
时间:2022-08-02 14:29:02

Algorithm solution:


std::generate(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), rand);

Range-based for-loop solution:


for (int& x : numbers) x = rand();

Why would I want to use the more verbose std::generate over range-based for-loops in C++11?

为什么我要在c++ 11中使用更详细的std::生成基于范围的for循环?

10 个解决方案



The first version


std::generate(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), rand);

tells us that you want to generate a sequence of values.


In the second version the reader will have to figure that out himself.


Saving on typing is usually suboptimal, as it is most often lost in reading time. Most code is read a lot more than it is typed.




Whether the for loop is range based or not does not make a difference at all, it only simplifies the code inside the parenthesis. Algorithms are clearer in that they show the intent.




Personally, my initial reading of:


std::generate(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), rand);

is "we're assigning to everything in a range. The range is numbers. The values assigned are random".


My initial reading of:


for (int& x : numbers) x = rand();

is "we're doing something to everything in a range. The range is numbers. What we do is assign a random value."


Those are pretty darn similar, but not identical. One plausible reason I might want to provoke the first reading, is because I think the most important fact about this code is that it assigns to the range. So there's your "why would I want to...". I use generate because in C++ std::generate means "range assignment". As btw does std::copy, the difference between the two is what you're assigning from.

它们很相似,但不完全相同。我可能想引起第一次阅读的一个貌似合理的原因是,我认为关于这段代码最重要的事实是它分配给了范围。这就是你的“为什么我想……”我使用generate是因为在c++ std::generate意思是“范围分配”。顺便说一句,std::复制,这两者之间的区别是你要从哪个分配。

There are confounding factors, though. Range-based for loops have an inherently more direct way of expressing that the range is numbers, than iterator-based algorithms do. That's why people work on range-based algorithm libraries: boost::range::generate(numbers, rand); looks better than the std::generate version.

不过,也有一些令人困惑的因素。与基于迭代器的算法相比,基于范围的for循环有一种更直接的方式来表示范围是数字。这就是为什么人们使用基于范围的算法库:boost::range::generate(number, rand);看起来比std::生成版本更好。

As against that, int& in your range-based for loop is a wrinkle. What if the value type of the range isn't int, then we're doing something annoyingly subtle here that depends on it being convertible to int&, whereas the generate code only depends on the return from rand being assignable to the element. Even if the value type is int, I still might stop to think about whether it is or not. Hence auto, which defers thinking about the types until I see what gets assigned -- with auto &x I say "take a reference to the range element, whatever type that might have". Back in C++03, algorithms (because they're function templates) were the way to hide exact types, now they're a way.

与此相反,在基于范围的for循环中,int&是一个问题。如果范围的值类型不是int类型,那么我们在这里做一些令人讨厌的微妙的事情,这取决于它是否可转换为int&,而生成代码只取决于从rand返回到元素的可赋值。即使值类型是int类型,我仍然可能会停下来考虑它是否为int类型。因此auto,它会考虑类型,直到我看到分配了什么——使用auto &x,我会说“引用range元素,不管它是什么类型”。在c++ 03中,算法(因为它们是函数模板)是隐藏精确类型的方法,现在它们是一种方法。

I think it has always been the case that the simplest algorithms have only a marginal benefit over the equivalent loops. Range-based for loops improve loops (primarily by removing most of the boilerplate, although there's a little more to them than that). So the margins draw tighter and perhaps you change your mind in some specific cases. But there's a still a style difference there.




In my opinion, Effective STL Item 43: "Prefer algorithm calls to hand-written loops." is still a good advice.


I usually write wrapper functions to get rid of the begin() / end() hell. If you do that, your example will look like this:


my_util::generate(numbers, rand);

I believe it beats the range based for loop both in communicating the intent and in readability.


Having said that, I must admit that in C++98 some STL algorithm calls yielded unutterable code and following "Prefer algorithm calls to hand-written loops" did not seem like a good idea. Luckily, lambdas have changed that.

话虽如此,我必须承认,在c++ 98中,一些STL算法调用产生了不可言传的代码,遵循“更喜欢算法调用而不是手工编写的循环”似乎不是个好主意。幸运的是,lambdas改变了这一点。

Consider the following example from Herb Sutter: Lambdas, Lambdas Everywhere.

考虑一下Herb Sutter的以下示例:Lambdas, Lambdas无处不在。

Task: Find first element in v that is > x and < y.

任务:找到v中的第一个元素> x和< y。

Without lambdas:


auto i = find_if( v.begin(), v.end(),
bind( logical_and<bool>(),
bind(greater<int>(), _1, x),
bind(less<int>(), _1, y) ) );

With lambda


auto i=find_if( v.begin(), v.end(), [=](int i) { return i > x && i < y; } );



In my opinion, the manual loop, though might reduce verbosity, lacks readabitly:


for (int& x : numbers) x = rand();

I would not use this loop to initialize1 the range defined by numbers, because when I look at it, it seems to me that it is iterating over a range of numbers, but in actuality it does not (in essence), i.e instead of reading from the range, it is writing to the range.


The intent is much clearer when you use std::generate.


1. initialize in this context means to give meaningful value to the elements of the container.




There are some things you cannot do (simply) with range-based loops that algorithms that take iterators as input can. For example with std::generate:


Fill the container up to limit (excluded, limit is a valid iterator on numbers) with variables from one distribution and the rest with variables from another distribution.


std::generate(numbers.begin(), limit, rand1);
std::generate(limit, numbers.end(), rand2);

Iterator-based algorithms give you a better control on the range you are operating on.




For the particular case of std::generate, I agree with the previous answers on readability/intent issue. std::generate seems a more clear version to me. But I admit that this is in a way a matter of taste.


That said, I've have another reason to not throw away the std::algorithm - there are certain algorithms which are specialized for some data types.


The simplest example would be std::fill. The general version is implemented as a for-loop over the provided range, and this version will be used when instantiating the template. But not always. E.g. if you'll provide it a range which is a std::vector<int> - often it will actually call memset under the hood, yielding a much faster and better code.

最简单的例子是std::fill。通用版本在提供的范围内实现为for循环,在实例化模板时将使用该版本。但并非总是如此。如果你提供的是一个std::vector —通常它会在引擎盖下面调用memset,产生更快更好的代码。

So I'm trying to play an efficiency card here.


Your hand-written loop might be as fast as a std::algorithm version, but it can hardly be faster. And more than that, std::algorithm may be specialized for particular containers and types and it's done under the clean STL interface.




My answer would be maybe and no. If we're talkinng about C++11, then maybe (more like no). For example std::for_each is really annoying to use even with lambdas:

我的答案可能是否定的。如果我们谈论的是c++ 11,那么也许(更像是no)。例如std::for_each即使使用lambdas也很烦人:

std::for_each(c.begin(), c.end(), [&](ExactTypeOfContainedValue& x)
    // do stuff with x

But using range-based for is a lot better:


for (auto& x : c)
    // do stuff with x

On the other hand, if we're talking about C++1y, then I would argue that no, the algorithms will not be obsoleted by range based for. In C++ standard committee there is a study group that is working on a proposal to add ranges to C++, and also there is work being done on polymorphic lambdas. Ranges would remove the need to use pair of iterators and polymorphic lambda would let you to not specify exact argument type of lambda. This means that std::for_each could be used like this (don't take this as a hard fact, it's just what the dreams look like today):

另一方面,如果我们讨论的是c++ 1y,那么我认为不,算法不会被基于range的。在c++标准委员会中,有一个研究小组正在研究向c++添加范围的建议,同时还有关于多态lambdas的工作。范围将消除使用一对迭代器的需要,而多态lambda使您不必指定lambda的确切参数类型。这意味着std::for_each可以这样使用(不要把这当作一个很难的事实,这就是今天的梦想):

std::for_each(c.range(), [](x)
    // do stuff with x



One thing that should be noticed is that an algorithm express what is done, not how.


Range-based loop include the way things are done: start with the first, apply and go next element until the end. Even a simple algorithm could do things differently (at least some overloads for specific containers, not even thinking about the horrible vector), and at least the way it is done is not the writer business.


TO me that's much of the difference, encapsulate as much as you can, and that justifies the sentence when you can, use algorithms.




Range-based for-loop is just that. Until of course standard is changed.


Algorithm is a function. A function which puts some requirements on its parameters. The requirements are phrased in a standard to allow for example implementation that takes advantage of all available execution threads and will speed you up automatically.




The first version


std::generate(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), rand);

tells us that you want to generate a sequence of values.


In the second version the reader will have to figure that out himself.


Saving on typing is usually suboptimal, as it is most often lost in reading time. Most code is read a lot more than it is typed.




Whether the for loop is range based or not does not make a difference at all, it only simplifies the code inside the parenthesis. Algorithms are clearer in that they show the intent.




Personally, my initial reading of:


std::generate(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), rand);

is "we're assigning to everything in a range. The range is numbers. The values assigned are random".


My initial reading of:


for (int& x : numbers) x = rand();

is "we're doing something to everything in a range. The range is numbers. What we do is assign a random value."


Those are pretty darn similar, but not identical. One plausible reason I might want to provoke the first reading, is because I think the most important fact about this code is that it assigns to the range. So there's your "why would I want to...". I use generate because in C++ std::generate means "range assignment". As btw does std::copy, the difference between the two is what you're assigning from.

它们很相似,但不完全相同。我可能想引起第一次阅读的一个貌似合理的原因是,我认为关于这段代码最重要的事实是它分配给了范围。这就是你的“为什么我想……”我使用generate是因为在c++ std::generate意思是“范围分配”。顺便说一句,std::复制,这两者之间的区别是你要从哪个分配。

There are confounding factors, though. Range-based for loops have an inherently more direct way of expressing that the range is numbers, than iterator-based algorithms do. That's why people work on range-based algorithm libraries: boost::range::generate(numbers, rand); looks better than the std::generate version.

不过,也有一些令人困惑的因素。与基于迭代器的算法相比,基于范围的for循环有一种更直接的方式来表示范围是数字。这就是为什么人们使用基于范围的算法库:boost::range::generate(number, rand);看起来比std::生成版本更好。

As against that, int& in your range-based for loop is a wrinkle. What if the value type of the range isn't int, then we're doing something annoyingly subtle here that depends on it being convertible to int&, whereas the generate code only depends on the return from rand being assignable to the element. Even if the value type is int, I still might stop to think about whether it is or not. Hence auto, which defers thinking about the types until I see what gets assigned -- with auto &x I say "take a reference to the range element, whatever type that might have". Back in C++03, algorithms (because they're function templates) were the way to hide exact types, now they're a way.

与此相反,在基于范围的for循环中,int&是一个问题。如果范围的值类型不是int类型,那么我们在这里做一些令人讨厌的微妙的事情,这取决于它是否可转换为int&,而生成代码只取决于从rand返回到元素的可赋值。即使值类型是int类型,我仍然可能会停下来考虑它是否为int类型。因此auto,它会考虑类型,直到我看到分配了什么——使用auto &x,我会说“引用range元素,不管它是什么类型”。在c++ 03中,算法(因为它们是函数模板)是隐藏精确类型的方法,现在它们是一种方法。

I think it has always been the case that the simplest algorithms have only a marginal benefit over the equivalent loops. Range-based for loops improve loops (primarily by removing most of the boilerplate, although there's a little more to them than that). So the margins draw tighter and perhaps you change your mind in some specific cases. But there's a still a style difference there.




In my opinion, Effective STL Item 43: "Prefer algorithm calls to hand-written loops." is still a good advice.


I usually write wrapper functions to get rid of the begin() / end() hell. If you do that, your example will look like this:


my_util::generate(numbers, rand);

I believe it beats the range based for loop both in communicating the intent and in readability.


Having said that, I must admit that in C++98 some STL algorithm calls yielded unutterable code and following "Prefer algorithm calls to hand-written loops" did not seem like a good idea. Luckily, lambdas have changed that.

话虽如此,我必须承认,在c++ 98中,一些STL算法调用产生了不可言传的代码,遵循“更喜欢算法调用而不是手工编写的循环”似乎不是个好主意。幸运的是,lambdas改变了这一点。

Consider the following example from Herb Sutter: Lambdas, Lambdas Everywhere.

考虑一下Herb Sutter的以下示例:Lambdas, Lambdas无处不在。

Task: Find first element in v that is > x and < y.

任务:找到v中的第一个元素> x和< y。

Without lambdas:


auto i = find_if( v.begin(), v.end(),
bind( logical_and<bool>(),
bind(greater<int>(), _1, x),
bind(less<int>(), _1, y) ) );

With lambda


auto i=find_if( v.begin(), v.end(), [=](int i) { return i > x && i < y; } );



In my opinion, the manual loop, though might reduce verbosity, lacks readabitly:


for (int& x : numbers) x = rand();

I would not use this loop to initialize1 the range defined by numbers, because when I look at it, it seems to me that it is iterating over a range of numbers, but in actuality it does not (in essence), i.e instead of reading from the range, it is writing to the range.


The intent is much clearer when you use std::generate.


1. initialize in this context means to give meaningful value to the elements of the container.




There are some things you cannot do (simply) with range-based loops that algorithms that take iterators as input can. For example with std::generate:


Fill the container up to limit (excluded, limit is a valid iterator on numbers) with variables from one distribution and the rest with variables from another distribution.


std::generate(numbers.begin(), limit, rand1);
std::generate(limit, numbers.end(), rand2);

Iterator-based algorithms give you a better control on the range you are operating on.




For the particular case of std::generate, I agree with the previous answers on readability/intent issue. std::generate seems a more clear version to me. But I admit that this is in a way a matter of taste.


That said, I've have another reason to not throw away the std::algorithm - there are certain algorithms which are specialized for some data types.


The simplest example would be std::fill. The general version is implemented as a for-loop over the provided range, and this version will be used when instantiating the template. But not always. E.g. if you'll provide it a range which is a std::vector<int> - often it will actually call memset under the hood, yielding a much faster and better code.

最简单的例子是std::fill。通用版本在提供的范围内实现为for循环,在实例化模板时将使用该版本。但并非总是如此。如果你提供的是一个std::vector —通常它会在引擎盖下面调用memset,产生更快更好的代码。

So I'm trying to play an efficiency card here.


Your hand-written loop might be as fast as a std::algorithm version, but it can hardly be faster. And more than that, std::algorithm may be specialized for particular containers and types and it's done under the clean STL interface.




My answer would be maybe and no. If we're talkinng about C++11, then maybe (more like no). For example std::for_each is really annoying to use even with lambdas:

我的答案可能是否定的。如果我们谈论的是c++ 11,那么也许(更像是no)。例如std::for_each即使使用lambdas也很烦人:

std::for_each(c.begin(), c.end(), [&](ExactTypeOfContainedValue& x)
    // do stuff with x

But using range-based for is a lot better:


for (auto& x : c)
    // do stuff with x

On the other hand, if we're talking about C++1y, then I would argue that no, the algorithms will not be obsoleted by range based for. In C++ standard committee there is a study group that is working on a proposal to add ranges to C++, and also there is work being done on polymorphic lambdas. Ranges would remove the need to use pair of iterators and polymorphic lambda would let you to not specify exact argument type of lambda. This means that std::for_each could be used like this (don't take this as a hard fact, it's just what the dreams look like today):

另一方面,如果我们讨论的是c++ 1y,那么我认为不,算法不会被基于range的。在c++标准委员会中,有一个研究小组正在研究向c++添加范围的建议,同时还有关于多态lambdas的工作。范围将消除使用一对迭代器的需要,而多态lambda使您不必指定lambda的确切参数类型。这意味着std::for_each可以这样使用(不要把这当作一个很难的事实,这就是今天的梦想):

std::for_each(c.range(), [](x)
    // do stuff with x



One thing that should be noticed is that an algorithm express what is done, not how.


Range-based loop include the way things are done: start with the first, apply and go next element until the end. Even a simple algorithm could do things differently (at least some overloads for specific containers, not even thinking about the horrible vector), and at least the way it is done is not the writer business.


TO me that's much of the difference, encapsulate as much as you can, and that justifies the sentence when you can, use algorithms.




Range-based for-loop is just that. Until of course standard is changed.


Algorithm is a function. A function which puts some requirements on its parameters. The requirements are phrased in a standard to allow for example implementation that takes advantage of all available execution threads and will speed you up automatically.
