
时间:2021-09-24 14:31:04

I want to use a half-circle menu when I surf the mobile web with my right hand. Can somebody teach me how to implement half-circle menu (sub item) with CSS and JavaScript on mobile web? I have tried it with CSS transform:rotate and border-radius, but it could not be worked successfully.



There is a half-circle menu button, this button can open and close menu. When I click the menu button, the main-level will be popped up. Then I click "Main 1", the sub-level (Sub 1-1, Sub 1-2, Sub 1-3) will be popped up.

有一个半圆的菜单按钮,这个按钮可以打开和关闭菜单。当我点击菜单按钮时,会弹出主界面。然后点击“Main 1”,弹出子层(Sub -1 -1, Sub -2, Sub -3)。


As just mentioned, When I click "Main 6", the sub-level (Sub 6-1, Sub 6-2, Sub 6-3) will be popped up.

如前所述,当我点击“Main 6”时,会弹出子级别(Sub - 6-1, Sub -2, Sub -3)。

Here is the architecture of the menu:


   Main 1
      Sub 1-1
      Sub 1-2
      Sub 1-3
   Main 2
      Sub 2-1
      Sub 2-2
      Sub 2-3
   Main 3
      Sub 3-1
      Sub 3-2
      Sub 3-3
   Main 4
      Sub 4-1
      Sub 4-2
      Sub 4-3
   Main 5
      Sub 5-1
      Sub 5-2
      Sub 5-3
   Main 6
      Sub 6-1
      Sub 6-2
      Sub 6-3

3 个解决方案



You could do this with SVG. When you click on first-ring buttons or (Main 1, Main 2...) it will update text of second-ring buttons or (Sub 1 1, Sub 2 1...), and this is just for demo purpose. You can use js to change links inside <a xlink:href=""></a> instead of just text.

您可以使用SVG实现这一点。当你点击一圈按钮或(主1,主2…)时,它会更新二圈按钮或(副1,副2…)的文本,这只是为了演示目的。可以使用js在 " 中修改链接,而不仅仅是文本。

var firstRing = $('.first-ring');
var secondRing = $('.second-ring');
var siblings = firstRing.siblings('.second-ring');
var open = $('#open');

open.click(function() {

  if (!firstRing.hasClass('show')) {

firstRing.children('g').click(function() {
  var data = $(this).data('url');

  secondRing.children('g').children('a').children('text').each(function() {
    var text = $(this).text().split(' ');
    $(this).text(text[0] + ' ' + data + ' ' + text[2]);
svg {
  position: fixed;
  top: 50%;
  right: 0;
  transform: translateY(-50%);
  font-size: 12px;

g {
  fill: white;
  transition: all 0.3s ease-in;
  cursor: pointer;

text {
  fill: white;

g:not(.first-ring):not(.second-ring):hover {
  opacity: 0.6;

.first-ring, .second-ring {
  opacity: 0;

.show {
  opacity: 1;

.main      {fill: #2B2B2B;}
.one       {fill: #2B2B2B;}
.two       {fill: #373737;}
.three     {fill: #444444;}
.four      {fill: #515151;}
.five      {fill: #5E5E5E;}
.six       {fill: #6A6A6A;}
.sub-one   {fill: #777777;}
.sub-two   {fill: #848484;}
.sub-three {fill: #909090;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

<svg width="400px" height="400px">
  <!-- This is First ring or Menu part-->
  <g id="open">
    <path class="main" d="M395.545,200.03l-0.08-0.12l-0.05,0.12l-22.44,54.17c-7.12-2.97-13.54-7.311-18.909-12.69
		c2.96-7.19,7.31-13.66,12.71-19.07c5.42-5.45,11.899-9.83,19.109-12.82L395.545,200.03z" />
    <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 351.7607 206.0303)" class="st1 st3">MENU</text>

  <!-- This is second-ring -->
  <g class="first-ring">
    <g data-url="1">
      <path class="one" d="M373.095,145.81c-7.21,2.99-13.689,7.37-19.109,12.82l-50.94-50.9c12.06-12.08,26.47-21.82,42.5-28.46
		L373.095,145.81z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.5061 0.8625 -0.8625 0.5061 332.1963 107.73)" class="st1 st3">Main 1</text>
    <g data-url="2">
      <path class="two" d="M353.985,158.63c-5.4,5.41-9.75,11.88-12.71,19.07l-66.58-27.45c6.609-16.02,16.31-30.44,28.35-42.52
		L353.985,158.63z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.8283 0.5603 -0.5603 0.8283 295.585 136.9624)" class="st1 st3">Main 2</text>
    <g data-url="3">
      <path class="three" d="M341.275,177.7c-2.841,6.88-4.4,14.42-4.4,22.33h-72c0-17.63,3.49-34.44,9.82-49.78L341.275,177.7z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.9946 0.1039 -0.1039 0.9946 283.0908 183.2314)" class="st1 st3">Main 3</text>
    <g data-url="4">
      <path class="four" d="M341.315,222.46l-66.53,27.57c-6.391-15.4-9.91-32.29-9.91-50h72
		C336.875,207.97,338.455,215.55,341.315,222.46z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.9891 -0.1475 0.1475 0.9891 283.0898 225.0303)" class="st1 st3">Main4</text>
    <g data-url="5">
      <path class="five" d="M354.065,241.51l-50.841,51c-12.08-12.06-21.8-26.46-28.439-42.479l66.53-27.57
		C344.295,229.64,348.655,236.1,354.065,241.51z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.8627 -0.5057 0.5057 0.8627 299.6768 268.6953)" class="st1 st3">Main 5</text>
    <g data-url="6">
      <path class="six" d="M372.975,254.2l-27.56,66.53c-15.89-6.601-30.2-16.25-42.19-28.221l50.841-51
		C359.435,246.89,365.854,251.23,372.975,254.2z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.6338 -0.7735 0.7735 0.6338 332.1963 300.0664)" class="st1 st3">Main 6</text>

  <!-- This is third-ring or sub part -->
  <g class="second-ring">
      <a xlink:href="">
        <path class="sub-one" d="M345.545,79.27c-16.03,6.64-30.44,16.38-42.5,28.46c-12.04,12.08-21.74,26.5-28.35,42.52l-54.061-22.3
		c9.59-23.18,23.66-44.03,41.141-61.47c17.46-17.42,38.319-31.45,61.5-40.99L345.545,79.27z" />
        <text transform="matrix(0.7099 0.7043 -0.7043 0.7099 263.1514 75.9663)" class="st1 st3">Sub 1 1</text>

      <a xlink:href="">
        <path class="sub-two" d="M274.785,250.03l-54.02,22.399c-9.271-22.29-14.391-46.75-14.391-72.4c0-25.53,5.07-49.87,14.26-72.08
		l54.061,22.3c-6.33,15.34-9.82,32.15-9.82,49.78C264.875,217.74,268.395,234.63,274.785,250.03z" />
        <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 213.585 200.1899)" class="st1 st3">Sub 1 2</text>

      <a xlink:href="">
        <path class="sub-three" d="M345.415,320.73l-22.28,53.779c-23.01-9.49-43.74-23.41-61.109-40.68c-17.51-17.41-31.631-38.24-41.26-61.4
		l54.02-22.399c6.64,16.02,16.359,30.42,28.439,42.479C315.215,304.48,329.525,314.13,345.415,320.73z" />
        <text transform="matrix(0.7305 -0.6829 0.6829 0.7305 266.9395 328.9912)" class="st1 st3">Sub 1 3</text>





No SVG, just plain css.




  • just turn rectangles over the same corner with increasing angles. Like a paper fan.
  • 只要在同一个角上用增加的角度旋转矩形。像一个纸风扇。
  • Put the whole thing at the outermost level into a circle (border-radius:r px;overflow: hidden).
  • 把整个东西放在最外面的一个圆里(边界半径:r px;溢出:隐藏)。
  • Repeat for any further, outer rings.
  • 外环重复。
  • Add another outer overflow:hidden wrapper, if the enlarged last menu (‚menu 5‘) bothers you...
  • 添加另一个外部溢出:隐藏的包装,如果扩大去年菜单(‚菜单5 ')让你烦恼…
  • Javascript is only needed, as soon as you deal with clicks and want to toggle outer rings visibility for sub-options...
  • 只需要Javascript,只要您处理单击并希望为子选项切换外环的可见性……



This is simplified stylus syntax (similar to less, sass), see codepen➝‘view compiled’ for full css:


  position absolute
  top 50%
  display block
  transform-origin top right
  overflow hidden
  width r
  height r

  transform: rotate(60deg)
  background #000
  transform: rotate(40deg)
  background #222



You have to use an SVG library. Trying to make it with basic HTML elements and jQuery is probably possible using image maps, but wrapping it around jQuery will make you want to kill yourself.


I recommend d3.js since it not only handles presentation part (looks, animations) but also data with which you'll feed it.




You could do this with SVG. When you click on first-ring buttons or (Main 1, Main 2...) it will update text of second-ring buttons or (Sub 1 1, Sub 2 1...), and this is just for demo purpose. You can use js to change links inside <a xlink:href=""></a> instead of just text.

您可以使用SVG实现这一点。当你点击一圈按钮或(主1,主2…)时,它会更新二圈按钮或(副1,副2…)的文本,这只是为了演示目的。可以使用js在 " 中修改链接,而不仅仅是文本。

var firstRing = $('.first-ring');
var secondRing = $('.second-ring');
var siblings = firstRing.siblings('.second-ring');
var open = $('#open');

open.click(function() {

  if (!firstRing.hasClass('show')) {

firstRing.children('g').click(function() {
  var data = $(this).data('url');

  secondRing.children('g').children('a').children('text').each(function() {
    var text = $(this).text().split(' ');
    $(this).text(text[0] + ' ' + data + ' ' + text[2]);
svg {
  position: fixed;
  top: 50%;
  right: 0;
  transform: translateY(-50%);
  font-size: 12px;

g {
  fill: white;
  transition: all 0.3s ease-in;
  cursor: pointer;

text {
  fill: white;

g:not(.first-ring):not(.second-ring):hover {
  opacity: 0.6;

.first-ring, .second-ring {
  opacity: 0;

.show {
  opacity: 1;

.main      {fill: #2B2B2B;}
.one       {fill: #2B2B2B;}
.two       {fill: #373737;}
.three     {fill: #444444;}
.four      {fill: #515151;}
.five      {fill: #5E5E5E;}
.six       {fill: #6A6A6A;}
.sub-one   {fill: #777777;}
.sub-two   {fill: #848484;}
.sub-three {fill: #909090;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

<svg width="400px" height="400px">
  <!-- This is First ring or Menu part-->
  <g id="open">
    <path class="main" d="M395.545,200.03l-0.08-0.12l-0.05,0.12l-22.44,54.17c-7.12-2.97-13.54-7.311-18.909-12.69
		c2.96-7.19,7.31-13.66,12.71-19.07c5.42-5.45,11.899-9.83,19.109-12.82L395.545,200.03z" />
    <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 351.7607 206.0303)" class="st1 st3">MENU</text>

  <!-- This is second-ring -->
  <g class="first-ring">
    <g data-url="1">
      <path class="one" d="M373.095,145.81c-7.21,2.99-13.689,7.37-19.109,12.82l-50.94-50.9c12.06-12.08,26.47-21.82,42.5-28.46
		L373.095,145.81z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.5061 0.8625 -0.8625 0.5061 332.1963 107.73)" class="st1 st3">Main 1</text>
    <g data-url="2">
      <path class="two" d="M353.985,158.63c-5.4,5.41-9.75,11.88-12.71,19.07l-66.58-27.45c6.609-16.02,16.31-30.44,28.35-42.52
		L353.985,158.63z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.8283 0.5603 -0.5603 0.8283 295.585 136.9624)" class="st1 st3">Main 2</text>
    <g data-url="3">
      <path class="three" d="M341.275,177.7c-2.841,6.88-4.4,14.42-4.4,22.33h-72c0-17.63,3.49-34.44,9.82-49.78L341.275,177.7z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.9946 0.1039 -0.1039 0.9946 283.0908 183.2314)" class="st1 st3">Main 3</text>
    <g data-url="4">
      <path class="four" d="M341.315,222.46l-66.53,27.57c-6.391-15.4-9.91-32.29-9.91-50h72
		C336.875,207.97,338.455,215.55,341.315,222.46z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.9891 -0.1475 0.1475 0.9891 283.0898 225.0303)" class="st1 st3">Main4</text>
    <g data-url="5">
      <path class="five" d="M354.065,241.51l-50.841,51c-12.08-12.06-21.8-26.46-28.439-42.479l66.53-27.57
		C344.295,229.64,348.655,236.1,354.065,241.51z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.8627 -0.5057 0.5057 0.8627 299.6768 268.6953)" class="st1 st3">Main 5</text>
    <g data-url="6">
      <path class="six" d="M372.975,254.2l-27.56,66.53c-15.89-6.601-30.2-16.25-42.19-28.221l50.841-51
		C359.435,246.89,365.854,251.23,372.975,254.2z" />
      <text transform="matrix(0.6338 -0.7735 0.7735 0.6338 332.1963 300.0664)" class="st1 st3">Main 6</text>

  <!-- This is third-ring or sub part -->
  <g class="second-ring">
      <a xlink:href="">
        <path class="sub-one" d="M345.545,79.27c-16.03,6.64-30.44,16.38-42.5,28.46c-12.04,12.08-21.74,26.5-28.35,42.52l-54.061-22.3
		c9.59-23.18,23.66-44.03,41.141-61.47c17.46-17.42,38.319-31.45,61.5-40.99L345.545,79.27z" />
        <text transform="matrix(0.7099 0.7043 -0.7043 0.7099 263.1514 75.9663)" class="st1 st3">Sub 1 1</text>

      <a xlink:href="">
        <path class="sub-two" d="M274.785,250.03l-54.02,22.399c-9.271-22.29-14.391-46.75-14.391-72.4c0-25.53,5.07-49.87,14.26-72.08
		l54.061,22.3c-6.33,15.34-9.82,32.15-9.82,49.78C264.875,217.74,268.395,234.63,274.785,250.03z" />
        <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 213.585 200.1899)" class="st1 st3">Sub 1 2</text>

      <a xlink:href="">
        <path class="sub-three" d="M345.415,320.73l-22.28,53.779c-23.01-9.49-43.74-23.41-61.109-40.68c-17.51-17.41-31.631-38.24-41.26-61.4
		l54.02-22.399c6.64,16.02,16.359,30.42,28.439,42.479C315.215,304.48,329.525,314.13,345.415,320.73z" />
        <text transform="matrix(0.7305 -0.6829 0.6829 0.7305 266.9395 328.9912)" class="st1 st3">Sub 1 3</text>





No SVG, just plain css.




  • just turn rectangles over the same corner with increasing angles. Like a paper fan.
  • 只要在同一个角上用增加的角度旋转矩形。像一个纸风扇。
  • Put the whole thing at the outermost level into a circle (border-radius:r px;overflow: hidden).
  • 把整个东西放在最外面的一个圆里(边界半径:r px;溢出:隐藏)。
  • Repeat for any further, outer rings.
  • 外环重复。
  • Add another outer overflow:hidden wrapper, if the enlarged last menu (‚menu 5‘) bothers you...
  • 添加另一个外部溢出:隐藏的包装,如果扩大去年菜单(‚菜单5 ')让你烦恼…
  • Javascript is only needed, as soon as you deal with clicks and want to toggle outer rings visibility for sub-options...
  • 只需要Javascript,只要您处理单击并希望为子选项切换外环的可见性……



This is simplified stylus syntax (similar to less, sass), see codepen➝‘view compiled’ for full css:


  position absolute
  top 50%
  display block
  transform-origin top right
  overflow hidden
  width r
  height r

  transform: rotate(60deg)
  background #000
  transform: rotate(40deg)
  background #222



You have to use an SVG library. Trying to make it with basic HTML elements and jQuery is probably possible using image maps, but wrapping it around jQuery will make you want to kill yourself.


I recommend d3.js since it not only handles presentation part (looks, animations) but also data with which you'll feed it.
