如何在Java中实现一个并发循环ticker (counter) ?

时间:2021-04-15 14:33:53

I want to implement a circular counter in Java. The counter on each request should increment (atomically) and on reaching an upper limit should roll over to 0.


What would be the best way to implement this and are there any existing implementations?


8 个解决方案



If you're that worried about contention using either CAS or synchronized then you could consider something more sophisticated like the proposed JSR 166e LongAdder (source, javadoc).

如果您担心使用CAS或synchronized进行争用,那么可以考虑使用JSR 166e LongAdder(源代码,javadoc)之类更复杂的东西。

That's a straightforward counter with low contention on multithreaded access. You could wrap that to expose (current value mod max value). That is, don't store the wrapped value at all.




It is easy to implement such a counter atop AtomicInteger:


public class CyclicCounter {

    private final int maxVal;
    private final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);

    public CyclicCounter(int maxVal) {
        this.maxVal = maxVal;

    public int cyclicallyIncrementAndGet() {
        int curVal, newVal;
        do {
          curVal = this.ai.get();
          newVal = (curVal + 1) % this.maxVal;
        } while (!this.ai.compareAndSet(curVal, newVal));
        return newVal;




With Java 8

与Java 8

public class CyclicCounter {

    private final int maxVal;
    private final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);

    public CyclicCounter(int maxVal) {
      this.maxVal = maxVal;

    return counter.accumulateAndGet(1, (index, inc) -> {
        return ++index >= maxVal ? 0 : index;





I personally think the AtomicInteger solution is a little ugly as it introduces a race-condition which means your update attempt could "fail" and have to be repeated (by iterating within the while loop) making the update time less deterministic than performing the entire operation within a critical section.


Writing your own counter is so trivial I'd recommend that approach. It's nicer from an OO-perspective too as it only exposes the operations you're allowed to perform.


public class Counter {
  private final int max;
  private int count;

  public Counter(int max) {
    if (max < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }

    this.max = max;

  public synchronized int getCount() {
    return count;

  public synchronized int increment() {
    count = (count + 1) % max;
    return count;



The other problem I perceive with the while loop solution is that given a large number of threads attempting to update the counter you could end up with a situation where you have several live threads spinning and attempting to update the counter. Given that only 1 thread would succeed, all other threads would fail causing them to iterate and waste CPU cycles.




If you use the modulus operator, you could just increment and return the modulus. Unfortunately the modulus operator is expensive, so I encourage other solutions where performance is important.


public class Count {
    private final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong();
    private static final long MAX_VALUE = 500;
    public long getCount() {
        return counter.get() % MAX_VALUE;
    public long incrementAndGet(){
        return counter.incrementAndGet() % MAX_VALUE;


You would have to solve the Long.MAX_VALUE case as well.




You can use the java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger class to increment atomically. As for setting an upper bound and rolling back to 0, you'll need to do that externally...perhaps encapsulating all this within your own wrapper class.


Actually, it appears that you can use compareAndSet to check the upper bound, and then roll over to 0.




I have to create a similar circular ticker for a custom Akka Routing logic which had to be different than the default ones to avoid network overhead, since my logic is just to pick the next routee.


Note: Copied from the suggested Java 8 implementation:

注意:从建议的Java 8实现中复制:

import akka.routing.Routee;
import akka.routing.RoutingLogic;
import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class CircularRoutingLogic implements RoutingLogic {

  final AtomicInteger cycler = new AtomicInteger();

  public Routee select(Object message, IndexedSeq<Routee> routees) {
    final int size = routees.size();
    return size == 0 ? null : routees.apply(cycler.getAndUpdate(index -> ++index < size ? index : 0));



For highly-intensive circular counter incremented by multiple threads in parallel, I would recommend using LongAdder (since java 8, see the core idea inside Striped64.java), because it is more scalable compared to AtomicLong. It is easy to adapt it to the above solutions.

对于并行递增的循环计数器,我建议使用LongAdder(因为java 8,请参阅Striped64.java中的核心思想),因为与AtomicLong相比,它更具有可扩展性。它很容易适应上述解决方案。

It is assumed that get operation is not so frequent in LongAdder. When calling counter.get, apply to it 'counter.get % max_number'. Yes, modulo-operation is expensive, but it is infrequent for this use-case, which should amortize the total performance cost.

假设在长三角函数中get操作不是那么频繁。当调用计数器。get, apply to it 'counter。% max_number '。是的,modulo操作很昂贵,但是对于这个用例来说是不常见的,它应该摊销整个性能成本。

Remember though, that get operation is non-blocking, nor atomic.




If you're that worried about contention using either CAS or synchronized then you could consider something more sophisticated like the proposed JSR 166e LongAdder (source, javadoc).

如果您担心使用CAS或synchronized进行争用,那么可以考虑使用JSR 166e LongAdder(源代码,javadoc)之类更复杂的东西。

That's a straightforward counter with low contention on multithreaded access. You could wrap that to expose (current value mod max value). That is, don't store the wrapped value at all.




It is easy to implement such a counter atop AtomicInteger:


public class CyclicCounter {

    private final int maxVal;
    private final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);

    public CyclicCounter(int maxVal) {
        this.maxVal = maxVal;

    public int cyclicallyIncrementAndGet() {
        int curVal, newVal;
        do {
          curVal = this.ai.get();
          newVal = (curVal + 1) % this.maxVal;
        } while (!this.ai.compareAndSet(curVal, newVal));
        return newVal;




With Java 8

与Java 8

public class CyclicCounter {

    private final int maxVal;
    private final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);

    public CyclicCounter(int maxVal) {
      this.maxVal = maxVal;

    return counter.accumulateAndGet(1, (index, inc) -> {
        return ++index >= maxVal ? 0 : index;





I personally think the AtomicInteger solution is a little ugly as it introduces a race-condition which means your update attempt could "fail" and have to be repeated (by iterating within the while loop) making the update time less deterministic than performing the entire operation within a critical section.


Writing your own counter is so trivial I'd recommend that approach. It's nicer from an OO-perspective too as it only exposes the operations you're allowed to perform.


public class Counter {
  private final int max;
  private int count;

  public Counter(int max) {
    if (max < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }

    this.max = max;

  public synchronized int getCount() {
    return count;

  public synchronized int increment() {
    count = (count + 1) % max;
    return count;



The other problem I perceive with the while loop solution is that given a large number of threads attempting to update the counter you could end up with a situation where you have several live threads spinning and attempting to update the counter. Given that only 1 thread would succeed, all other threads would fail causing them to iterate and waste CPU cycles.




If you use the modulus operator, you could just increment and return the modulus. Unfortunately the modulus operator is expensive, so I encourage other solutions where performance is important.


public class Count {
    private final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong();
    private static final long MAX_VALUE = 500;
    public long getCount() {
        return counter.get() % MAX_VALUE;
    public long incrementAndGet(){
        return counter.incrementAndGet() % MAX_VALUE;


You would have to solve the Long.MAX_VALUE case as well.




You can use the java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger class to increment atomically. As for setting an upper bound and rolling back to 0, you'll need to do that externally...perhaps encapsulating all this within your own wrapper class.


Actually, it appears that you can use compareAndSet to check the upper bound, and then roll over to 0.




I have to create a similar circular ticker for a custom Akka Routing logic which had to be different than the default ones to avoid network overhead, since my logic is just to pick the next routee.


Note: Copied from the suggested Java 8 implementation:

注意:从建议的Java 8实现中复制:

import akka.routing.Routee;
import akka.routing.RoutingLogic;
import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class CircularRoutingLogic implements RoutingLogic {

  final AtomicInteger cycler = new AtomicInteger();

  public Routee select(Object message, IndexedSeq<Routee> routees) {
    final int size = routees.size();
    return size == 0 ? null : routees.apply(cycler.getAndUpdate(index -> ++index < size ? index : 0));



For highly-intensive circular counter incremented by multiple threads in parallel, I would recommend using LongAdder (since java 8, see the core idea inside Striped64.java), because it is more scalable compared to AtomicLong. It is easy to adapt it to the above solutions.

对于并行递增的循环计数器,我建议使用LongAdder(因为java 8,请参阅Striped64.java中的核心思想),因为与AtomicLong相比,它更具有可扩展性。它很容易适应上述解决方案。

It is assumed that get operation is not so frequent in LongAdder. When calling counter.get, apply to it 'counter.get % max_number'. Yes, modulo-operation is expensive, but it is infrequent for this use-case, which should amortize the total performance cost.

假设在长三角函数中get操作不是那么频繁。当调用计数器。get, apply to it 'counter。% max_number '。是的,modulo操作很昂贵,但是对于这个用例来说是不常见的,它应该摊销整个性能成本。

Remember though, that get operation is non-blocking, nor atomic.
