Magento布局 - 未呈现/显示内容

时间:2022-11-18 14:15:27

I have gone through various Magento tutorials as well as a Magento book on layout, but I'm stuck with the following problem.


I have created a custom module, located in app/code/local/Company/Module/ . I have created a block Company_Module_Block_Ablock located in Company/Module/Block/Ablock.php. I have defined <config> ... <frontend><layout><updates><module><file>module.xml in Company/Module/etc/config.xml

我创建了一个自定义模块,位于app / code / local / Company / Module /中。我创建了一个位于Company / Module / Block / Ablock.php中的块Company_Module_Block_Ablock。我在Company / Module / etc / config.xml中定义了 ... module.xml

config.xml also has



Inside this module.xml I have:


        <reference name="content">
            <block type="module/ablock" name="myablock" template="module/ablock.phtml" />

I have created a Company/Module/controllers/IndexController.php and have a indexAction defined there which does

我创建了一个Company / Module / controllers / IndexController.php并在那里定义了一个indexAction


But whatever I try I'm unable to get my ablock.phtml to display. ablock.phtml is in app/design/frontend/company/default/template/module/ablock.phtml. The theme has been enabled and is generally working on the site.

但无论我尝试什么,我都无法显示我的ablock.phtml。 ablock.phtml位于app / design / frontend / company / default / template / module / ablock.phtml中。该主题已启用,通常在该网站上工作。

I have even tried to change module.xml inside layout so its not even using a template and even this is not displaying anything. Like this -

我甚至尝试在布局中更改module.xml,因此它甚至没有使用模板,甚至没有显示任何内容。喜欢这个 -

<reference name="content">
<block type="core/text">
    <action method="setText">

By the way the custom theme works fine otherwise, other pages have content displayed in them in the correct place.


I have SetEnv MAGE IS DEVELOPER MODE 1 in .htaccess which is supposed to help display even warnings and things. But my systems.log and exceptions.log have no errors in them. (Yes logging is turned on)

我在.htaccess中有SetEnv MAGE IS DEVELOPER MODE 1,它可以帮助显示警告和事物。但是我的systems.log和exceptions.log中没有错误。 (是的日志记录已打开)

Anyone have any advise on how to troubleshoot this or can spot a mistake in the configuration or code?


My next option seems to be hacking the core module code and logging where my module.xml is being loaded and parsed to see what is going on there.




3 个解决方案



Steps to Debug Layout Update XML issues:


  1. Is your XML file (local.xml or module.xml) being loaded into the system


  2. Does the handle tag you used in your layout file match a handle being generated for your request?


The quickest way to debug step 1 is, while in developer mode with errors showing, deliberately introduce a non-well-formed error to your Layout Update XML file.

调试步骤1的最快方法是,在显示错误的开发人员模式下,故意向Layout Update XML文件中引入一个格式错误的错误。

<layout <!-- notice missing closing taglayout -->
        <reference name="content">
            <block type="module/ablock" name="myablock" template="module/ablock.phtml" />

If developer mode is on and you've cleared your cache, loading any page with the above in place will cause an error. This lets you know that Magento is trying to load your XML file. If the page loads without problem, that means you have your XML file in the wrong location, or you've misconfigured your XML in config.xml.


Next up is your checking your layout handle. You'll want to make sure you're using the right one. You can view the layout handles that were used for a particular request by calling the following after your loadLayout and renderLayout request


//from a controller action
exit("bailing early at ".__LINE__." in ".__FILE__);

I've found the above items usually take care of 90% of layout problems. Be sure to go through the process a few times, as it's easy to miss one step and assume something's all right when it's not. Taking my usual risk of being a shill, part of why I created Commerce Bug (commercial debugging extension) was to provide this information quickly, and at a glance, to help with debugging problems.

我发现上面的项目通常会处理90%的布局问题。一定要经历几次这个过程,因为它很容易错过一步,并且当它不是时就会假设一切正常。我常常冒这个风险,我创建Commerce Bug(商业调试扩展)的部分原因是为了快速提供这些信息,并一目了然地帮助调试问题。

Based on your comments below, the problem appears to be the layout handle you're using. The handle that's generated by the system is



However, the handle you're defining in your layout.xml is



This is the "full action name" handle. The typical syntax for this is



Change the handle to module_module_test and you should be set.




  • did you disable or update Magento cache?
  • 你禁用或更新Magento缓存了吗?
  • is your module enabled? Is it listed in System, Configuration, Advanced, Advanced?
  • 是你的模块启用了吗?它是否列在系统,配置,高级,高级?
  • which class does your Block extend?
  • 你的Block扩展了哪个类?

Regards, Alessandro




I cannot tell without seeing all of your config.xml, you might be missing a section like this:



Then, to reach the indexAction or your indexController you would need the address That will mean the layout handle company_module_index_index is used when you load the layout. BTW, the posted layout XML is broken, the closing tag does not match the opening tag.




Steps to Debug Layout Update XML issues:


  1. Is your XML file (local.xml or module.xml) being loaded into the system


  2. Does the handle tag you used in your layout file match a handle being generated for your request?


The quickest way to debug step 1 is, while in developer mode with errors showing, deliberately introduce a non-well-formed error to your Layout Update XML file.

调试步骤1的最快方法是,在显示错误的开发人员模式下,故意向Layout Update XML文件中引入一个格式错误的错误。

<layout <!-- notice missing closing taglayout -->
        <reference name="content">
            <block type="module/ablock" name="myablock" template="module/ablock.phtml" />

If developer mode is on and you've cleared your cache, loading any page with the above in place will cause an error. This lets you know that Magento is trying to load your XML file. If the page loads without problem, that means you have your XML file in the wrong location, or you've misconfigured your XML in config.xml.


Next up is your checking your layout handle. You'll want to make sure you're using the right one. You can view the layout handles that were used for a particular request by calling the following after your loadLayout and renderLayout request


//from a controller action
exit("bailing early at ".__LINE__." in ".__FILE__);

I've found the above items usually take care of 90% of layout problems. Be sure to go through the process a few times, as it's easy to miss one step and assume something's all right when it's not. Taking my usual risk of being a shill, part of why I created Commerce Bug (commercial debugging extension) was to provide this information quickly, and at a glance, to help with debugging problems.

我发现上面的项目通常会处理90%的布局问题。一定要经历几次这个过程,因为它很容易错过一步,并且当它不是时就会假设一切正常。我常常冒这个风险,我创建Commerce Bug(商业调试扩展)的部分原因是为了快速提供这些信息,并一目了然地帮助调试问题。

Based on your comments below, the problem appears to be the layout handle you're using. The handle that's generated by the system is



However, the handle you're defining in your layout.xml is



This is the "full action name" handle. The typical syntax for this is



Change the handle to module_module_test and you should be set.




  • did you disable or update Magento cache?
  • 你禁用或更新Magento缓存了吗?
  • is your module enabled? Is it listed in System, Configuration, Advanced, Advanced?
  • 是你的模块启用了吗?它是否列在系统,配置,高级,高级?
  • which class does your Block extend?
  • 你的Block扩展了哪个类?

Regards, Alessandro




I cannot tell without seeing all of your config.xml, you might be missing a section like this:



Then, to reach the indexAction or your indexController you would need the address That will mean the layout handle company_module_index_index is used when you load the layout. BTW, the posted layout XML is broken, the closing tag does not match the opening tag.
