
时间:2021-05-17 14:29:27

I am Getting a Dynamic Array which Consist (Dictionary with Array ) and want to increase the Index of Array and will go on to Next Dictionary on action.

我得到了一个动态数组,它包含(Dictionary with Array)并希望增加数组的索引,并将继续到下一个Dictionary on action。

After Parsing The Value in swapLibs


var currentQuizIndex = 0
func Dataparsed() {
    ServiceManager.service(ServiceType.POST, path: urslStr, param: nil, completion: {  (sucess, response, error, code) -> Void in
        if (code == 200) {
            let QuizData  = (swapLibs?.valueForKey("quiz") as! NSArray)
            let  quizData = playInfo.PlayQuizInfo(QuizData[self.currentQuizIndex] as? NSDictionary)
            self.playQuizTitle?.text = quizData.quizQuestion
            self.playQImage.sd_setImageWithURL(NSURL(string: quizData.quizQImage!))
            self.QNumber?.text = "\(self.Qno)/\(self.noofQuestion)"

And The Modal is


class playInfo: NSObject {

    var quizId :           String? = ""
    var quizQId :          String? = ""
    var quizQImage :       String? = ""
    var quizQuestion :     String? = ""
    var quizType :         String? = ""
    var quizIndex :        String? = ""

    class func  PlayQuizInfo(dict: NSDictionary?) -> playInfo {

        let Pinfo = playInfo()
        return Pinfo

    func WrapPlayQuiz(dict: NSDictionary?)  {
        if dict == nil {
        self.quizId           = dict!.objectForKey("quizId")    as? String
        self.quizIndex        = dict!.objectForKey("index")     as? String
        self.quizQImage       = dict!.objectForKey("QuesImage")     as? String
        self.quizQuestion     = dict!.objectForKey("question")  as? String
        self.quizType         = dict!.objectForKey("Type")      as? String
        self.quizQId          = dict!.objectForKey("questionId")      as? String


Here is Structure


         "question":"How do you know him?",
               "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
               "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"
            {  },
            {  },
            {  },
            {  }
      {  },
      {  },
      {  },
      {  },
      {  },
      {  },
      {  },
      {  },
      {  },
      {  },
      {  }

Each Dictionary is Containing same Key As above


Any Help Will Be Appreciated.Thanks.


1 个解决方案



As I don't have ServiceManager at my end so I have created this code hypothetically. It might solve you issue of saving all data in to one array. It also adds keys in to array as an object.


EDIT 1 : correct QuizKey object array formation. Let me know if any kind of error occurs, as I am unable to test it at my end.


Edit 2: I have made a general ViewController its working perfectly.Try running this View Controller file and you will see the results.


class TestVC: UIViewController {

    //An Array similar to the response you are getting from the server
    var response:[AnyObject] = [
            "quizId" : "1111",
            "QuesImage" : "http://proprofs.com/api/ckeditor_images/man-approaches-woman1(1).jpg",
            "question" : "How do you know him?",
            "questionId" : "216210",
            "Type" : "PQ",
            "index" : 4,
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"
            "quizId" : "2222",
            "QuesImage" : "http://proprofs.com/api/ckeditor_images/man-approaches-woman1(1).jpg",
            "question" : "How do you know him?",
            "questionId" : "216210",
            "Type" : "PQ",
            "index" : 4,
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"

    var playQuizArray:[playInfo]! = []

    override func viewDidLoad() {


        for dict in response {
            self.playQuizArray.append(playInfo.PlayQuizInfo(dict as? [String:AnyObject]))


        let quiz = self.playQuizArray[0]
        print("quizId \(quiz.quizId)")
        print("keyAnswerId \(quiz.quizKeys![0].keyAnswerId)")

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

class playInfo: NSObject {
    var quizId :           String? = ""
    var quizQId :          String? = ""
    var quizQImage :       String? = ""
    var quizQuestion :     String? = ""
    var quizType :         String? = ""
    var quizIndex :        String? = ""
    //quizKeys will contain quiz array
    var quizKeys :       [QuizKey]? = []

    class func  PlayQuizInfo(dict: [String:AnyObject]?) -> playInfo {

        let Pinfo = playInfo()
        return Pinfo

    func WrapPlayQuiz(dict: [String:AnyObject]?)  {
        if dict == nil {
        self.quizId           = dict!["quizId"] as? String
        self.quizIndex        = dict!["index"] as? String
        self.quizQImage       = dict!["QuesImage"] as? String
        self.quizQuestion     = dict!["question"] as? String
        self.quizType         = dict!["Type"] as? String
        self.quizQId          = dict!["questionId"] as? String

        //add key object array to the quizKeys
        if let arrKeys = dict!["keys"] as? [AnyObject] {
            for arr in arrKeys {
                let key:QuizKey = QuizKey.QuizKeyInfo(arr as? [String : AnyObject])


class QuizKey: NSObject {
    var keyAnswerId :       String? = ""
    var keyOption :         String? = ""
    var keyAnsImage :       String? = ""

    class func  QuizKeyInfo(dict: [String:AnyObject]?) -> QuizKey {
        let QKeys = QuizKey()
        return QKeys

    func WrapQuizKeys(dict: [String:AnyObject]?)  {
        if dict == nil {

        self.keyAnswerId      = dict!["answerId"]    as? String
        self.keyOption        = dict!["option"]     as? String
        self.keyAnsImage      = dict!["AnsImage"]     as? String




As I don't have ServiceManager at my end so I have created this code hypothetically. It might solve you issue of saving all data in to one array. It also adds keys in to array as an object.


EDIT 1 : correct QuizKey object array formation. Let me know if any kind of error occurs, as I am unable to test it at my end.


Edit 2: I have made a general ViewController its working perfectly.Try running this View Controller file and you will see the results.


class TestVC: UIViewController {

    //An Array similar to the response you are getting from the server
    var response:[AnyObject] = [
            "quizId" : "1111",
            "QuesImage" : "http://proprofs.com/api/ckeditor_images/man-approaches-woman1(1).jpg",
            "question" : "How do you know him?",
            "questionId" : "216210",
            "Type" : "PQ",
            "index" : 4,
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"
            "quizId" : "2222",
            "QuesImage" : "http://proprofs.com/api/ckeditor_images/man-approaches-woman1(1).jpg",
            "question" : "How do you know him?",
            "questionId" : "216210",
            "Type" : "PQ",
            "index" : 4,
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"
                    "option":"He's in one or more of my classes, and we're good friends.",
                    "AnsImage":"Image Not Available"

    var playQuizArray:[playInfo]! = []

    override func viewDidLoad() {


        for dict in response {
            self.playQuizArray.append(playInfo.PlayQuizInfo(dict as? [String:AnyObject]))


        let quiz = self.playQuizArray[0]
        print("quizId \(quiz.quizId)")
        print("keyAnswerId \(quiz.quizKeys![0].keyAnswerId)")

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

class playInfo: NSObject {
    var quizId :           String? = ""
    var quizQId :          String? = ""
    var quizQImage :       String? = ""
    var quizQuestion :     String? = ""
    var quizType :         String? = ""
    var quizIndex :        String? = ""
    //quizKeys will contain quiz array
    var quizKeys :       [QuizKey]? = []

    class func  PlayQuizInfo(dict: [String:AnyObject]?) -> playInfo {

        let Pinfo = playInfo()
        return Pinfo

    func WrapPlayQuiz(dict: [String:AnyObject]?)  {
        if dict == nil {
        self.quizId           = dict!["quizId"] as? String
        self.quizIndex        = dict!["index"] as? String
        self.quizQImage       = dict!["QuesImage"] as? String
        self.quizQuestion     = dict!["question"] as? String
        self.quizType         = dict!["Type"] as? String
        self.quizQId          = dict!["questionId"] as? String

        //add key object array to the quizKeys
        if let arrKeys = dict!["keys"] as? [AnyObject] {
            for arr in arrKeys {
                let key:QuizKey = QuizKey.QuizKeyInfo(arr as? [String : AnyObject])


class QuizKey: NSObject {
    var keyAnswerId :       String? = ""
    var keyOption :         String? = ""
    var keyAnsImage :       String? = ""

    class func  QuizKeyInfo(dict: [String:AnyObject]?) -> QuizKey {
        let QKeys = QuizKey()
        return QKeys

    func WrapQuizKeys(dict: [String:AnyObject]?)  {
        if dict == nil {

        self.keyAnswerId      = dict!["answerId"]    as? String
        self.keyOption        = dict!["option"]     as? String
        self.keyAnsImage      = dict!["AnsImage"]     as? String
