
时间:2021-09-18 13:27:09

I need to sort an array of ActiveRecord objects by the value in one of the columns but am unsure of how to do this.


Example, I have an Schedule model that has a Duration column. I then have two arrays of Schedule objects OriginalList and NewList. I want to sort each of those lists by Duration. I think that I'm looking for something like: -

例如,我有一个Schedule模型,它有一个Duration列。然后我有两个Schedule对象OriginalList和NewList数组。我想按持续时间对每个列表进行排序。我想我正在寻找类似的东西: -

              :conditions => "schedule_id IN (select schedule_id from 
              :order => 'duration')

However, this doesn't look right at all! Not even in SQL!!

但是,这看起来并不正确!甚至不在SQL !!

Any hints on how to do this would be appreciated.


1 个解决方案


Oops. Ignore that! By writing it down I figured out what I actually wanted to do.


Schedule.find(:all, :conditions => "schedule_id in ("1", "2", "3"), :order => "duration")

where the 1, 2, 3 can be generated from the array prior to calling.


Blame it on Friday afternoon! :D

星期五下午归咎于它! :d


Oops. Ignore that! By writing it down I figured out what I actually wanted to do.


Schedule.find(:all, :conditions => "schedule_id in ("1", "2", "3"), :order => "duration")

where the 1, 2, 3 can be generated from the array prior to calling.


Blame it on Friday afternoon! :D

星期五下午归咎于它! :d