时间:2022-11-13 14:22:55

I have two tables with the datetime datatype, CreatedDate and CompletedDate and I want to find all the rows where the CompletedDate is within four hours of the CreatedDate.


My source database is SQL Server 2000 and it is linked to my SQL Server 2008.

我的源数据库是SQL Server 2000,它链接到我的SQL Server 2008。

Created Date                Completed Date

2015-03-05 11:47:27.030     2015-03-06 17:32:58.107

1 个解决方案



Use dateadd()

where completeddate <= dateadd(hour, 4, createddate)

This should work in both versions of SQL Server.

这应该适用于两个版本的SQL Server。

Note: You want to use dateadd() rather than datediff() to get exactly 4 hours. datediff() does not count the number of hours between two datetimes. It counts the number of "hour transitions" between two datetimes.

注意:您希望使用dateadd()而不是datediff()来获得恰好4个小时。 datediff()不计算两个日期时间之间的小时数。它计算两个日期时间之间的“小时转换”的数量。

Also, right after you do this, migrate your old database to a newer version of SQL Server. This should be an easy transition, and using supported software is highly recommended for any application.

此外,在执行此操作后,将旧数据库迁移到较新版本的SQL Server。这应该是一个简单的过渡,强烈建议使用支持的软件用于任何应用程序。



Use dateadd()

where completeddate <= dateadd(hour, 4, createddate)

This should work in both versions of SQL Server.

这应该适用于两个版本的SQL Server。

Note: You want to use dateadd() rather than datediff() to get exactly 4 hours. datediff() does not count the number of hours between two datetimes. It counts the number of "hour transitions" between two datetimes.

注意:您希望使用dateadd()而不是datediff()来获得恰好4个小时。 datediff()不计算两个日期时间之间的小时数。它计算两个日期时间之间的“小时转换”的数量。

Also, right after you do this, migrate your old database to a newer version of SQL Server. This should be an easy transition, and using supported software is highly recommended for any application.

此外,在执行此操作后,将旧数据库迁移到较新版本的SQL Server。这应该是一个简单的过渡,强烈建议使用支持的软件用于任何应用程序。