如何使用Gson,Retrofit,Active Android将嵌套的JSON对象反序列化为String

时间:2022-09-10 13:37:50

I am using a ActiveAndroid to cache response from Retrofit network calls.


I made a class which looks like :-


class Article extends Model {
    @Column(name = "title")
    public String title;

    @Column(name = "authors")
    private String authors;

The corresponding JSON is something like :-

相应的JSON类似于: -

  "title":"Some title",
  "authors": [{
    "name": "Name",

The sane way would be to use a has many relationship between Author and Article class, but authors are not being saved to database because they don't have @Expose annotation (or even a variable) in the Article class, and there is no way to have that annotation because has many calls will be a method call here which returns a List<Author>.


// This will not work
public List<Author> authors() {
    return getMany(Author.class, "Article");

So the other way I thought was to store the JSON object in database as a string and serialize/deserialize for access.


That requires me to have the authors variable a List<Author> class, and provide a type serializer for it.

这要求我让作者变量为List 类,并为它提供一个类型序列化器。

The problem with this approach is I have no way of knowing the Generic type being saved into the database. I can't return a List<Author> type because just like authors, there are some more JSON Arrays in the whole of JSON.

这种方法的问题是我无法知道保存到数据库中的泛型类型。我无法返回List 类型,因为就像作者一样,整个JSON中还有一些JSON数组。

So my the final solution that I have thought of is to store it as a string, treat it as a string and make a method to deserialize for access. Like this :-

所以我想到的最终解决方案是将其存储为字符串,将其视为字符串并制作反序列化访问方法。喜欢这个 :-

private List<Author> _authors;
public List<Author> authors() {
    if (_authors == null) {
        Gson gson = ServiceGenerator.gsonBuilder.create();
        Type type = new TypeToken<List<Author>>(){}.getType();
        _authors = gson.fromJson(authors, type);

    return _authors;

But when I try to do this, GSON throws an error :-

但是当我尝试这样做时,GSON会抛出一个错误: -

com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a string but was BEGIN_ARRAY


Basically saying that I am trying to treat a JSON array as a String.


So my question is how to treat some of the JSON Arrays as Strings with GSON converters.


My Retrofit Builder which I am using is :-

我正在使用的改造生成器是: -

public static final GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder()

private static final Retrofit.Builder builder = new Retrofit.Builder()

Thanks for taking a look!


3 个解决方案



you could use a JsonDeserializer for it, registered on Article


 public class ArticleDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Article> {

  public Article deserialize(final JsonElement json, final Type typeOfT, final JsonDeserializationContext context)
      throws JsonParseException {

     Article article = context.deserialize(json, Article.class);
     JsonArray authors = json.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("authors");
     // convert authors as string and set it to artile
    return article;

and you will have to register it to gson


 gsonBuilder.registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(Article.class, new ArticleDeseriazer())



What Blackbelt said, for storing as String.


The sane way to do it would be to have a Author class and then a 1:n. As far as I understand, writing releationship data is manual, so you have to save the relationship yourself when you save the Article. So assuming you have the Author class


@Table(name = "Authors")
public class Author extends Model {
    @Column(name = "Name")
    public String name;
    @Column(name = "Twitter")
    public String twitter;

and the field


private List<Author> authors;

in the Article class, you would save the authors like this


for (author: Author in arcticle.authors) {
    author.article = article;

and then you could add the method for accessing an Article's authors as documented:


public List<Author> getAuthors() {
    return getMany(Author.class, "Author");

So GSON stores the authors in the field authors, when saving the Authors get insterted to their own table, and getAuthors() reads them from the database.


note: m:n probably makes more sense as a relationship between Article and Author, which is not supported by ActiveAndroid and needs a junction table, as described in this issue on github




one possible solution.


  1. Just declare field as Object, then Gson will deserialize it as LinkedTreeMap


  2. Try convert LinkedTreeMap to JsonObject as below


    LinkedTreeMap<?,?> yourMap = ...; JsonObject jsonObject = gson.toJsonTree(yourMap).getAsJsonObject();

    LinkedTreeMap <?,?> yourMap = ...; JsonObject jsonObject = gson.toJsonTree(yourMap).getAsJsonObject();



you could use a JsonDeserializer for it, registered on Article


 public class ArticleDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Article> {

  public Article deserialize(final JsonElement json, final Type typeOfT, final JsonDeserializationContext context)
      throws JsonParseException {

     Article article = context.deserialize(json, Article.class);
     JsonArray authors = json.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("authors");
     // convert authors as string and set it to artile
    return article;

and you will have to register it to gson


 gsonBuilder.registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(Article.class, new ArticleDeseriazer())



What Blackbelt said, for storing as String.


The sane way to do it would be to have a Author class and then a 1:n. As far as I understand, writing releationship data is manual, so you have to save the relationship yourself when you save the Article. So assuming you have the Author class


@Table(name = "Authors")
public class Author extends Model {
    @Column(name = "Name")
    public String name;
    @Column(name = "Twitter")
    public String twitter;

and the field


private List<Author> authors;

in the Article class, you would save the authors like this


for (author: Author in arcticle.authors) {
    author.article = article;

and then you could add the method for accessing an Article's authors as documented:


public List<Author> getAuthors() {
    return getMany(Author.class, "Author");

So GSON stores the authors in the field authors, when saving the Authors get insterted to their own table, and getAuthors() reads them from the database.


note: m:n probably makes more sense as a relationship between Article and Author, which is not supported by ActiveAndroid and needs a junction table, as described in this issue on github




one possible solution.


  1. Just declare field as Object, then Gson will deserialize it as LinkedTreeMap


  2. Try convert LinkedTreeMap to JsonObject as below


    LinkedTreeMap<?,?> yourMap = ...; JsonObject jsonObject = gson.toJsonTree(yourMap).getAsJsonObject();

    LinkedTreeMap <?,?> yourMap = ...; JsonObject jsonObject = gson.toJsonTree(yourMap).getAsJsonObject();