
时间:2022-11-18 14:15:15

In the beginning of our app's development, we were using SQLDependency quite heavily to cache db results until the notifications told our app to grab a fresh copy.


During testing, we've noticed that the sql db's performance was getting hammered by the sqldependency notification service. We scaled back the number of tables that we were using sqldependency and noticed a large gain in performance. So, we thought we were just over using it and we moved on. We are down to only a few tables now.

在测试期间,我们注意到sql db的性能受到sqldependency通知服务的影响。我们缩小了使用sqldependency的表的数量,并注意到性能有了很大的提高。所以,我们认为我们已经过度使用它了,我们继续前进。我们现在只剩下几张桌子了。

Later we discovered that we couldn't scale back the security access level for the username that will establish the dependendency. We could have more than one connection string for each db (one for dependency and one for the rest of the app) but with multiple db's and db mirroring, this is a pain (from sql db admin point of view and app development)

后来我们发现,我们无法缩小将建立依赖关系的用户名的安全访问级别。我们可以为每个db提供多个连接字符串(一个用于依赖项,另一个用于应用程序的其余部分),但是对于多个db和db镜像,这是一种痛苦(从sql db管理的角度和应用程序开发的角度来看)

At this point we are just thinking about moving away from SQLDependency altogether based on the following logic:


  1. We don't need "instant" notification that the data has changed. If we knew within 1 second, that would be fast enough.
  2. 我们不需要“即时”通知,数据已经改变。如果我们在1秒内知道,那就足够快了。
  3. With some slight re-factoring, we could get it down to just 1 table and poll that table once a second.
  4. 通过稍微重构,我们可以将其减少到1个表,并每秒轮询该表一次。

Does anyone see a flaw in this logic?


Would polling one table once a second cause more or less load on the db than SQLDependency?


Has anyone had similar performance issue with SQLDependency?


1 个解决方案



I do dare try answer your question. But I am not sure you'll get the answer you was hoping for...


I remember back in the early 90ies when Borland promoted this grand new feature of 'callbacks' in their database Interbase that would give the caller (Delphi) 'notifications' via some very nifty new tech where promises was made that the database could be 'active'.


This was later known as the 'waste of time theory'.


And I guess why this never took of is perhaps that while the concept of DBMS was looking very promising, the database is one of your tiers that you can only scale up and not horizontally.


So programming languages to the rescue. Or rather the idea of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Many confuse SOA for 'Webservices' that was indeed an included hype in this new concept.


But if you check out the Fiefdom/Emissary design pattern (or Master/Agent pattern renamed to make it sound more cool and professional), you will find that the major idea is having exclusive control of its resources (read databases) and that all calls are being funneled via one single data adapter.


Obviously such a design does not work at all with triggers nor any callback frameworks.


But I think you should reconsider your entire design. If you funnel all actions and all calls via a single 'DataLayer', perhaps using Entity Framework, and perhaps on top on that a Caching mechanism you would not have to rely on your database to forward messages back up the food chain.


To show how weird things can get when being to 'database-centric', here is an extreme actual live example of how not to send an email, written a long long time ago, by a coder I was not so much impressed with:


Fact 1: Sql Server can send emails.

事实1:Sql Server可以发送电子邮件。

Fact 2: Asp3 coder does not know if or how this can be done in VbScript.


Asp3: read textbox email-address, send to com+ layer


Com+: take email-address and forward to datalayer


Datalayer: take email-address and forward to a stored procedure


Sproc: take email-address and forward to sql function


function: do weird sub-string things to check that email-adress has @ . in it. return true or false.


Sproc: return a recordset with one column and one row containing 1 or 0


Datalayer: return the table as is.


Com+: convert the first column and row with value 1 or 0 to true or false


Asp3: if true, send email-adress with email subject and email text to com+


Com+: sends the exact information to datalayer


Datalayer: calls an stored procedure..


Sproc: calls a sql-function...


function: uses sql server email agent to send the email

功能:使用sql server邮件代理发送邮件。

If you read this far, my advice is to let sql server manage tables, relations, indexes and transactions. It is very good at that. Anything beyond those tasks, and with that I do include cursors in stored procedures, is better handled via proper code.

如果您阅读了这篇文章,我的建议是让sql server管理表、关系、索引和事务。它在这方面做得很好。除了这些任务之外的任何事情(我确实在存储过程中包含游标),都可以通过正确的代码进行更好的处理。



I do dare try answer your question. But I am not sure you'll get the answer you was hoping for...


I remember back in the early 90ies when Borland promoted this grand new feature of 'callbacks' in their database Interbase that would give the caller (Delphi) 'notifications' via some very nifty new tech where promises was made that the database could be 'active'.


This was later known as the 'waste of time theory'.


And I guess why this never took of is perhaps that while the concept of DBMS was looking very promising, the database is one of your tiers that you can only scale up and not horizontally.


So programming languages to the rescue. Or rather the idea of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Many confuse SOA for 'Webservices' that was indeed an included hype in this new concept.


But if you check out the Fiefdom/Emissary design pattern (or Master/Agent pattern renamed to make it sound more cool and professional), you will find that the major idea is having exclusive control of its resources (read databases) and that all calls are being funneled via one single data adapter.


Obviously such a design does not work at all with triggers nor any callback frameworks.


But I think you should reconsider your entire design. If you funnel all actions and all calls via a single 'DataLayer', perhaps using Entity Framework, and perhaps on top on that a Caching mechanism you would not have to rely on your database to forward messages back up the food chain.


To show how weird things can get when being to 'database-centric', here is an extreme actual live example of how not to send an email, written a long long time ago, by a coder I was not so much impressed with:


Fact 1: Sql Server can send emails.

事实1:Sql Server可以发送电子邮件。

Fact 2: Asp3 coder does not know if or how this can be done in VbScript.


Asp3: read textbox email-address, send to com+ layer


Com+: take email-address and forward to datalayer


Datalayer: take email-address and forward to a stored procedure


Sproc: take email-address and forward to sql function


function: do weird sub-string things to check that email-adress has @ . in it. return true or false.


Sproc: return a recordset with one column and one row containing 1 or 0


Datalayer: return the table as is.


Com+: convert the first column and row with value 1 or 0 to true or false


Asp3: if true, send email-adress with email subject and email text to com+


Com+: sends the exact information to datalayer


Datalayer: calls an stored procedure..


Sproc: calls a sql-function...


function: uses sql server email agent to send the email

功能:使用sql server邮件代理发送邮件。

If you read this far, my advice is to let sql server manage tables, relations, indexes and transactions. It is very good at that. Anything beyond those tasks, and with that I do include cursors in stored procedures, is better handled via proper code.

如果您阅读了这篇文章,我的建议是让sql server管理表、关系、索引和事务。它在这方面做得很好。除了这些任务之外的任何事情(我确实在存储过程中包含游标),都可以通过正确的代码进行更好的处理。