Hi I am very new to mocking framework. Can any one please help me to write a junit
by using any mocking framework. Below is my requirement
I wanted to write a unitest for getListOfEmp
method by using mock with expected value.
Note Here I am facing difficulty to mock EmpValue
class to get the accurate value in ServiceClass
public class ServiceClass {
public Employe getListOfEmp(List<String> criteria) {
Employe emp = new Employe();
EmpValue empValue = new EmpValue();
if (criteria.contains("IT")) {
if (criteria.contains("SALES")) {
if (criteria.contains("SERVICE")) {
return emp;
public class EmpValue {
private String it = "IT-1001";
private String service = "SERVICE-1001";
private String sales = "SALES-1001";
public String getIt() {
return it;
public String getService() {
return service;
public String getSales() {
return sales;
1 个解决方案
First I will do some changes to the code to make it testable.
1: EmplValue object should be passed to the method by the client or should be an instance variable in your Service class. Here I am using it as an instance variable, so that client can set it.
public class ServiceClass {
private EmpValue empValue;
public ServiceClass(EmpValue empValue){
this.empValue = empValue;
public Employe getListOfEmp(List<String> criteria) {
Employe emp = new Employe();
if (criteria.contains("IT")) {
if (criteria.contains("SALES")) {
if (criteria.contains("SERVICE")) {
return emp;
I am using Mockito and JUnit to write unit-test for this class .
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
public class ServiceClassTest{
public void shouldReturnEmployeeWithEidSetWhenCriteriaIsIT(){
// Craete mock and define its behaviour
EmpValue mEmpValue = mock(EmpValue.class);
// Create the object of class user test with mock agent and invoke
ServiceClass serviceClass = new ServiceClass(mEnpValue);
Employee result = serviceClass.getListOfEmp(asList("IT"));
// Verify the result as per your expectation
assertEquals("It-001", result.getEid());
First I will do some changes to the code to make it testable.
1: EmplValue object should be passed to the method by the client or should be an instance variable in your Service class. Here I am using it as an instance variable, so that client can set it.
public class ServiceClass {
private EmpValue empValue;
public ServiceClass(EmpValue empValue){
this.empValue = empValue;
public Employe getListOfEmp(List<String> criteria) {
Employe emp = new Employe();
if (criteria.contains("IT")) {
if (criteria.contains("SALES")) {
if (criteria.contains("SERVICE")) {
return emp;
I am using Mockito and JUnit to write unit-test for this class .
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
public class ServiceClassTest{
public void shouldReturnEmployeeWithEidSetWhenCriteriaIsIT(){
// Craete mock and define its behaviour
EmpValue mEmpValue = mock(EmpValue.class);
// Create the object of class user test with mock agent and invoke
ServiceClass serviceClass = new ServiceClass(mEnpValue);
Employee result = serviceClass.getListOfEmp(asList("IT"));
// Verify the result as per your expectation
assertEquals("It-001", result.getEid());