Java泛型 - 方法签名的上限[重复]

时间:2021-10-17 13:09:55

This question already has an answer here:


I have a method where I want to accept class types that must extend an abstract class. What is the difference between


<T extends AbstractClass> void myMethod(Class<T> clazz);

void myMethod(Class clazz);


void myMethod(Class<? extends AbstractClass> clazz); ?

void myMethod(Class clazz); ?

I wouldn't be able to directly reference the type inside the method in the second case. Is there any difference in which class types could be passed to these two methods?


3 个解决方案



No, there is no difference between the argument types compatible with the two method signatures you presented. Personally, I would use the parameterized version if I needed to reference the exact type represented by the argument, but otherwise I would use the wildcard version.




In the 1st one you will also be able to return T (or any type parameterized with T: List<T>, Set<T> and so on...) , without needing to cast it

在第一个中你也可以返回T(或任何用T参数化的类型:List ,Set 等等......),而无需投射它

<T extends AbstractClass> T myMethod(Class<T> clazz);

And use it as :


Subclass parameterInstance =... 
Subclass i1 = myMethod(parameterInstance.getClass());



This question has been asked many places, notably here and here.


Both questions deal primarily with unbounded wildcards and generic types but the same principles apply here. I'd also recommend reading one of the links (Angelika Langer - Java Generics FAQs) provided by one of the answers to the other questions (placed here for convenient).

这两个问题主要涉及*通配符和泛型类型,但同样的原则适用于此处。我还建议阅读其中一个答案提供的其中一个链接(Angelika Langer - Java Generics常见问题解答)(这里放置方便)。

Whilst in your specific case there is no difference, the difference comes down simply to how you would be dealing with the type data internally (within the method). Go with what seems to describe your purpose the best. If you are dealing with data of unknown type and you require the specific input type to be specifically usable within the method, you'll need to go with the generics approach. If on the other hand, you do not and can suffice with treating all input data as simply of the bounding type (e.g. AbstractClass in your case) you may go with the bounded wildcard approach.




No, there is no difference between the argument types compatible with the two method signatures you presented. Personally, I would use the parameterized version if I needed to reference the exact type represented by the argument, but otherwise I would use the wildcard version.




In the 1st one you will also be able to return T (or any type parameterized with T: List<T>, Set<T> and so on...) , without needing to cast it

在第一个中你也可以返回T(或任何用T参数化的类型:List ,Set 等等......),而无需投射它

<T extends AbstractClass> T myMethod(Class<T> clazz);

And use it as :


Subclass parameterInstance =... 
Subclass i1 = myMethod(parameterInstance.getClass());



This question has been asked many places, notably here and here.


Both questions deal primarily with unbounded wildcards and generic types but the same principles apply here. I'd also recommend reading one of the links (Angelika Langer - Java Generics FAQs) provided by one of the answers to the other questions (placed here for convenient).

这两个问题主要涉及*通配符和泛型类型,但同样的原则适用于此处。我还建议阅读其中一个答案提供的其中一个链接(Angelika Langer - Java Generics常见问题解答)(这里放置方便)。

Whilst in your specific case there is no difference, the difference comes down simply to how you would be dealing with the type data internally (within the method). Go with what seems to describe your purpose the best. If you are dealing with data of unknown type and you require the specific input type to be specifically usable within the method, you'll need to go with the generics approach. If on the other hand, you do not and can suffice with treating all input data as simply of the bounding type (e.g. AbstractClass in your case) you may go with the bounded wildcard approach.
