Odoo 8什么是相互参照创建记录的最佳方式

时间:2021-07-14 14:05:30

After Ive created a method for importing external product categories into my odoo db, I had observed, that the method create of orm model needs a lot of time, when I loop for the reference to each other like this:

在我创建了一个将外部产品类别导入我的odoo db的方法后,我观察到,orm模型的方法创建需要很多时间,当我循环引用彼此时这样:

def action_confirm_site(self):
    account = self
    ebay_site = self.env['ebay.sites'].browse(account.site.id)
    call_data = dict(LevelLimit=3, DetailLevel='ReturnAll', CategorySiteID=ebay_site.ebay_id)
    error_msg = 'Cant get the Site Categories for site %s' % account.site
    reply = self.call(account, 'GetCategories', call_data, error_msg).response.reply
    cat_model = self.env['product.category']
    top_parent = cat_model.create({'name': account.site.name, 'type': 'ebay',
                                   'ebay_cat_id': account.site.ebay_id}).id
    ebay_categories = reply.CategoryArray.Category
    cats = []
    for category in ebay_categories:
        cat = dict(
    cats.sort(key=lambda x: x['CategoryLevel'])
    id_map = {}
    for cat in cats:
        # parent_id is either the DB id of the parent, or the ROOT_ID
        if cat['CategoryParentID'] in id_map:
            parent_id = id_map[cat['CategoryParentID']]
        elif cat['CategoryParentID'] == cat['CategoryID']:
            parent_id = top_parent
            assert False, "This should not happen if the raw data is consistent"
        record = cat_model.search([('ebay_cat_id', 'in', [cat['CategoryID']])]).id
        if record:
            id_map[cat['CategoryID']] = record
        record = cat_model.create({'name': cat['CategoryName'], 'type': 'ebay', 'parent_id': parent_id,
                                   'ebay_cat_id': cat['CategoryID']}).id
        id_map[cat['CategoryID']] = record


That takes a lot of time and in that case of grabbing 6 Level of Ebay categories with 16651 categories it isnt usable. Ive read that for the import method from frontend it is possible to pass external references. In my case, external references like category.CategoryParentID references to its parent with category.CategoryID. How can I change my method to create records in one loop like:


for category in ebay_categories
   cat_model.create({'id': (reference[category.CategoryID]),'name': cat['CategoryName'], 'type': 'ebay', 'parent_id': (reference[category.CategoryParentID]), 'ebay_cat_id': category.CategoryID})

1 个解决方案


One likely culprit is the recomputation of the parent_left and parent_right fields. You could try disabling it by using a context with 'defer_parent_store_computation': True and then calling self._parent_store_compute(cr) when all the categories have been computed.



One likely culprit is the recomputation of the parent_left and parent_right fields. You could try disabling it by using a context with 'defer_parent_store_computation': True and then calling self._parent_store_compute(cr) when all the categories have been computed.
