
时间:2022-05-10 14:03:57

Basically I have the middle-man webpage which is a website that people can go to, login and create servers (for a game) in different locations, e.g. Texas, New York, Chicago.


Right now I have my main app running on New York


I want to have a sub-app that runs on those servers which is solely responsible for creating child_processes to start servers.


I was playing around with having the sub-apps run off of get/post requests, but trying to send get/post requests from the Node side is just painful, and trying to secure it so other people don't just CURL a request and do something malicious is there a way to maybe do this with sockets or something so that the sub-apps connect to the main socket of the main web-app and then can send out a start emit or something to the sub-apps to create a server? Sorry if this doesn't make sense I'm fairly new to having apps talk to each other.

我正在玩子应用程序运行get / post请求,但尝试从Node端发送get / post请求只是痛苦,并试图保护它,以便其他人不只是CURL请求和做一些恶意的东西有可能通过套接字或其他方式做到这一点,以便子应用程序连接到主web应用程序的主套接字,然后可以发送一个启动发射或东西到子应用程序创建一个服务器?对不起,如果这没有意义,我相当新,让应用程序互相交流。

2 个解决方案



you can make your two node servers communicate with the websocket node module 'ws'. you can install it by typing this command:


npm install --save ws

To connect your node apps, one node app should be listening on a port (for exapmle: 3001), which make it acting as a server for the other node app :


var webSocketServer = require('ws').Server,
wss = new WebSocketServer ({port: 3001, path: '/path'});
wss.on('listening', function() {
    console.info('ws server is listening')

And then you can connect the other node app like this:


var WebSocket = require('ws');
var ws  = new WebSocket('ws://www.yourServerDomain.com:3001/path');

now you can send and receive data from both sides, you can see in this link to see how to do it.




I would suggest you to use Message Queues


At the simplest level, a queue messages is a way for applications and discrete components to send messages between one another in order to reliably communicate.


And in NodeJS you can realize queue jobs with kue library




you can make your two node servers communicate with the websocket node module 'ws'. you can install it by typing this command:


npm install --save ws

To connect your node apps, one node app should be listening on a port (for exapmle: 3001), which make it acting as a server for the other node app :


var webSocketServer = require('ws').Server,
wss = new WebSocketServer ({port: 3001, path: '/path'});
wss.on('listening', function() {
    console.info('ws server is listening')

And then you can connect the other node app like this:


var WebSocket = require('ws');
var ws  = new WebSocket('ws://www.yourServerDomain.com:3001/path');

now you can send and receive data from both sides, you can see in this link to see how to do it.




I would suggest you to use Message Queues


At the simplest level, a queue messages is a way for applications and discrete components to send messages between one another in order to reliably communicate.


And in NodeJS you can realize queue jobs with kue library
