
时间:2022-10-19 14:30:08

I have quite a few templates that utilize mustache tags to determine where to place user data. These templates are stored as a string.


When I call the render function within mustache, I feed in a complex JSON object that contains a number of arrays of both strings and subdocuments.


I incorrectly declared within the mustache tag to use a particular element within array like so:



Instead I would like to change all occurrences within each template to the proper mustache syntax for addressing elements like so:



What's the best way to systematically go through each template (represented as a string) and use regex's to change what is in each tag? I have over 50 templates, most of them hundreds of lines long with hundreds of tags within each one.


I am using JavaScript/Node.js for this app.

我正在为这个应用程序使用JavaScript / Node.js.

2 个解决方案



This is a tough (but not impossible) task to do with a single regular expression. Fortunately, there's no reason we have to do it with a single one. A much easier (and more robust) approach is to use two regular expressions: one to match replacement tags (things contained in {{curly brackets}}) and another to replace instances of array indexers with dot indexers. Here's my solution:

对于单个正则表达式来说,这是一项艰巨的(但并非不可能)的任务。幸运的是,我们没有理由只用一个。一种更容易(也更强大)的方法是使用两个正则表达式:一个匹配替换标记({{curly bracket}}中包含的内容),另一个用点索引器替换数组索引器的实例。这是我的解决方案:

s.replace( /\{\{(.*?)\}\}/g, function(x){          // this grabs replacement tags
  return x.replace( /\[(\d+)\]/g,'.$1' )});      // this replaces array indexers

Note: I have not analyzed this solution with the entire mustache syntax, so I cannot guarantee it will work if you're using more than the standard tags.





This expression will match the first square bracketed numbers inside the mustache brackets, it also validates the square brackets are followed by either a dot or the close mustache bracket.


Use this regex: (\{\{[a-z.]*[a-z])\[(\d+)\](?=\.|\})([a-z.]*\}\})

使用此正则表达式:(\ {\ {[a-z。] * [a-z])\ [(\ d +)\](?= \。| \})([a-z。] * \} \})

With this replacement: $1.$2$3

有了这个替代品:$ 1. $ 2 $ 3


Javascript Code Example:


Sample Input



<script type="text/javascript">
  var re = /(\{\{[a-z.]*[a-z])\[(\d+)\](?=\.|\})([a-z.]*\}\})/;
  var sourcestring = "source string to match with pattern";
  var replacementpattern = "$1.$2$3";
  var result = sourcestring.replace(re, replacementpattern);
  alert("result = " + result);

After Replacement




This is a tough (but not impossible) task to do with a single regular expression. Fortunately, there's no reason we have to do it with a single one. A much easier (and more robust) approach is to use two regular expressions: one to match replacement tags (things contained in {{curly brackets}}) and another to replace instances of array indexers with dot indexers. Here's my solution:

对于单个正则表达式来说,这是一项艰巨的(但并非不可能)的任务。幸运的是,我们没有理由只用一个。一种更容易(也更强大)的方法是使用两个正则表达式:一个匹配替换标记({{curly bracket}}中包含的内容),另一个用点索引器替换数组索引器的实例。这是我的解决方案:

s.replace( /\{\{(.*?)\}\}/g, function(x){          // this grabs replacement tags
  return x.replace( /\[(\d+)\]/g,'.$1' )});      // this replaces array indexers

Note: I have not analyzed this solution with the entire mustache syntax, so I cannot guarantee it will work if you're using more than the standard tags.





This expression will match the first square bracketed numbers inside the mustache brackets, it also validates the square brackets are followed by either a dot or the close mustache bracket.


Use this regex: (\{\{[a-z.]*[a-z])\[(\d+)\](?=\.|\})([a-z.]*\}\})

使用此正则表达式:(\ {\ {[a-z。] * [a-z])\ [(\ d +)\](?= \。| \})([a-z。] * \} \})

With this replacement: $1.$2$3

有了这个替代品:$ 1. $ 2 $ 3


Javascript Code Example:


Sample Input



<script type="text/javascript">
  var re = /(\{\{[a-z.]*[a-z])\[(\d+)\](?=\.|\})([a-z.]*\}\})/;
  var sourcestring = "source string to match with pattern";
  var replacementpattern = "$1.$2$3";
  var result = sourcestring.replace(re, replacementpattern);
  alert("result = " + result);

After Replacement
