
时间:2022-12-10 13:13:47

Hello * community,

Hello *社区,

This is my first post here, so I apologize for my bad English! :)

这是我在这里的第一篇文章,所以我为我糟糕的英语道歉! :)

If you don't want to read everything, the Questions are marked like this.


The title is a little misleading, but I didn't know how to explain it in a better way, but the detailed explanation should let you understand:


I have a big log table (about 500000 rows at this time), where a game server logs many actions that occur in the game. I want to extract some specific log rows the most efficient way.


I can't change the logging system of the game server, if I could I would change it to many more log tables, to create more compact logs. (because executing queries on that table takes it's time..)

我无法更改游戏服务器的日志系统,如果我可以将其更改为更多日志表,以创建更紧凑的日志。 (因为在该表上执行查询需要花费时间..)

Now my problem is, that I want to get the last log row of a specific type and from a specific player id to get the players last action, and I don't know how to do that in an efficient way. Example:


SELECT * FROM log WHERE logType = "PLAYER" AND playerID = [playerID] ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1

Then the output on the website would be: You last action was [the human readable action and additional information].


MySQL profiling now tells me that sorting of the results takes the most amount of time.


Now my question is: Is it possible to get only the last row of a specific player id and type? I guess it could be done with the ID, cause it has auto_increment. So is it possible to get the row with the highest ID, a specific type and a specific player id?


The table structure: ID(int) | logType(varchar) | time(datetime) | playerID(int) | positionX(int) | positionY(int) | actionID(int) | action(varchar) | hints(varchar) | ip(varchar) | itemNumber(int)

表结构:ID(int)| logType(varchar)|时间(日期时间)| playerID(int)| positionX(int)| positionY(int)| actionID(int)| action(varchar)|提示(varchar)| ip(varchar)| itemNumber(INT)


ID: the unique id of the logged action


logType: the type of the logged action (Example: "PLAYER" or "ITEM")


time: the time the action occured


playerID: the id of the player (or other id's related to that type)


positionX: X position in the game


positionY: Y position in the game


actionID: an id in relation to the action (Example: If the log action is "KILLED_BY_PLAYER", then the player id of the other player who killed the player)


action: the action that is logged (Example: KILLED_BY_PLAYER)


hints: Some useful hints like the name of the player


ip: The IP of the player


itemNumber: The number of the Item, if an Item is involved, else NULL


Thanks for your help. :)

谢谢你的帮助。 :)

2 个解决方案



to get the highest id:


select max(id) from table;

the others you could put a where clause in the select statement.




You should be able to use your query where you sort on time with LIMIT 1. If your sort on the column time is slow, you must make sure the indexes are optimized (run explain on your query). You will need indexes on both logtype, player_id and time. Even with 500 000 rows this shouldn't be a problem...

您应该能够使用您在LIMIT 1中按时排序的查询。如果您对列时间的排序很慢,则必须确保索引已优化(对查询运行说明)。您将需要logtype,player_id和time的索引。即使有50万行,这应该不是问题......



to get the highest id:


select max(id) from table;

the others you could put a where clause in the select statement.




You should be able to use your query where you sort on time with LIMIT 1. If your sort on the column time is slow, you must make sure the indexes are optimized (run explain on your query). You will need indexes on both logtype, player_id and time. Even with 500 000 rows this shouldn't be a problem...

您应该能够使用您在LIMIT 1中按时排序的查询。如果您对列时间的排序很慢,则必须确保索引已优化(对查询运行说明)。您将需要logtype,player_id和time的索引。即使有50万行,这应该不是问题......