
时间:2021-02-14 14:32:15

I have researched the existing posts on SO for this topic and none seems to have a satisfying answer.


I am trying to achieve a tab behavior that's like Chrome's in ASP.Net MVC3, specifically the tabs will have the following behaviors:

我试图在ASP.Net MVC3中实现类似Chrome的标签行为,特别是标签将具有以下行为:

  1. Be dragged out and standalone as a draggable div on page. I'm thinking of using jQuery dialog with iFrame. Need help/suggestion on how to make it look like a tab.
  2. 被拖出并独立作为页面上的可拖动div。我正在考虑使用iFrame的jQuery对话框。需要有关如何使其看起来像标签的帮助/建议。

  3. Once minimized, go back as a tab in the existing tab container
  4. 最小化后,返回现有选项卡容器中的选项卡

point number 2 is probably easy to achieve - I just hide the div and reconstruct the tabs, but has anyone done #1 and/or can help point a starting direction for me?

点数2可能很容易实现 - 我只是隐藏div并重建标签,但是有人做过#1和/或可以帮我指出一个起跑方向吗?

Each tab corresponding to a partial view (mvc)/user control(web form).


2 个解决方案



I would anyhow use the Telerik Kendo UI Controls with their basic API features and would combine and enhance them with own javascript JQuery code.

无论如何,我会使用Telerik Kendo UI控件及其基本API功能,并使用自己的javascript JQuery代码组合和增强它们。


Basically, you know, they are a very convenient combination with ASP.NET especially MVC!



And for your question, as an approach I would see the TabStrip and the Window to use!!


Take a look on their Client API events: http://docs.kendoui.com/api/web/window


And imagine combinational usage of JQuery's Draggable Droppable etc., http://jqueryui.com/draggable/ , then to be in use with the TabStrip html-elements.

并想象一下JQuery的Draggable Droppable等的组合使用,http://jqueryui.com/draggable/,然后与TabStrip html元素一起使用。

Summarized, I would mainly use in my javascript block following features:


  • JQuery basics, and specially Draggable Dropable used on the TabStrip / Window - HTML-elements (find out what elements are used via FireBug)
  • JQuery基础知识,特别是TabStrip / Window上使用的Draggable Dropable - HTML元素(找出通过FireBug使用的元素)

  • Kendo UI API events and methods: open, close, bind etc.
  • Kendo UI API事件和方法:打开,关闭,绑定等。



Thanks everybody for your help! I ended up doing the followings:


  • Styled an unordered list (ul) as tabs
  • 将无序列表(ul)设置为标签

  • Made each list item (li) draggable
  • 使每个列表项(li)可拖动

  • On the onstop event of the li, open a dialog (with an iframe) at the current mouse position.
  • 在li的onstop事件中,在当前鼠标位置打开一个对话框(带有iframe)。

  • Set the src attribute of the iframe to the tab content.
  • 将iframe的src属性设置为选项卡内容。

Code snippets below:


            iframeFix: true,
            stop: function (event) {
                var title = //give a title
                var newId = //create a unique id

                $('#draggableTabsContainer').append('<div id="' + newId + '"></div>');

                var x = $(this).position().left;
                var y = $(this).position().top;

                $('#' + newId).dialog({
                    iframe: true,
                    autoOpen: false,
                    width: 700,
                    height: 700

                $('#' + newId).append($("<iframe id='frm" + newId + "' class='tab-iframe'/>")).dialog('open');

                var url = $(this).find('a.tab').data('src');

                $('#frm' + newId).attr('src', url);

                $('#' + newId).dialog({ position: [x, y], 'title': title });



HTML of the ul/li:

ul / li的HTML:

<ul id="tablist">
        <li><a class="tab" href="#" data-src="controller_name/view_name1"><b>View 1</b></a></li>
        <li><a class="tab" href="#" data-src="controller_name/view_name2"><b>View 2</b></a></li>



I would anyhow use the Telerik Kendo UI Controls with their basic API features and would combine and enhance them with own javascript JQuery code.

无论如何,我会使用Telerik Kendo UI控件及其基本API功能,并使用自己的javascript JQuery代码组合和增强它们。


Basically, you know, they are a very convenient combination with ASP.NET especially MVC!



And for your question, as an approach I would see the TabStrip and the Window to use!!


Take a look on their Client API events: http://docs.kendoui.com/api/web/window


And imagine combinational usage of JQuery's Draggable Droppable etc., http://jqueryui.com/draggable/ , then to be in use with the TabStrip html-elements.

并想象一下JQuery的Draggable Droppable等的组合使用,http://jqueryui.com/draggable/,然后与TabStrip html元素一起使用。

Summarized, I would mainly use in my javascript block following features:


  • JQuery basics, and specially Draggable Dropable used on the TabStrip / Window - HTML-elements (find out what elements are used via FireBug)
  • JQuery基础知识,特别是TabStrip / Window上使用的Draggable Dropable - HTML元素(找出通过FireBug使用的元素)

  • Kendo UI API events and methods: open, close, bind etc.
  • Kendo UI API事件和方法:打开,关闭,绑定等。



Thanks everybody for your help! I ended up doing the followings:


  • Styled an unordered list (ul) as tabs
  • 将无序列表(ul)设置为标签

  • Made each list item (li) draggable
  • 使每个列表项(li)可拖动

  • On the onstop event of the li, open a dialog (with an iframe) at the current mouse position.
  • 在li的onstop事件中,在当前鼠标位置打开一个对话框(带有iframe)。

  • Set the src attribute of the iframe to the tab content.
  • 将iframe的src属性设置为选项卡内容。

Code snippets below:


            iframeFix: true,
            stop: function (event) {
                var title = //give a title
                var newId = //create a unique id

                $('#draggableTabsContainer').append('<div id="' + newId + '"></div>');

                var x = $(this).position().left;
                var y = $(this).position().top;

                $('#' + newId).dialog({
                    iframe: true,
                    autoOpen: false,
                    width: 700,
                    height: 700

                $('#' + newId).append($("<iframe id='frm" + newId + "' class='tab-iframe'/>")).dialog('open');

                var url = $(this).find('a.tab').data('src');

                $('#frm' + newId).attr('src', url);

                $('#' + newId).dialog({ position: [x, y], 'title': title });



HTML of the ul/li:

ul / li的HTML:

<ul id="tablist">
        <li><a class="tab" href="#" data-src="controller_name/view_name1"><b>View 1</b></a></li>
        <li><a class="tab" href="#" data-src="controller_name/view_name2"><b>View 2</b></a></li>