
时间:2021-05-18 14:17:30
da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT ExitTime,EnterTime,name,[tag-id-st],[build-id],[room-no],tagType FROM Students,GateLogging WHERE GateLogging.tagType='student'", MyConn);
DateTime ss=dt.Rows[0][1];       
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
int x=date.CompareTo(ss);

This is my code, I stopped here and I can't complete


Please help me to compare the values in "EnterTime" table with the current time and show in gridview the values that is more than the current time with 10 minutes


3 个解决方案


First, find the date you actually care about - for example it might be

首先,找到您真正关心的日期 - 例如它可能是

DateTime cutoff = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10);

(do this once at the top, rather than per row) - then just compare against those, for example:

(在顶部执行此操作,而不是每行执行一次) - 然后只与这些进行比较,例如:

bool isOverdue = ss > cutoff;

You can also do this inside the database with GETDATE() and DATEADD(...) or DATEDIFF(...)



First of all you can change the select query to return only rows for a last 10 minutes, and you will not need to compare, Second you can use da.Fill(dt) to copy resultset to datatable and use dt.Select("...") to filter only your rows, and the third what is the problem? you can write

首先,您可以更改选择查询以仅返回最后10分钟的行,并且您不需要进行比较。其次,您可以使用da.Fill(dt)将结果集复制到datatable并使用dt.Select(“。 ..“)只过滤你的行,第三个是什么问题?你可以写

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
if (now - ss <= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))



Encountering the same problem in unit testing I wrote an AssertEx class with some less nitpicky assertions:


public static void AreSimilar(DateTime expected, DateTime actual, TimeSpan tolerance, string message)
    DateTime expectedMin = expected.Subtract(tolerance);
    DateTime expectedMax = expected.Add(tolerance);

    if (actual < expectedMin || actual > expectedMax)
        throw new AssertFailedException(message);


First, find the date you actually care about - for example it might be

首先,找到您真正关心的日期 - 例如它可能是

DateTime cutoff = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10);

(do this once at the top, rather than per row) - then just compare against those, for example:

(在顶部执行此操作,而不是每行执行一次) - 然后只与这些进行比较,例如:

bool isOverdue = ss > cutoff;

You can also do this inside the database with GETDATE() and DATEADD(...) or DATEDIFF(...)



First of all you can change the select query to return only rows for a last 10 minutes, and you will not need to compare, Second you can use da.Fill(dt) to copy resultset to datatable and use dt.Select("...") to filter only your rows, and the third what is the problem? you can write

首先,您可以更改选择查询以仅返回最后10分钟的行,并且您不需要进行比较。其次,您可以使用da.Fill(dt)将结果集复制到datatable并使用dt.Select(“。 ..“)只过滤你的行,第三个是什么问题?你可以写

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
if (now - ss <= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))



Encountering the same problem in unit testing I wrote an AssertEx class with some less nitpicky assertions:


public static void AreSimilar(DateTime expected, DateTime actual, TimeSpan tolerance, string message)
    DateTime expectedMin = expected.Subtract(tolerance);
    DateTime expectedMax = expected.Add(tolerance);

    if (actual < expectedMin || actual > expectedMax)
        throw new AssertFailedException(message);