Swift - 一个if语句中的两个变量

时间:2021-09-12 14:21:24

I'm only a few days into learning swift and I've done a bit of research but either don't understand the explanations or I can't find what I'm looking for.


If I have two variable in an if statement, how can I tell if either variable is a nil value.


For example: (syntax is not correct but just giving an idea).


if variable1 or variable2 != nil { 
    // Do this 
} else {
    // Do this instead 

I need to know how to do the 'or' part of it.


I saw somewhere I could use || (2 x pipes) but it didn't work for me.

我看到某处我可以使用|| (2 x管道),但它对我不起作用。

I would also like to know if the same would work for something other than variables such as.


if inputTextBox1.text or inputTextBox2.text != nil { 
    // Do this
} else { 
    // Do this instead



3 个解决方案


This isn’t quite as basic a question as it seems.


Regular if…let is like an &&, that is,


let i: Int? = nil
let j: Int? = 2

if let a = i, b = j {
    // won’t execute, as i is nil

// is equivalent to
if let i != nil && j != nil {
    // also won’t execute

…but the former is far preferable than the latter, as you almost always want to use the unwrapped value (see When should I compare an optional value to nil?).


If you have two optional variables, and you want one of them, depending on which one is nil, you can use the nil-coalescing operator, in conjunction with if…let:

如果你有两个可选变量,并且你想要其中一个,取决于哪一个是nil,你可以使用nil-coalescing运算符,结合if ... let:

let i: Int? = nil
let j: Int? = 2

if let eitherOr = i ?? j {
    // prints 2, because first one is nil

// which is similar to
if i != nil || j != nil {


Note, though, that in the case where neither is nil, you will get the first one:


let k: Int? = 3

if let eitherOr = j ?? k {
    // prints the first non-nil value, 2

(again, analogous to short-circuiting behavior of || – if the first part is true, the second is not evaluated as it doesn't matter if it's true or not)

(再次,类似于||的短路行为 - 如果第一部分为真,则第二部分不进行评估,因为如果它是真的无关紧要)


This is some basic stuff so if you're unfamiliar with it I'd definitely recommend going through The Swift Programming Guide. Here's the link: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/


In response to your question though, yes, you need to use ||, like so:


if inputTextBox1.text != nil || inputTextBox2.text != nil { 
    // Do this
} else { 
    // Do this instead

It's the same for 'and', just replace || with &&:


if inputTextBox1.text != nil && inputTextBox2.text != nil { 
    // Do this

The previous two examples a good for just checking if the values are nil or not (and they demonstate how to use || and &&). If you need to test whether the values are nil and then unwrap them you should have a look at @Airspeed Velocity's answer.

前两个示例仅用于检查值是否为零(并且它们演示了如何使用||和&&)。如果您需要测试值是否为零然后打开它们,您应该查看@Airspeed Velocity的答案。


I had a little trouble figuring out exactly what you meant, so here's two answers:


if (variable1 == nil) || (variable2 == nil) {
//then one of them is nil; do something here

if (variable1 != nil) && (variable2 != nil) {
//then neither of them is nil; do something here


This isn’t quite as basic a question as it seems.


Regular if…let is like an &&, that is,


let i: Int? = nil
let j: Int? = 2

if let a = i, b = j {
    // won’t execute, as i is nil

// is equivalent to
if let i != nil && j != nil {
    // also won’t execute

…but the former is far preferable than the latter, as you almost always want to use the unwrapped value (see When should I compare an optional value to nil?).


If you have two optional variables, and you want one of them, depending on which one is nil, you can use the nil-coalescing operator, in conjunction with if…let:

如果你有两个可选变量,并且你想要其中一个,取决于哪一个是nil,你可以使用nil-coalescing运算符,结合if ... let:

let i: Int? = nil
let j: Int? = 2

if let eitherOr = i ?? j {
    // prints 2, because first one is nil

// which is similar to
if i != nil || j != nil {


Note, though, that in the case where neither is nil, you will get the first one:


let k: Int? = 3

if let eitherOr = j ?? k {
    // prints the first non-nil value, 2

(again, analogous to short-circuiting behavior of || – if the first part is true, the second is not evaluated as it doesn't matter if it's true or not)

(再次,类似于||的短路行为 - 如果第一部分为真,则第二部分不进行评估,因为如果它是真的无关紧要)


This is some basic stuff so if you're unfamiliar with it I'd definitely recommend going through The Swift Programming Guide. Here's the link: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/


In response to your question though, yes, you need to use ||, like so:


if inputTextBox1.text != nil || inputTextBox2.text != nil { 
    // Do this
} else { 
    // Do this instead

It's the same for 'and', just replace || with &&:


if inputTextBox1.text != nil && inputTextBox2.text != nil { 
    // Do this

The previous two examples a good for just checking if the values are nil or not (and they demonstate how to use || and &&). If you need to test whether the values are nil and then unwrap them you should have a look at @Airspeed Velocity's answer.

前两个示例仅用于检查值是否为零(并且它们演示了如何使用||和&&)。如果您需要测试值是否为零然后打开它们,您应该查看@Airspeed Velocity的答案。


I had a little trouble figuring out exactly what you meant, so here's two answers:


if (variable1 == nil) || (variable2 == nil) {
//then one of them is nil; do something here

if (variable1 != nil) && (variable2 != nil) {
//then neither of them is nil; do something here