
时间:2022-02-17 13:01:51

I have two columns in one table. Let's say they are: Chelsea (as column1) and Brazil (as column2).


Rows in these two columns are players (both have 11 rows). As we know, there might be the case when the same player is in both columns (e.g. Ramirez, because he plays for Chelsea and is Brazilian). And my question is how to create a new column in which every player from these two columns will appear (so this new column will have 22 rows, i.e. duplicates are allowed) and instead of their names, every row will be saying whether they are right- or left-footed players.


If football case doesn't appeal to you, let's say we have Miami Heat (column 1, 5 rows) and the US national team (column 2, 5 rows). In both columns, we will obviously have LeBron James and I would like to create a new table saying if every player is right- or left-handed (10 rows)


Hope anyone understands me ;)


Thanks for help!


1 个解决方案



If you want to combine result from of two columns you should use the union


Select column1 from table
union all
select column2 from table;

This will produce the result. As for the second part its defer from the db you use. But what you have to do is wrap about query into block and from that block in select part you should add a decision that do the job.




If you want to combine result from of two columns you should use the union


Select column1 from table
union all
select column2 from table;

This will produce the result. As for the second part its defer from the db you use. But what you have to do is wrap about query into block and from that block in select part you should add a decision that do the job.
