
时间:2021-02-25 13:33:43

i have an array which haves some values in this ["April : 2016 : P 2 : A 28"] pattern , i want to add the year which is 2016 here , as an section so that i can have a tableView like :

我有一个数组,在这个[“April:2016:P 2:A 28”]模式中有一些值,我想在这里添加2016年的年份,作为一个部分,这样我可以有一个tableView像:

April : 2016   : P 92  : A 528
March : 2016   : P 42  : A 128
May : 2016   : P 12  : A 238
June : 2016   : P 23  : A 268

Jan : 2016   : P 92  : A 528
April : 2016   : P 42  : A 128
Dec : 2016   : P 12  : A 238
Oct : 2016   : P 23  : A 268

how am gonna do that i tired this


i created a struct


    struct  datesStruct {
    var sectionYear : String!
    var sectionMonth : [String]!

        for set in setOfMonths {

        datesStructArray.append(datesStruct(sectionYear: "\(yearInt)", sectionMonth: newArrayofValues))
    // here `yearInt` is the year which have to be my section for records and i pulled it from the `newArrayofValues` array

in output there's no section even now i have duplicated record on my table ? any idea how can i add section using a value from a record which looks like this ["April : 2016 : P 2 : A 28"] any help would be much appreciated

在输出中没有任何部分,即使现在我在我的桌子上有重复的记录?任何想法如何使用记录中的值添加部分看起来像这样[“April:2016:P 2:A 28”]任何帮助将非常感激


now am getting section but sections are repeating (duplicate entry of same section) is my code:


    for set in setOfMonths {

     datesStructArray.append(datesStruct(sectionYear: "\(yearInt)", sectionMonth: newArrayofValues)) //  here newArrayOfValue is an array

my output:

Jan : 2016   : P 92  : A 528
April : 2016   : P 42  : A 128
Dec : 2016   : P 12  : A 238
Oct : 2017   : P 23  : A 268

but what i want is :


Jan : 2016   : P 92  : A 528
April : 2016   : P 42  : A 128
Dec : 2016   : P 12  : A 238

Oct : 2017   : P 23  : A 268

1 个解决方案



OK, you will need to maintain the data as a dictionary. Key being the year, and the values being an array of string objects.


For example-

var dataDict = ["2017" : ["April : 2016   : P 92  : A 528", 
                          "March : 2016   : P 42  : A 128"],

                "2016" : ["Jan : 2016   : P 92  : A 528", 
                          "Feb : 2016   : P 42  : A 128"]]

Now you can return number of sections in the data source method as:


func numberOfSectionsInTableView(_ tableView: UITableView) -> Int{
    return dataDict.keys.count

You will need to maintain a sorted list of the section names, and supply them as section titles:


let sortedSectionNames = dataDict.keys.sort()

You pass the section titles in the following data source method-

您通过以下数据源方法中的节标题 -

 func sectionIndexTitlesForTableView(_ tableView: UITableView) -> [String]?{
    return sortedSectionNames

Now you need to return the configured cells for rows for sections:


- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
         cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

    //Dequeue the cell...

    //Get the appropriate model-
    let section = indexPath.section
    let dataArray = dataDict[sortedSectionNames[section]]!
    let stringForRow = dataArray[indexPath.row]

    //Set this string into a label in your cell...



OK, you will need to maintain the data as a dictionary. Key being the year, and the values being an array of string objects.


For example-

var dataDict = ["2017" : ["April : 2016   : P 92  : A 528", 
                          "March : 2016   : P 42  : A 128"],

                "2016" : ["Jan : 2016   : P 92  : A 528", 
                          "Feb : 2016   : P 42  : A 128"]]

Now you can return number of sections in the data source method as:


func numberOfSectionsInTableView(_ tableView: UITableView) -> Int{
    return dataDict.keys.count

You will need to maintain a sorted list of the section names, and supply them as section titles:


let sortedSectionNames = dataDict.keys.sort()

You pass the section titles in the following data source method-

您通过以下数据源方法中的节标题 -

 func sectionIndexTitlesForTableView(_ tableView: UITableView) -> [String]?{
    return sortedSectionNames

Now you need to return the configured cells for rows for sections:


- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
         cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

    //Dequeue the cell...

    //Get the appropriate model-
    let section = indexPath.section
    let dataArray = dataDict[sortedSectionNames[section]]!
    let stringForRow = dataArray[indexPath.row]

    //Set this string into a label in your cell...