DataTables 1.10.5 Ajax - 如何向TR或TD添加参数?

时间:2021-07-06 14:22:41

I would like to load datatable data with AJAX and add some parameters to the rows and cells (classes or 'data' attributes). The most tricky part is that I have a PHP helper that creates javascript. For example:


$datatables = array(
            'type' => array(
                'bAutoWidth' => false,
                'ajax' => site_url('admin/parameters/area_add_type_table_data_ajax/' . $t_id),
                'paging' => false,
                'searching' => true,
                'columns' => array(
                    array('width' => '20%', 'class' => 'text-center')
                'info' => true,
                'scrollX' => true,

This PHP array is JSON-encoded and creates the javascript that displays the table.


The ajax source also exits JSON-encoded array, for example:


$data = array('data' => array(array('SOME TEXT HERE...'), array('SOME TEXT IN ANOTHER ROW...')); exit(json_encode($data);

One row, produced by this code is:


<tr role="row" class="odd"><td class="text-center">SOME TEXT HERE...</td></tr>

But then I need to add some "parameters" to final rows (tr) and some cells (tds) (attributes in double asterisks).


<tr role="row" class="odd" **data-id="##"**><td class="text-center" **data-content="unit_short" data-id="##"**>SOME TEXT HERE...</td></tr>

That IDs are depending on the current data in the row, so they are variable.


(I apologise for the one row code examples)


Thank you for any help. If it is not possible to do it in my "PHP-way", write at least a solution in pure JS.


1 个解决方案



I dont know how your PHP helper works, but you can use the createdRow callback to do that :


createdRow: function(tr, data, index) {
   $(tr).attr('data-id', '##');
   $('td', tr).eq(1)
              .attr('data-content', 'unit_short')
              .attr('data-id', '##')

It is not clear from the question what ## is and where it come from, but this is at least the way to go. You can use index if there is no ## available.




I dont know how your PHP helper works, but you can use the createdRow callback to do that :


createdRow: function(tr, data, index) {
   $(tr).attr('data-id', '##');
   $('td', tr).eq(1)
              .attr('data-content', 'unit_short')
              .attr('data-id', '##')

It is not clear from the question what ## is and where it come from, but this is at least the way to go. You can use index if there is no ## available.
