simple_form f.association as :: radio_buttons具有不同的值和id用于jQuery操作

时间:2022-08-21 13:22:13

Continuing from this (where an employee belongs_to role and has a salary according to that role) I want to make my New Employee form a bit more interactive: I want the salary field's value to change according to the role selected from the radio buttons group.


My form now looks like this:


<%= simple_form_for(@room) do |f| %>
  <%= f.input :name, label: 'Full Name', :required => true %>
  <%= f.association :role, as: :radio_buttons, :required => true %>
  <%= f.input :salary, label: 'Salary', :required => true %>
  <%= f.button :submit %>
<% end %>

And my file has this code:


jQuery ->
  $('#employee_employee_role_id_1').click ->

where I have the values hardcoded to make sure there was no problem with my form fields ids.


What I need is to have the .click method apply to all #employee_employee_role_id_X fields (where X is the number of each radio button) and the value passed to .val() to be role.salary


But, as the newbie I am to both Rails and js/jQuery, I am clueless.

但是,作为Rails和js / jQuery的新手,我一无所知。

1 个解决方案



Okay, I managed to make this work but I am not confident at all that this is the best way. Here goes:


In the form, I just added value_method: :salary

在表单中,我只添加了value_method :: salary

<%= f.association :role, as: :radio_buttons, value_method: :salary, :required => true %>

and in my file:


jQuery ->
  $("input[name='role[role_id]']").change ->

Please feel free to comment or even provide a better answer if one exists! :)

如果存在,请随时发表评论,甚至提供更好的答案! :)



Okay, I managed to make this work but I am not confident at all that this is the best way. Here goes:


In the form, I just added value_method: :salary

在表单中,我只添加了value_method :: salary

<%= f.association :role, as: :radio_buttons, value_method: :salary, :required => true %>

and in my file:


jQuery ->
  $("input[name='role[role_id]']").change ->

Please feel free to comment or even provide a better answer if one exists! :)

如果存在,请随时发表评论,甚至提供更好的答案! :)