
时间:2021-11-21 14:30:29

I am learning handlebars and JSON, so this may be an easy answer for some. I have a json file (basically a representation of nested folders.), included below.


I am having trouble understanding how to get the path of all the folders and subfolders into my handlebars template. I have tried {{each .}}, {{#each folders}}, etc. but I either just get the top folder or nothing. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!




    {{#each folders}}

JSON File:


    "path": "json",
    "folders": [
            "path": "folder-top",
            "folders": [
                    "path": "subfolder1",
                    "folders": [
                            "path": "sub-subfolder1",
                            "folders": [
                                    "path": "sub-sub-folder",
                                    "counters": {
                                        "total": 1,
                                        "images": 1,
                                        "files": 1
                                     "name": "sub-sub-folder"
                             "counters": {
                                 "total": 2,
                                 "images": 1,
                                 "folders": 1,
                                 "files": 1
                             "name": "sub-subfolder1"
                     "counters": {
                         "total": 2,
                         "images": 1,
                         "folders": 1,
                         "files": 1
                     "name": "subfolder1"
             "counters": {
                 "total": 2,
                 "images": 1,
                 "folders": 1,
                 "files": 1
             "name": "folder-top"
     "counters": {
         "total": 2,
         "images": 1,
         "folders": 1,
         "files": 1
     "name": "json"

2 个解决方案



Your question is not easily solved because, as @Jojo has stated in another answer, you need to do an {{#each}} over an unknown number of nested folders. The crux of your question is: how to recursively apply a Handlebars template?


In order to achieve our recursion, we will need to call a chunk of template from within our template; and keep calling that chunk for as long as we have child folders to render. Handlebars has partials, which serve as reusable chunks of template to be called from other templates. So let's create a partial for piece of template that is to be applied to each folder:


<script id="RecursiveFolderPartial" type="text/template">
        {{#if folders}}
                {{#each folders}}
                    {{> recursiveFolder this}}

Note that our partial calls a partial, recursiveFolder. The crucial part is that we will make sure to register our partial with the name, recursiveFolder, that way, our partial will recursively call itself.


Now that we have moved most of the template markup to the partial, the only job for our template is to get our partial recursing by making the first call to the partial with the root folder object as context:


<script id="Template" type="text/template">
        {{> recursiveFolder this}}

All that is left for us to is to correctly wire-up our template and partial and we should be ready to go.


var raw_template = document.getElementById('Template').innerHTML;
var raw_partial = document.getElementById('RecursiveFolderPartial').innerHTML;
var template = Handlebars.compile(raw_template);

Handlebars.registerPartial('recursiveFolder', raw_partial);

I have created a working fiddle here.




If you wish to render the full path to the current folder - that is, the current folder path appended to its parent folder's paths and delimited with a "/" - then you will need to concatenate the current path onto the previous path and to pass the result to the partial call.


Let's begin by creating a Handlebars helper to concatenate strings:


Handlebars.registerHelper('concat', function () {
    return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, -1).join('');

Next, we will update our partial template to make use of a parameter that we will call previousPath. Our partial will output the result of concating previousPath "/" and the current path. We will also use the result of this concatenation to be the previousPath parameter to the recurisve calls of the partial:


    {{concat previousPath '/' path}}
    {{#if folders}}
            {{#each folders}}
                {{> recursiveFolder this previousPath=(concat ../previousPath '/' ../path)}}

We should also update our template to start the previousPath parameter to an empty string:


    {{> recursiveFolder this previousPath=''}}

An new fiddle with this implementation can be found here.




You actually iterate only over the first dimension of the Object. So either, if you know how many dimensions your object have, try something like:


{{#each folders}}
  {{#each folders}}
    {{#each folders}}
      {{#each folders}}

Or you try to setup the Object in just one dimension.


Anyhow i have no clue how to itarate over n dimensions of an object.




Your question is not easily solved because, as @Jojo has stated in another answer, you need to do an {{#each}} over an unknown number of nested folders. The crux of your question is: how to recursively apply a Handlebars template?


In order to achieve our recursion, we will need to call a chunk of template from within our template; and keep calling that chunk for as long as we have child folders to render. Handlebars has partials, which serve as reusable chunks of template to be called from other templates. So let's create a partial for piece of template that is to be applied to each folder:


<script id="RecursiveFolderPartial" type="text/template">
        {{#if folders}}
                {{#each folders}}
                    {{> recursiveFolder this}}

Note that our partial calls a partial, recursiveFolder. The crucial part is that we will make sure to register our partial with the name, recursiveFolder, that way, our partial will recursively call itself.


Now that we have moved most of the template markup to the partial, the only job for our template is to get our partial recursing by making the first call to the partial with the root folder object as context:


<script id="Template" type="text/template">
        {{> recursiveFolder this}}

All that is left for us to is to correctly wire-up our template and partial and we should be ready to go.


var raw_template = document.getElementById('Template').innerHTML;
var raw_partial = document.getElementById('RecursiveFolderPartial').innerHTML;
var template = Handlebars.compile(raw_template);

Handlebars.registerPartial('recursiveFolder', raw_partial);

I have created a working fiddle here.




If you wish to render the full path to the current folder - that is, the current folder path appended to its parent folder's paths and delimited with a "/" - then you will need to concatenate the current path onto the previous path and to pass the result to the partial call.


Let's begin by creating a Handlebars helper to concatenate strings:


Handlebars.registerHelper('concat', function () {
    return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, -1).join('');

Next, we will update our partial template to make use of a parameter that we will call previousPath. Our partial will output the result of concating previousPath "/" and the current path. We will also use the result of this concatenation to be the previousPath parameter to the recurisve calls of the partial:


    {{concat previousPath '/' path}}
    {{#if folders}}
            {{#each folders}}
                {{> recursiveFolder this previousPath=(concat ../previousPath '/' ../path)}}

We should also update our template to start the previousPath parameter to an empty string:


    {{> recursiveFolder this previousPath=''}}

An new fiddle with this implementation can be found here.




You actually iterate only over the first dimension of the Object. So either, if you know how many dimensions your object have, try something like:


{{#each folders}}
  {{#each folders}}
    {{#each folders}}
      {{#each folders}}

Or you try to setup the Object in just one dimension.


Anyhow i have no clue how to itarate over n dimensions of an object.
