
时间:2021-02-26 13:21:17

I have a numpy vector, and a numpy array.


I need to take from every row in the matrix the first N (lets say 3) values that are smaller than (or equal to) the corresponding line in the vector.


so if this is my vector:



and this is my matrix:


[[ 20.,   9.,   7.,   5.,   None,   None],
 [ 33.,  21.,  18.,   9.,   8.,   7.],
 [ 31.,  21.,  13.,  12.,   4.,   0.],
 [ 36.,  18.,  11.,   7.,   7.,   2.],
 [ 20.,  14.,  10.,   6.,   6.,   3.],
 [ 14.,  14.,  13.,  11.,   5.,   5.]]

the output should be:



Is there any efficient way to do that with masks or something, without an ugly for loop?


Any help will be appreciated!


1 个解决方案



Approach #1

Here's one with broadcasting -

这是一个广播 -

def takeN_le_per_row_broadcasting(a, b, N=3): # a, b : 1D, 2D arrays respectively
    # First col indices in each row of b with <= corresponding one in a
    idx = (b <= a[:,None]).argmax(1)

    # Get all N ranged column indices
    all_idx = idx[:,None] + np.arange(N)

    # Finally advanced-index with those indices into b for desired output
    return b[np.arange(len(all_idx))[:,None], all_idx]

Approach #2

Inspired by NumPy Fancy Indexing - Crop different ROIs from different channels's solution, we can leverage np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided for efficient patch extraction, like so -

受NumPy花式索引的启发 - 从不同渠道的解决方案中获取不同的投资回报率,我们可以利用np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided进行有效的补丁提取,如下所示 -

from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows

def takeN_le_per_row_strides(a, b, N=3): # a, b : 1D, 2D arrays respectively
    # First col indices in each row of b with <= corresponding one in a
    idx = (b <= a[:,None]).argmax(1)

    # Get 1D sliding windows for each element off data
    w = view_as_windows(b, (1,N))[:,:,0]

    # Use fancy/advanced indexing to select the required ones
    return w[np.arange(len(idx)), idx]



Approach #1

Here's one with broadcasting -

这是一个广播 -

def takeN_le_per_row_broadcasting(a, b, N=3): # a, b : 1D, 2D arrays respectively
    # First col indices in each row of b with <= corresponding one in a
    idx = (b <= a[:,None]).argmax(1)

    # Get all N ranged column indices
    all_idx = idx[:,None] + np.arange(N)

    # Finally advanced-index with those indices into b for desired output
    return b[np.arange(len(all_idx))[:,None], all_idx]

Approach #2

Inspired by NumPy Fancy Indexing - Crop different ROIs from different channels's solution, we can leverage np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided for efficient patch extraction, like so -

受NumPy花式索引的启发 - 从不同渠道的解决方案中获取不同的投资回报率,我们可以利用np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided进行有效的补丁提取,如下所示 -

from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows

def takeN_le_per_row_strides(a, b, N=3): # a, b : 1D, 2D arrays respectively
    # First col indices in each row of b with <= corresponding one in a
    idx = (b <= a[:,None]).argmax(1)

    # Get 1D sliding windows for each element off data
    w = view_as_windows(b, (1,N))[:,:,0]

    # Use fancy/advanced indexing to select the required ones
    return w[np.arange(len(idx)), idx]