
时间:2021-11-05 10:43:39

I'm using Eclipse Luna. I'm working on a Maven project. When I try to run my application on a weblogic's application server, and exception is thrown with the message:

我使用Eclipse Luna。我正在做一个Maven项目。当我试图在weblogic的应用服务器上运行应用程序时,会抛出以下消息:

weblogic.application.ModuleException: [HTTP:101027][WebAppModule(_auto_generated_ear_:MyAppName)] Document root: "D:\MGelbana\workspace\my-app-name\target\m2e-wtp\web-resources" does not exist.

I looked into the project's deployment assembly configuration and found the following error message: Cannot find entry: "/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources"



So I thought Luna's default Maven installation isn't what I need to I uninstalled it and I installed M2E-WTP from this URL ( but I believe I ended up with the same version and same options.

因此,我认为Luna的默认Maven安装不是我需要的,我卸载了它,并从这个URL (安装了M2E-WTP,但我相信我最终得到了相同的版本和相同的选项。

I understand that this plugin has the option of generating this folder /target/m2e-wtp/web-resources which helps Eclipse to deploy an application into an application server (Run on server option)


(Which is my end goal but I'm having issues with deploying the application with it's needed dependencies. If I generate the application's WAR file by Installing the maven project and deploying the generated that WAR manually, the application works, but I need to be able to debug\run it on the application server using Eclipse.)


But this folder (i.e. /target/m2e-wtp/web-resources) isn't created !


In Eclipse's Maven > Java EE Integration > WAR project preferences > Maven archiver generated files under the build directory (I checked this option)

在Eclipse的Maven > Java EE集成> WAR项目首选项> Maven归档程序中,在构建目录下生成文件(我选中了这个选项)

In the project-specific options, I only have a Maven menu and a Lifecycle mapping sub-menu and nothing to do with the maven archiver generating files or not !


So how can I direct maven to output the WTP related files ?



16 个解决方案



I was struggling with the same issue for couple of days. Ultimately following worked for me.


  • Install m2e-wtp from eclipse marketplace (if it's not already installed)
  • 从eclipse市场安装m2e-wtp(如果还没有安装的话)
  • Open project preferences -> Project Facets -> Runtimes -> Select the runtime of your choice (Tomcat 7 in my case)
  • 开放项目首选项->项目facet ->运行时->选择您选择的运行时(在我的例子中是Tomcat 7)



Just had this happen on Mars.


Fixed it by disabling the Dynamic Web Module facet and then re-enabling it.




Eclipse (Luna) will only generate the Maven Archiver files under the build path (in /target/m2e-wtp/web-resources) if it considers the project to be a "WAR Project".

如果将项目视为“战争项目”,Eclipse (Luna)只会在构建路径(in /target/m2e-wtp/web资源)下生成Maven Archiver文件。

From experience, this seems to be any project with the Dynamic Web Module facet. If the project is already a Faceted Form project, add the facet and build your project. If not, choose the [Configure -> Convert to Faceted Form...] menu option and go from there.


For projects imported as "Existing Maven Projects", Eclipse will usually set this for you. But if you've just checked the project out of version control or created / imported the project as a "standard" Java project, it may not have done.




Disabling the Build Automatically option and building manually again worked for me.




I had this issue using Weblogic. I went to (project)/target/m2e-wtp and manually created the web-resources folder.




Got the same issue. I solved it removing the "/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources" under Deployment Assembly. Then Maven -> Update Project.

有同样的问题。我解决了在部署程序集中移除“/target/m2e-wtp/web资源”的问题。然后是Maven ->更新项目。



I had the same problem and I could solve it by adding <packaging>war</packaging> to my pom.xml file in project tag.

我遇到了同样的问题,我可以通过在pom中添加 war 来解决。项目标记中的xml文件。



Need to update maven project >right click on project >click Maven>Update project.

需要更新maven项目>右键点击项目>点击maven >更新项目。



goto Windows menu>preference>choose Maven>Java EE Integration>uncheck the WAR project Preferences()

goto窗口的菜单>偏好>选择Maven>Java EE集成>uncheck战争项目偏好()



Hey I'm also facing a similar issue and I just addeed as discribed above by using this configuration bellow: Configure >> Add Projects Archives Support

嘿,我也面临着一个类似的问题,我只是通过使用这个配置bellow: Configure >>添加项目档案支持在上面描述



I had this issue and none of the other answers worked for me. I resolved it by right-clicking on the project in Package Explorer and choosing Build Project. This caused the missing m2e-wtp folder to appear.

我有这个问题,其他的答案对我都不起作用。通过在Package Explorer中右键单击项目并选择Build project,我解决了这个问题。这导致丢失的m2e-wtp文件夹出现。



I am using linux mint and i found in ~.m2/repository ".lock" file 1- I removed it. 2- I run maven clean and it worked with me.

我正在使用linux mint,我在~中找到了。m2 /库”。锁定“文件1-我删除了它。2-我运行maven clean,它和我一起工作。

Note: This is my solution for many issues with maven, cause ".lock" prevent maven from doing work on disk. so i hope it help you in many other issues.




Nothing wrong with the tomcat plugin or the application, it only needed a refresh once in a while. Also, because maven was cleaning up target. I just had to setup my maven build to also refresh the project including target folder.


Check the option to automatically refresh resources in your maven build




1) I have fixed by deleting the lock folder from the ~.maven/repository ".lock" folder.
2) Open project preferences -> Project Facets -> Runtimes -> Select the runtime of your choice.
3) Need to update maven project >right click on project >click Maven>Update project.

1)我已经修复了从~中删除锁文件夹。maven /库”。锁”文件夹。2) Open project preferences -> project facet -> Runtimes ->选择您所选择的运行时。3)需要更新maven项目>右键点击项目>点击maven >更新项目。

Thats it, the problem is resolved for me.




Just spend a couple of hours trying every solution described in this lengthy thread... Nothing worked until I discovered something hidden in the preferences...


The solution was simple: Preferences -> Maven -> Java EE Integration -> Enable Java EE configuration

解决方案很简单:首选项—> Maven—> Java EE集成—>支持Java EE配置

Why it was disabled in the first place will always be a mystery to me...




This due to a conflict between m2e-wtp & m2e plugin in eclipse . Uninstall the m2e plugin as it is already included as part of your m2e-wtp plugin. Restart and voila!




I was struggling with the same issue for couple of days. Ultimately following worked for me.


  • Install m2e-wtp from eclipse marketplace (if it's not already installed)
  • 从eclipse市场安装m2e-wtp(如果还没有安装的话)
  • Open project preferences -> Project Facets -> Runtimes -> Select the runtime of your choice (Tomcat 7 in my case)
  • 开放项目首选项->项目facet ->运行时->选择您选择的运行时(在我的例子中是Tomcat 7)



Just had this happen on Mars.


Fixed it by disabling the Dynamic Web Module facet and then re-enabling it.




Eclipse (Luna) will only generate the Maven Archiver files under the build path (in /target/m2e-wtp/web-resources) if it considers the project to be a "WAR Project".

如果将项目视为“战争项目”,Eclipse (Luna)只会在构建路径(in /target/m2e-wtp/web资源)下生成Maven Archiver文件。

From experience, this seems to be any project with the Dynamic Web Module facet. If the project is already a Faceted Form project, add the facet and build your project. If not, choose the [Configure -> Convert to Faceted Form...] menu option and go from there.


For projects imported as "Existing Maven Projects", Eclipse will usually set this for you. But if you've just checked the project out of version control or created / imported the project as a "standard" Java project, it may not have done.




Disabling the Build Automatically option and building manually again worked for me.




I had this issue using Weblogic. I went to (project)/target/m2e-wtp and manually created the web-resources folder.




Got the same issue. I solved it removing the "/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources" under Deployment Assembly. Then Maven -> Update Project.

有同样的问题。我解决了在部署程序集中移除“/target/m2e-wtp/web资源”的问题。然后是Maven ->更新项目。



I had the same problem and I could solve it by adding <packaging>war</packaging> to my pom.xml file in project tag.

我遇到了同样的问题,我可以通过在pom中添加 war 来解决。项目标记中的xml文件。



Need to update maven project >right click on project >click Maven>Update project.

需要更新maven项目>右键点击项目>点击maven >更新项目。



goto Windows menu>preference>choose Maven>Java EE Integration>uncheck the WAR project Preferences()

goto窗口的菜单>偏好>选择Maven>Java EE集成>uncheck战争项目偏好()



Hey I'm also facing a similar issue and I just addeed as discribed above by using this configuration bellow: Configure >> Add Projects Archives Support

嘿,我也面临着一个类似的问题,我只是通过使用这个配置bellow: Configure >>添加项目档案支持在上面描述



I had this issue and none of the other answers worked for me. I resolved it by right-clicking on the project in Package Explorer and choosing Build Project. This caused the missing m2e-wtp folder to appear.

我有这个问题,其他的答案对我都不起作用。通过在Package Explorer中右键单击项目并选择Build project,我解决了这个问题。这导致丢失的m2e-wtp文件夹出现。



I am using linux mint and i found in ~.m2/repository ".lock" file 1- I removed it. 2- I run maven clean and it worked with me.

我正在使用linux mint,我在~中找到了。m2 /库”。锁定“文件1-我删除了它。2-我运行maven clean,它和我一起工作。

Note: This is my solution for many issues with maven, cause ".lock" prevent maven from doing work on disk. so i hope it help you in many other issues.




Nothing wrong with the tomcat plugin or the application, it only needed a refresh once in a while. Also, because maven was cleaning up target. I just had to setup my maven build to also refresh the project including target folder.


Check the option to automatically refresh resources in your maven build




1) I have fixed by deleting the lock folder from the ~.maven/repository ".lock" folder.
2) Open project preferences -> Project Facets -> Runtimes -> Select the runtime of your choice.
3) Need to update maven project >right click on project >click Maven>Update project.

1)我已经修复了从~中删除锁文件夹。maven /库”。锁”文件夹。2) Open project preferences -> project facet -> Runtimes ->选择您所选择的运行时。3)需要更新maven项目>右键点击项目>点击maven >更新项目。

Thats it, the problem is resolved for me.




Just spend a couple of hours trying every solution described in this lengthy thread... Nothing worked until I discovered something hidden in the preferences...


The solution was simple: Preferences -> Maven -> Java EE Integration -> Enable Java EE configuration

解决方案很简单:首选项—> Maven—> Java EE集成—>支持Java EE配置

Why it was disabled in the first place will always be a mystery to me...




This due to a conflict between m2e-wtp & m2e plugin in eclipse . Uninstall the m2e plugin as it is already included as part of your m2e-wtp plugin. Restart and voila!
