
时间:2022-01-13 13:22:29

I am developing a photo gallery app in Swift right now using Firebase to store the images. My goal is to load all the images in a collection view when the view loads.


The images are stored in folders called images_(user email)_(user id). The user uploads images which are stored in the Firebase Storage with the names image0.png, image1.png, image2.png, etc. Right now, I have successfully created accounts and stored the images. Now, I am trying to load the images in a collection view in the viewDidLoad(). I am not using the Firebase Realtime Database because I feel it would be overkill for what I am trying to accomplish.


while (isDownloading == true) {

        let storage = Storage.storage()
        let storageRef = storage.reference();
        let imageLoadRef = storageRef.child(("images_" + (Auth.auth().currentUser?.email)! + "_" + (Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid)!) + "/image" + String(self.imageCount) + ".png")

        imageLoadRef.getData(maxSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024) { data, error in
            if let error = error { 
                self.isDownloading = false
            } else {
                let loadedImage = UIImage(data: data!)

                //Updates collection view with loaded image

                //moves on to next image
                self.imageCount += 1

As soon as the view loads, I run a while loop that iterates through all the images in the user's folder. Since I don't have any way to get the number of images in the folder, I had to use a while loop and break it when the next image is not found. For example, if there are only 5 images in the folder, the code will return an error when it tries to load the sixth nonexistent image. When this happens, I try to catch the error and break the while loop by setting the condition isDownloading to false.


However, the issue I am running in to is that the while loop never breaks even though it should return an error and set isDownloading to false.


To clarify, the imageCount variable is increased with each iteration of the while loop to get the next image in the folder. So when imageCount = 1 for example, the code will try to load a photo with name "image1.png". However, if it doesn't exist, it catches the error and breaks the while loop.

为了澄清,imageCount变量随着while循环的每次迭代而增加,以获得文件夹中的下一个图像。因此,当imageCount = 1时,代码将尝试加载名为“image1.png”的照片。但是,如果它不存在,它会捕获错误并中断while循环。

I know the way I structured it is a little confusing but I find it more efficient than using downloadURLs and the Firebase Database.


Any help is appreciated. Thank you!


1 个解决方案



Do not know will it work or not you can just give it a try For now and let me know if issue exists


//Loop is Fine
while (isDownloading == true) {
        //Provided Required References 
        let storage = Storage.storage()
        let storageRef = storage.reference();
        //Name of file to download 
        let imageLoadRef = storageRef.child(("images_" + (Auth.auth().currentUser?.email)! + "_" + (Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid)!) + "/image" + String(self.imageCount) + ".png")
        //handler That Run in async Mode 
        imageLoadRef.getData(maxSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024) { data, error in
            //Here I think mistake is 
            if let error = error { 
                //You are catching error But not handling data error
                self.isDownloading = false
            else {
                    if data != nil{ // if image found 
                       //here you need to check weather this handler is returning data o not as you got error of no data So Do All functioning here 
                       // User photo here
                       let loadedImage = UIImage(data: data!)

                       //Updates collection view with loaded image

                       //moves on to next image
                       self.imageCount += 1
                    else {
                       //If Image is not found This will cause you an error which you will handle , According to me this was need to be handled
                       self.isDownloading = false


In case this solution is not working You can check Below Demo project on GitHub and use this Method to easily manage images stored under a user

如果此解决方案不起作用您可以在GitHub上检查Below Demo项目并使用此方法轻松管理存储在用户下的图像

Link - https://github.com/RockinGarg/FirebaseDemo



Do not know will it work or not you can just give it a try For now and let me know if issue exists


//Loop is Fine
while (isDownloading == true) {
        //Provided Required References 
        let storage = Storage.storage()
        let storageRef = storage.reference();
        //Name of file to download 
        let imageLoadRef = storageRef.child(("images_" + (Auth.auth().currentUser?.email)! + "_" + (Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid)!) + "/image" + String(self.imageCount) + ".png")
        //handler That Run in async Mode 
        imageLoadRef.getData(maxSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024) { data, error in
            //Here I think mistake is 
            if let error = error { 
                //You are catching error But not handling data error
                self.isDownloading = false
            else {
                    if data != nil{ // if image found 
                       //here you need to check weather this handler is returning data o not as you got error of no data So Do All functioning here 
                       // User photo here
                       let loadedImage = UIImage(data: data!)

                       //Updates collection view with loaded image

                       //moves on to next image
                       self.imageCount += 1
                    else {
                       //If Image is not found This will cause you an error which you will handle , According to me this was need to be handled
                       self.isDownloading = false


In case this solution is not working You can check Below Demo project on GitHub and use this Method to easily manage images stored under a user

如果此解决方案不起作用您可以在GitHub上检查Below Demo项目并使用此方法轻松管理存储在用户下的图像

Link - https://github.com/RockinGarg/FirebaseDemo