
时间:2022-04-07 14:31:19

I have a page that contains a div for a partial view that is being returned via an ajax request.


        url: 'CompleteSessions',
        success: function (data) {

            var selector = $('#complete-session-section');
            if (data.length > 0) {
            else {
                selector.append($(document.createElement('option')).html('No assessments'));

The partial view itself has a model and constructs a combobox based on the number of returned sessions.


    @using SmartQWeb.Models.Entities
@using SmartQWeb.Runtime;
@model IEnumerable<Session>

<span class="dropdown">
<select style="width: 75%" id = "complete-session-selector">
    <option id="-1">Select a Session</option>
    @foreach (Session session in Model.OrderByDescending(date=>date.StartTime))
        if (session.Assessment != null)
            <option id="@session.AssessmentId" value="@session.Id" title="Administered by: @session.User.Name" data-assessmentId="@session.AssessmentId">@session.Participant.AliasLookup.AliasId - @session.StartTime  </option>


The problem is that, only for IE, the dropdown does not get properly updated when the page is first loaded. I have to hit F5 (sometimes control F5) to refresh and see the new entries in the combobox. This is not a problem for Chrome or Firefox.


1 个解决方案



The default 'type' argument for jQuery ajax requests is 'GET' which IE will cache. You can disable caching in your ajax request or switch to a 'POST' to prevent this --

jQuery ajax请求的默认“类型”参数是“GET”,IE会缓存它。您可以在ajax请求中禁用缓存,或者切换到“POST”以防止这种情况发生。

    cache: false



The default 'type' argument for jQuery ajax requests is 'GET' which IE will cache. You can disable caching in your ajax request or switch to a 'POST' to prevent this --

jQuery ajax请求的默认“类型”参数是“GET”,IE会缓存它。您可以在ajax请求中禁用缓存,或者切换到“POST”以防止这种情况发生。

    cache: false