Shiny DT :: renderDataTable的“全选”复选框

时间:2021-09-28 14:28:16

I want a checkbox that selects all the rows displayed (displayed is key as this differs between the filters you have applied and the entire data table) in a standard DT::renderDataTable in Shiny.

我想要一个复选框,用于选择Shiny中标准DT :: renderDataTable中显示的所有行(显示的是键,因为这在您应用的过滤器和整个数据表之间不同)。

Is there any DT extension that already does this? My coding skills are basic so I cannot write an equivalent Java or HTML code.


This is my app so far, any csv file is compatible for the select all purpose. At the moment there is a clunky way of creating another table of all the selected rows (manually selected one by one) - this is difficult when you want to select 30 animals all with the same characteristic.

这是我的应用程序到目前为止,任何csv文件兼容所有目的。目前有一种笨重的方式来创建所有选定行的另一个表(逐个手动选择) - 当您想要选择具有相同特征的30只动物时,这很难。


ui = pageWithSidebar(


  #This is where the full animal information file is input, as a ".txt" file.
    fileInput("ani", "Upload Animal Information File", accept = ".csv"),
    numericInput("groups","Number of Ewe Groups", value = 1 ),
    #This is a list of the table headers. These headers can be indivdually selected to be part of the concatenated "Unique ID" single column.  
    width = 2),

server = function(input, output, session) {

    animalinformation <- reactive({
        file1 <- input$ani
        if (is.null(file1))
        #This removes the Ewes and Status non-zero Rams from the displayed data, so that only live/at hand Rams are shown for selection.    
            anifile <- read.csv(file1$datapath, header = TRUE)
            anifile <-

    output$choose_columns <- renderUI({
        if (is.null(animalinformation()))
        colnames <- names(animalinformation())

        # Create the checkboxes and select them all by default
        checkboxGroupInput("columns", "Choose Columns",
                       choices = colnames,
                       selected = colnames)

    #This line is repsonsible for creating the table for display.
    output$ani1 = DT::renderDataTable({
        if (is.null(animalinformation()))
        if (is.null(input$columns) || !(input$columns %in% names(animalinformation()))) { return() }
            { datatable(animalinformation()[, input$columns, drop = F], filter = "top") }

    ani1_selected <- reactive({
        ids <- input$ani1_rows_selected

    #This displays the table of selected rows from the table of Rams. This table can be downloaded or printed, or copied using the buttons that appear above the table, thanks to the 'Buttons' extension.
    output$selectedEwes <- DT::renderDataTable({
      selection = list(mode = "none"),
      caption = "Copy to clipboard, download a .csv or print the following table of selected Ewes, using the above buttons.", extensions = 'Buttons', options = list(dom = 'Bfrtip', buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'))


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Any help would be much appreciated thanks.


1 个解决方案



Here is the simplest implementation I can think of. It takes advantage of the fact that DT will return the filter row indexes back to R, which is input$dt_rows_all in the below example. Moreover, it uses the DT::dataTableProxy() to control the row selection. Finally, it works in both the client mode and the server-side processing mode.

这是我能想到的最简单的实现。它利用了DT将过滤器行索引返回到R的事实,在下面的示例中输入$ dt_rows_all。而且,它使用DT :: dataTableProxy()来控制行选择。最后,它适用于客户端模式和服务器端处理模式。

By the way, I want to mention that using javascript to mimic the selecting / deselecting events in DT won't change the related shiny binding values in R (e.g., input$dt_rows_selected). It's because DT has its own implementation of row selections (may change in the future but not yet at the time of writing). See rstudio/DT#366 if you want to know more.

顺便提一下,我想提一下,使用javascript来模仿DT中的选择/取消选择事件不会改变R中相关的闪亮绑定值(例如,输入$ dt_rows_selected)。这是因为DT有自己的行选择实现(可能在将来改变,但在编写时尚未改变)。如果您想了解更多信息,请参阅rstudio / DT#366。

ui <- tagList(
  checkboxInput("dt_sel", "sel/desel all"),
  verbatimTextOutput("selected_rows", TRUE)

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  dat <- reactive({iris})
  output$dt <- DT::renderDT(dat(), server = TRUE)
  dt_proxy <- DT::dataTableProxy("dt")
  observeEvent(input$dt_sel, {
    if (isTRUE(input$dt_sel)) {
      DT::selectRows(dt_proxy, input$dt_rows_all)
    } else {
      DT::selectRows(dt_proxy, NULL)
  output$selected_rows <- renderPrint(print(input$dt_rows_selected))

shiny::runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))



Here is the simplest implementation I can think of. It takes advantage of the fact that DT will return the filter row indexes back to R, which is input$dt_rows_all in the below example. Moreover, it uses the DT::dataTableProxy() to control the row selection. Finally, it works in both the client mode and the server-side processing mode.

这是我能想到的最简单的实现。它利用了DT将过滤器行索引返回到R的事实,在下面的示例中输入$ dt_rows_all。而且,它使用DT :: dataTableProxy()来控制行选择。最后,它适用于客户端模式和服务器端处理模式。

By the way, I want to mention that using javascript to mimic the selecting / deselecting events in DT won't change the related shiny binding values in R (e.g., input$dt_rows_selected). It's because DT has its own implementation of row selections (may change in the future but not yet at the time of writing). See rstudio/DT#366 if you want to know more.

顺便提一下,我想提一下,使用javascript来模仿DT中的选择/取消选择事件不会改变R中相关的闪亮绑定值(例如,输入$ dt_rows_selected)。这是因为DT有自己的行选择实现(可能在将来改变,但在编写时尚未改变)。如果您想了解更多信息,请参阅rstudio / DT#366。

ui <- tagList(
  checkboxInput("dt_sel", "sel/desel all"),
  verbatimTextOutput("selected_rows", TRUE)

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  dat <- reactive({iris})
  output$dt <- DT::renderDT(dat(), server = TRUE)
  dt_proxy <- DT::dataTableProxy("dt")
  observeEvent(input$dt_sel, {
    if (isTRUE(input$dt_sel)) {
      DT::selectRows(dt_proxy, input$dt_rows_all)
    } else {
      DT::selectRows(dt_proxy, NULL)
  output$selected_rows <- renderPrint(print(input$dt_rows_selected))

shiny::runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))