countmodify, countadd));
catch (Exception ex)
#endregion udt
else if (e.CommandName == "updateall")
//listshop = code.CacheCollection.GetSystem("000001", platform);
CheckBox chk;
int countmodify = 0;
int countadd = 0;
foreach (GridViewRow r in gvlist.Rows)
chk = (CheckBox)r.FindControl("cbItem");
if (chk != null)
if (chk.Checked)
int policytype = StringUtils.StrToInt(((HiddenField)r.FindControl("hfpolicytype")).Value, -1);
//"gvData$ctl" + (i + 2).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "$
string seq = (r.RowIndex + 2).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
foreach (var item in listshop)
int slcid = StringUtils.StrToInt(Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$hfslcid_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, item.svalue)], -1);
int scmcid = StringUtils.StrToInt(hfscmcid.Value, -1);
if (slcid > 0)
string upStr = "";
if (ModifyByForm(ref upStr, slcid, scmcid, seq, policytype.ToString(), item.svalue))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(upStr))
blllog.Add(slcid.ToString(), UserOnline.Current.UserID, UserOnline.Current.UserName, upStr, "t_set_Leave_config");
int newid = 0;
if (AddByForm(ref newid, scmcid, seq, policytype.ToString(), item.svalue))
blllog.Add(newid.ToString(), UserOnline.Current.UserID, UserOnline.Current.UserName, "新增配置留点留钱(id:" + newid.ToString(), "t_set_Leave_config");
if (countmodify > 0 || countadd > 0)
//base.Alert(string.Format("更新数量:{0},新增数量:{1}", countmodify, countadd));
ScriptHelper.PopMessageRunScript(string.Format("更新数量:{0},新增数量:{1}", countmodify, countadd), "DialogCloseAndReload();");
catch (Exception ex)
protected void btnsearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pager.CurrentPageIndex = 1;
protected void pager_PageChanging(object src, Wuqi.Webdiyer.PageChangingEventArgs e)
pager.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
pageIndex = pager.CurrentPageIndex;
protected void gvlist_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
if (DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "scmcid") != null)
int scmcid = StringUtils.StrToInt(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "scmcid").ToString(), -1);
string policytype = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "policytype").ToString();
var list = listslc.Where(p => p.scmcid == scmcid && p.state == "Y" && p.policytype.Value.ToString() == policytype).ToList();
LinkButton lbt = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("lbtModify");
lbt.Text = (list.Count > 0 && listshop.Count > 0) ? "启用" : "禁用";
Label lbl = new Label();
TextBox txt = new TextBox();
foreach (var item in listshop)
if (DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, item.svalue) != null && DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "id") != null)
int indexcol = GetGridViewColumnIndex(gvlist, item.svalue);
string policytype = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "policytype").ToString();
string shopname = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, item.svalue).ToString();
var list = listslc.Where(p => p.shopname == int.Parse(shopname) && p.policytype.Value.ToString() == policytype && DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "scmcid").ToString() == p.scmcid.ToString()).ToList();
#region 动态添加控件
//留票面 返点 返钱 cpc返点 cpc返钱 有效起始 有效结束 状态
//e.Row.Cells[indexcol].Text = "";
lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblliupiaoprice" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
lbl.Text = "留票面:";
txt = new TextBox();
txt.ID = "txtliupiaoprice" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
txt.Width = new Unit("70px");
txt.EnableViewState = true;
txt.Text = list.Count == 0 ? "" : list.First().liupiaoprice.ToString();
e.Row.Cells[indexcol].Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = "<br/>" });
lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblliupoint" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
lbl.Text = "返点:";
txt = new TextBox();
txt.ID = "txtliupoint" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
txt.Width = new Unit("70px");
txt.EnableViewState = true;
txt.Text = list.Count == 0 ? "" : list.First().liupoint.ToString();
e.Row.Cells[indexcol].Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = "<br/>" });
lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblliumoney" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
lbl.Text = "返钱:";
txt = new TextBox();
txt.ID = "txtliumoney" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
txt.Width = new Unit("70px");
txt.EnableViewState = true;
txt.Text = list.Count == 0 ? "" : list.First().liumoney.ToString();
e.Row.Cells[indexcol].Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = "<br/>" });
lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblstarttime" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
lbl.Text = "有效起始:";
txt = new TextBox();
txt.ID = "txtstarttime" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
txt.Width = new Unit("70px");
txt.EnableViewState = true;
txt.Text = list.Count == 0 ? "" : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(list.First().starttime.ToString()) ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(list.First().starttime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
txt.Attributes.Add("rel", "datetime");
e.Row.Cells[indexcol].Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = "<br/>" });
lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblendtime" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
lbl.Text = "有效结束:";
txt = new TextBox();
txt.ID = "txtendtime" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
txt.Width = new Unit("70px");
txt.EnableViewState = true;
txt.Text = list.Count == 0 ? "" : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(list.First().endtime.ToString()) ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(list.First().endtime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
txt.Attributes.Add("rel", "datetime");
e.Row.Cells[indexcol].Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = "<br/>" });
lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblstate" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
lbl.Text = "状态:";
DropDownList ddl = new DropDownList();
ddl.ID = "ddlstate" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("启用", "Y"));
ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("禁用", "N"));
ddl.Width = new Unit("70px");
ddl.EnableViewState = true;
ddl.SelectedValue = list.Count == 0 ? "Y" : list.First().state;
e.Row.Cells[indexcol].Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = "<br/>" });
if (platform == "0")
lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblcpcliupoint" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
lbl.Text = "cpc返点:";
txt = new TextBox();
txt.ID = "txtcpcliupoint" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
txt.Width = new Unit("70px");
txt.EnableViewState = true;
txt.Text = list.Count == 0 ? "" : list.First().cpcliupoint.ToString();
e.Row.Cells[indexcol].Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = "<br/>" });
lbl = new Label();
lbl.ID = "lblcpcliumoney" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
lbl.Text = "cpc返钱:";
txt = new TextBox();
txt.ID = "txtcpcliumoney" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname;
txt.Width = new Unit("70px");
txt.EnableViewState = true;
txt.Text = list.Count == 0 ? "" : list.First().cpcliumoney.ToString();
e.Row.Cells[indexcol].Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = "<br/>" });
e.Row.Cells[indexcol].Controls.Add(new HiddenField() { Value = (list.Count == 0 ? "-1" : list.First().id.ToString()), ID = "hfslcid" + "_" + policytype + "_" + shopname });
bool AddByForm(ref int newid, int scmcid, string seq, string policytype, string shopname)
webframework.model.modelsetLeaveconfig model = new webframework.model.modelsetLeaveconfig();
string liupiaoprice = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtliupiaoprice_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
string liupoint = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtliupoint_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
string liumoney = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtliumoney_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
string starttime = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtstarttime_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
string endtime = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtendtime_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
string state = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$ddlstate_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype,
model.scmcid = scmcid;
model.liupiaoprice = StringUtils.StrToDecimal(liupiaoprice, 0);
model.liumoney = StringUtils.StrToDecimal(liumoney, 0);
model.liupoint = StringUtils.StrToDecimal(liupoint, 0);
model.starttime = StringUtils.StrToDataTime(starttime, null);
model.endtime = StringUtils.StrToDataTime(endtime, null);
model.platform = int.Parse(hfplatform.Value);
model.shopname = int.Parse(shopname);
model.policytype = int.Parse(policytype);
model.state = state;
model.createtime = DateTime.Now;
model.createuser = UserOnline.Current.UserName;
if (platform == "0")
string cpcliupoint = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtcpcliupoint_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
string cpcliumoney = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtcpcliumoney_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
model.cpcliumoney = StringUtils.StrToDecimal(cpcliumoney, 0);
model.cpcliupoint = StringUtils.StrToDecimal(cpcliupoint, 0);
newid = bll.Add(model);
return newid > 0 ? true : false;
bool ModifyByForm(ref string upStr, int slcid, int scmcid, string seq, string policytype, string shopname)
webframework.model.modelsetLeaveconfig model = bll.GetModel(slcid);
bool isupdate = false;
string liupiaoprice = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtliupiaoprice_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
string liupoint = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtliupoint_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
string liumoney = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtliumoney_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
string cpcliupoint = platform == "0" ? Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtcpcliupoint_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim() : "0";
string cpcliumoney = platform == "0" ? Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtcpcliumoney_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim() : "0";
string starttime = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtstarttime_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
string endtime = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$txtendtime_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype, shopname)].Trim();
string state = Request.Form[string.Format("gvlist$ctl{0}$ddlstate_{1}_{2}", seq, policytype,
model.platform = int.Parse(hfplatform.Value);
model.shopname = int.Parse(shopname);
model.scmcid = scmcid;
decimal dtry = 0;
if (!decimal.TryParse(liupiaoprice, out dtry))
return false;
if (!decimal.TryParse(liumoney, out dtry))
return false;
if (!decimal.TryParse(liupoint, out dtry))
return false;
if (model.state != state)
upStr += "[状态:" + model.state + "→" + state + "]";
model.state = state;
isupdate = true;
if (model.liupiaoprice != null && model.liupiaoprice.Value != decimal.Parse(liupiaoprice))
upStr += "[留票面:" + model.liupiaoprice + "→" + liupiaoprice + "]";
model.liupiaoprice = decimal.Parse(liupiaoprice);
isupdate = true;
if (model.liupiaoprice != null && model.liupiaoprice.Value != decimal.Parse(liupiaoprice))
upStr += "[留票面:" + model.liupiaoprice + "→" + liupiaoprice + "]";
model.liupiaoprice = decimal.Parse(liupiaoprice);
isupdate = true;
if (model.liumoney != null && model.liumoney.Value != decimal.Parse(liumoney))
upStr += "[返钱:" + model.liumoney + "→" + liumoney + "]";
model.liumoney = decimal.Parse(liumoney);
isupdate = true;
if (model.liupoint != null && model.liupoint.Value != decimal.Parse(liupoint))
upStr += "[返点:" + model.liupoint + "→" + liupoint + "]";
model.liupoint = decimal.Parse(liupoint);
isupdate = true;
if (platform == "0") //去哪儿平台才有cpc
if (model.cpcliumoney != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cpcliumoney) && model.cpcliumoney.Value != decimal.Parse(cpcliumoney))
upStr += "[cpc返钱:" + model.cpcliumoney + "→" + cpcliumoney + "]";
model.cpcliumoney = decimal.Parse(cpcliumoney);
isupdate = true;
if (model.cpcliupoint != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cpcliupoint) && model.cpcliupoint.Value != decimal.Parse(cpcliupoint))
upStr += "[cpc返点:" + model.cpcliupoint + "→" + cpcliupoint + "]";
model.cpcliupoint = decimal.Parse(cpcliupoint);
isupdate = true;
if (model.starttime == null || model.starttime.ToString() == "")
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(starttime))
upStr += "[有效起始日期:''→" + starttime + "]";
model.starttime = DateTime.Parse(starttime);
isupdate = true;
else if (model.starttime != null && model.starttime.ToString() != starttime)
upStr += "[有效起始日期:" + model.starttime.ToString() + "→" + starttime + "]";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(starttime))
model.starttime = DateTime.Parse(starttime);
model.starttime = DateTime.Now.Date; ;
isupdate = true;
if (model.endtime == null || model.endtime.ToString() == "")
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endtime))
upStr += "[有效结束日期:''→" + endtime + "]";
model.endtime = DateTime.Parse(endtime);
isupdate = true;
else if (model.endtime != null && model.endtime.ToString() != endtime)
upStr += "[有效结束日期:" + model.endtime.ToString() + "→" + endtime + "]";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endtime))
model.endtime = DateTime.Parse(endtime);
model.endtime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-12-31"));
isupdate = true;
if (isupdate)
model.updatetime = DateTime.Now;
model.updateuser = UserOnline.Current.UserName;
return bll.Update(model);
private void CreateGridColumn(string dataField, string headerText, string footerText, int width, string headerStyle, string itemStyle, GridView gv)
BoundField bc = new BoundField();
bc.FooterText = footerText;
bc.DataField = dataField;
bc.HeaderText = headerText;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(headerStyle))
bc.HeaderStyle.CssClass = headerStyle; //若有默认样式,此行代码及对应的参数可以移除
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemStyle))
bc.ItemStyle.CssClass = itemStyle; //若有默认样式,此行代码及对应的参数可以移除
gv.Columns.Add(bc); //把动态创建的列,添加到GridView中
if (width > 0)
gv.Width = new Unit(gv.Width.Value + width); //每添加一列后,要增加GridView的总体宽度
private int GetGridViewColumnIndex(GridView grid, string colName)
int ndx = 0;
foreach (DataControlField oCol in grid.Columns)
if (oCol.GetType() == typeof(BoundField))
BoundField bfield = (BoundField)oCol;
if (bfield.DataField.ToUpper() == colName.ToUpper())
return ndx;
return ndx;

1 using System;View Code
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
4 using System.Web;
6 namespace web.code
7 {
8 public class BasePage : System.Web.UI.Page
9 {
10 protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
11 {
12 if (!UserOnline.Current.IsLogin)
13 {
14 Response.Redirect("/login.aspx", true);
15 }
16 //base.OnInit(e);
17 }
20 protected int PageNum = 25;
22 protected void Alert(string str)
23 {
24 this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "success", "alert('" + str + "');", true);
25 }
27 }
28 }
//"gvlist$ctl" + (i + 2).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "$controlid"