
时间:2022-01-16 13:05:38

Let's say I've got a vector like this one:


A = [101:105]

Which is really:


[ 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 ]

And I'd like to use only vector/matrix functions and operators to produces the matrix:


101 102 103 104 105
102 103 104 105 0
103 104 105 0   0
104 105 0   0   0
105 0   0   0   0

or the following matrix:


101 102 103 104 105
0   101 102 103 104
0   0   101 102 103
0   0   0   101 102
0   0   0   0   101

Any ideas anyone?


(I'm very much a novice in MATLAB, but I've been saddled this stuff...)


4 个解决方案


hankel(A) will get you the first matrix


triu(toeplitz(A)) will get you the second one.




The best solutions are listed by Loren. It's also possible to create these matrices using SPDIAGS:


vec = 101:105;
A = full(spdiags(repmat(vec,5,1),0:4,5,5));  % The second matrix
B = fliplr(full(spdiags(repmat(fliplr(vec),5,1),0:4,5,5)));  % The first matrix

I recall creating banded matrices like this before I found out about some of the built-in functions Loren mentioned. It's not nearly as simple and clean as using those, but it worked. =)

我记得在我发现Loren提到的一些内置函数之前创建这样的带状矩阵。它并不像使用它那么简单和干净,但它起作用了。 =)


The way I'd go about it is to create a matrix A:


101 102 103 104 105
101 102 103 104 105
101 102 103 104 105
101 102 103 104 105
101 102 103 104 105

And then find a matrix B such that when you multiply A*B you'll get the result you want. Basically do the linear algebra on paper first and then have Matlab do the calculation.

然后找到一个矩阵B,这样当你乘以A * B时,你就会得到你想要的结果。首先在纸上做线性代数然后让Matlab进行计算。


For generating such triangular matrices with such a regular pattern, use the toeplitz function, e.g.



for the other case, use rot90(m)



hankel(A) will get you the first matrix


triu(toeplitz(A)) will get you the second one.




The best solutions are listed by Loren. It's also possible to create these matrices using SPDIAGS:


vec = 101:105;
A = full(spdiags(repmat(vec,5,1),0:4,5,5));  % The second matrix
B = fliplr(full(spdiags(repmat(fliplr(vec),5,1),0:4,5,5)));  % The first matrix

I recall creating banded matrices like this before I found out about some of the built-in functions Loren mentioned. It's not nearly as simple and clean as using those, but it worked. =)

我记得在我发现Loren提到的一些内置函数之前创建这样的带状矩阵。它并不像使用它那么简单和干净,但它起作用了。 =)


The way I'd go about it is to create a matrix A:


101 102 103 104 105
101 102 103 104 105
101 102 103 104 105
101 102 103 104 105
101 102 103 104 105

And then find a matrix B such that when you multiply A*B you'll get the result you want. Basically do the linear algebra on paper first and then have Matlab do the calculation.

然后找到一个矩阵B,这样当你乘以A * B时,你就会得到你想要的结果。首先在纸上做线性代数然后让Matlab进行计算。


For generating such triangular matrices with such a regular pattern, use the toeplitz function, e.g.



for the other case, use rot90(m)
