请参阅别名为FROM子句中的表的其他SQL SELECT语句

时间:2021-01-10 14:20:57

I have a very large query that follows the format below:


select ...
  from ( select field1,
           from some_table ) table1,
       ( select field1,
           from other_table ) table2

 where .....

Is is possible for me to refer to one of the tables "defined" in the from clause, lets say table1, in one of the other table definitions in the from clause?


For example:

select ....
  from ( select field1,
           from some_table ) table1,
       ( select table1.field1,
           from other_table,
                table1 ) table2

 where .....

Disclaimer: What I am trying to do is not as simple as the example above. The example is simply to illustrate the idea.


2 个解决方案


table1 AS
        SELECT  field1, field2
        FROM    some_table
table2 AS
        SELECT  field1, field2
        FROM    other_table, table1
FROM    table2


If you are using SQL 2005, you can use Common Table Expressions for doing what you are trying; Quassnoi gives us an example, in Oracle I don't know how to achieve it though

如果您使用的是SQL 2005,则可以使用Common Table Expressions来执行您正在尝试的操作; Quassnoi给了我们一个例子,在Oracle中我不知道如何实现它


table1 AS
        SELECT  field1, field2
        FROM    some_table
table2 AS
        SELECT  field1, field2
        FROM    other_table, table1
FROM    table2


If you are using SQL 2005, you can use Common Table Expressions for doing what you are trying; Quassnoi gives us an example, in Oracle I don't know how to achieve it though

如果您使用的是SQL 2005,则可以使用Common Table Expressions来执行您正在尝试的操作; Quassnoi给了我们一个例子,在Oracle中我不知道如何实现它