
时间:2023-01-11 14:25:49

I'm trying to add <tr/> tags dynamically to a DataTable, but I didn't find actual good documentation on how the "adding TR process" is supposed to work. I have this as my DataTables setup:


   stateSave: true,
   fixedHeader: true,
   rowReorder: true,
   columnDefs: [
      { orderable: false, className: "seq-cell", targets: 0 },
      { orderable: false, targets: "_all" }
.on("row-reordered", function (e, diff, edit) {
   for (var i = 0; i < diff.length; i++)

I'm getting the definition of the item in the grid from an MVC action method as an HTML string, via a jQuery AJAX statement:

我通过jQuery AJAX语句,从MVC操作方法,将网格中的项定义为HTML字符串:

    type: "post",
    url: "AddItem",
    data: $("#newitemform").find(":input[name]").serialize(),
    success: function (d) {
       var $body = $("#Grid tbody");

The "d" parameter is the HTML for a row; I'm appending it to the body. That adds correctly and but doesn't have the row reorder functionality enabled then. What is the proper way to append to a DataTable, then re-enable whatever functionality?


2 个解决方案



Use row.add() API method to add a new row instead of appending to the table body.

使用row.add() API方法添加新的行,而不是添加到表主体。

If d contains string in the following format <tr>...</tr>, you could just use $("#Grid").DataTable().row.add($(d).get(0)) to add a new row.

如果d包含以下格式的字符串…,您可以使用$(“#Grid”). datatable ().row.add($(d).get(0))添加新行。

For example:


    type: "post",
    url: "AddItem",
    data: $("#newitemform").find(":input[name]").serialize(),
    success: function (d) {

See this example for code and demonstration.




The best option is to use Datatables API's to add rows to the table. As indicated in the previous response you can use either row.add() or rows.add(). The data needs to be in a data structure that matches your Datatables data structure config, ie, arrays or objects.

最好的选择是使用Datatables API向表中添加行。如前面的响应所示,您可以使用row.add()或rows.add()。数据需要处于与您的datatable数据结构配置(例如,数组或对象)匹配的数据结构中。

However it looks like you are receiving HTML structured data and appending directly to the table. In this case Datatables is not aware of the added data. You will need destroy (destroy()) the Datatables table, append your data then re-init Datatables. For example:


    type: "post",
    url: "AddItem",
    data: $("#newitemform").find(":input[name]").serialize(),
    success: function (d) {
       var $body = $("#Grid tbody");

       stateSave: true,
       fixedHeader: true,
       rowReorder: true,
       columnDefs: [
          { orderable: false, className: "seq-cell", targets: 0 },
          { orderable: false, targets: "_all" }




Use row.add() API method to add a new row instead of appending to the table body.

使用row.add() API方法添加新的行,而不是添加到表主体。

If d contains string in the following format <tr>...</tr>, you could just use $("#Grid").DataTable().row.add($(d).get(0)) to add a new row.

如果d包含以下格式的字符串…,您可以使用$(“#Grid”). datatable ().row.add($(d).get(0))添加新行。

For example:


    type: "post",
    url: "AddItem",
    data: $("#newitemform").find(":input[name]").serialize(),
    success: function (d) {

See this example for code and demonstration.




The best option is to use Datatables API's to add rows to the table. As indicated in the previous response you can use either row.add() or rows.add(). The data needs to be in a data structure that matches your Datatables data structure config, ie, arrays or objects.

最好的选择是使用Datatables API向表中添加行。如前面的响应所示,您可以使用row.add()或rows.add()。数据需要处于与您的datatable数据结构配置(例如,数组或对象)匹配的数据结构中。

However it looks like you are receiving HTML structured data and appending directly to the table. In this case Datatables is not aware of the added data. You will need destroy (destroy()) the Datatables table, append your data then re-init Datatables. For example:


    type: "post",
    url: "AddItem",
    data: $("#newitemform").find(":input[name]").serialize(),
    success: function (d) {
       var $body = $("#Grid tbody");

       stateSave: true,
       fixedHeader: true,
       rowReorder: true,
       columnDefs: [
          { orderable: false, className: "seq-cell", targets: 0 },
          { orderable: false, targets: "_all" }
