jquery ajax response,遍历XML来构建嵌套菜单树

时间:2022-04-12 14:33:01

I am going nuts trying to figure this out, I am trying to build a simple menu tree with multi levels


- First Sub Folder
-- First Sub Sub Folder
--- First Sub Sub Sub Folder
--- First Sub Sub Sub Sub Folder
- Second Sub Folder
- Second Sub Sub Folder

My XML is very simple (not the right values)


    <FolderName>Main Folder</FolderName>
            <FolderName>First Sub Folder</FolderName>
                    <FolderName>First Sub Sub Folder</FolderName>
                            <FolderName>First Sub Siub Sub Folder</FolderName>
                                    <FolderName>First Sub Sub Sub Sub Folder</FolderName>
            <FolderName>Second Sub Folder</FolderName>
                    <FolderName>Second Sub Sub Folder</FolderName>

I have used jQuery's .filter() and. find() each() without any success, it doesn't give me the nice dashes to indicate which level I am in, it just spits out the folder names.

我使用过jQuery的.filter()和。 find()每个()没有任何成功,它没有给我很好的破折号来指示我在哪个级别,它只是吐出文件夹名称。

My code that traverses


             var folderName = $(this).text();


2 个解决方案



Okay, so from what I understand, we need to build a menu, with a certain number of preceding dashes, dependent on the level of the child. Lucky, jQuery makes this kinda easy.


    var levels = $(this).parents("OrgFolderDetails").size();
    var text = $(this).text();
    var html = "";

    for(var j=0; j < levels; j++){
        html += "-";    
    html += " "+text+"</br>"; //add in that space after the dashes, and the <br>


Hope that helps. The main helper in this is the parents() method. http://api.jquery.com/parents

希望有所帮助。这里的主要帮助者是parents()方法。 http://api.jquery.com/parents



I think you will want to use a recursive function for this.


var s = getNestedString($(data), 0);

function getNestedString(d, level) {
    // get the name of current node
    var s = d.children("FolderName").text() + "<br/>";

    // prepend with dashes for inner levels
    for (var i=0 ; i<level ; i++) {
        s = "-" + s;

    // get children and call this function recursively (incrementing level)
    var ch = d.children("TheChildren").children("OrgFolderDetails");
    for (var i=0 ; i < ch.length ; i++) {
        s = s + getNestedString(ch[i], level+1);

    // return string for current and nested nodes
    return s;



Okay, so from what I understand, we need to build a menu, with a certain number of preceding dashes, dependent on the level of the child. Lucky, jQuery makes this kinda easy.


    var levels = $(this).parents("OrgFolderDetails").size();
    var text = $(this).text();
    var html = "";

    for(var j=0; j < levels; j++){
        html += "-";    
    html += " "+text+"</br>"; //add in that space after the dashes, and the <br>


Hope that helps. The main helper in this is the parents() method. http://api.jquery.com/parents

希望有所帮助。这里的主要帮助者是parents()方法。 http://api.jquery.com/parents



I think you will want to use a recursive function for this.


var s = getNestedString($(data), 0);

function getNestedString(d, level) {
    // get the name of current node
    var s = d.children("FolderName").text() + "<br/>";

    // prepend with dashes for inner levels
    for (var i=0 ; i<level ; i++) {
        s = "-" + s;

    // get children and call this function recursively (incrementing level)
    var ch = d.children("TheChildren").children("OrgFolderDetails");
    for (var i=0 ; i < ch.length ; i++) {
        s = s + getNestedString(ch[i], level+1);

    // return string for current and nested nodes
    return s;