用于WPF DataGrid的CollectionViewSource MVVM实现

时间:2022-02-09 14:04:48

I have implemented small demo of CollectionViewSource for WPF DataGrid in MVVM. I would really appreciate any help to verify the implementation and comment on whether this is the right approach to use CollectionViewSource.

我在MVVM中为WPF DataGrid实现了CollectionViewSource的小型演示。我真的很感激任何帮助来验证实现并评论这是否是使用CollectionViewSource的正确方法。

public class ViewModel : NotifyProperyChangedBase
    private ObservableCollection<Movie> _movieList;
    public ObservableCollection<Movie> MovieList
        get { return _movieList; }
            if (this.CheckPropertyChanged<ObservableCollection<Movie>>("MovieList", ref _movieList, ref value))

    private CollectionView _movieView;
    public CollectionView MovieView
        get { return _movieView; }
            if (this.CheckPropertyChanged<CollectionView>("MovieView", ref _movieView, ref value))

    public ViewModel()
          MovieView = GetMovieCollectionView(MovieList);

    private void DisplayNameChanged()

    public void UpdateDataGrid(string uri)
        MovieView = GetMovieCollectionView(new ObservableCollection<Movie>(MovieList.Where(mov => uri.Contains(mov.ID.ToString())).ToList<Movie>()));

    public CollectionView GetMovieCollectionView(ObservableCollection<Movie> movList)
        return (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(movList);

The XAML View :


     <CollectionViewSource x:Key="MovieCollection" Source="{Binding MovieList}">
   <DataGrid Name="MyDG" 
             ItemsSource="{Binding MovieView}" 
             AutoGenerateColumns="True" />

The Code Behind :


public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()
        this.Resources.Add("TagVM", new TagViewModel());
        this.DataContext = this.Resources["TagVM"];

    private void Hyperlink_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        string uri = ((Hyperlink)sender).NavigateUri.ToString();

The Hyperlink_Click handler invokes the UpdateDataGrid method of the VM passing it comma seperated movie IDs which are then used to filter the MovieList collection using extension methods.


3 个解决方案



You should not create new instances of the observable collection and the collection view. Assign a predicate to the filter property on the collecion view and call Refresh whenever you want to filter the collection.


public class ViewModel : NotifyProperyChangedBase
    string uri;

    public ObservableCollection<Movie> MovieList { get; private set; }

    public CollectionView MovieView { get; private set; }

    public ViewModel(MoveList movieList)
        MovieList = movieList;
        MovieView = GetMovieCollectionView(MovieList);
        MovieView.Filter = OnFilterMovie;

    public void UpdateDataGrid(string uri)
        this.uri = uri;

    bool OnFilterMovie(object item)
        var movie = (Movie)item;
        return uri.Contains(movie.ID.ToString());

    public CollectionView GetMovieCollectionView(ObservableCollection<Movie> movList)
        return (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(movList);



Here is an example of instantiating a CollectionViewSource in order to enable multi-filtering in a DataGrid: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/442498/Multi-filtered-WPF-DataGrid-with-MVVM


The CollectionViewSource was instantiated in the XAML view but is bound to a collection of objects instantiated in the view model. The view model then uses the CollectionViewSource to filter the data in the DataGrid.


As to what is the right approach to instantiate a CollectionViewSource - that is debatable.

至于什么是实例化CollectionViewSource的正确方法 - 这是有争议的。



You can skip adding resources by doing this directly : DataContext = new TagViewModel(); and doing your bindings normally. but I highly recommend using Dependency Injection.

您可以通过直接执行此操作来跳过添加资源:DataContext = new TagViewModel();并正常做你的绑定。但我强烈建议使用依赖注入。



You should not create new instances of the observable collection and the collection view. Assign a predicate to the filter property on the collecion view and call Refresh whenever you want to filter the collection.


public class ViewModel : NotifyProperyChangedBase
    string uri;

    public ObservableCollection<Movie> MovieList { get; private set; }

    public CollectionView MovieView { get; private set; }

    public ViewModel(MoveList movieList)
        MovieList = movieList;
        MovieView = GetMovieCollectionView(MovieList);
        MovieView.Filter = OnFilterMovie;

    public void UpdateDataGrid(string uri)
        this.uri = uri;

    bool OnFilterMovie(object item)
        var movie = (Movie)item;
        return uri.Contains(movie.ID.ToString());

    public CollectionView GetMovieCollectionView(ObservableCollection<Movie> movList)
        return (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(movList);



Here is an example of instantiating a CollectionViewSource in order to enable multi-filtering in a DataGrid: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/442498/Multi-filtered-WPF-DataGrid-with-MVVM


The CollectionViewSource was instantiated in the XAML view but is bound to a collection of objects instantiated in the view model. The view model then uses the CollectionViewSource to filter the data in the DataGrid.


As to what is the right approach to instantiate a CollectionViewSource - that is debatable.

至于什么是实例化CollectionViewSource的正确方法 - 这是有争议的。



You can skip adding resources by doing this directly : DataContext = new TagViewModel(); and doing your bindings normally. but I highly recommend using Dependency Injection.

您可以通过直接执行此操作来跳过添加资源:DataContext = new TagViewModel();并正常做你的绑定。但我强烈建议使用依赖注入。