
时间:2022-12-06 13:02:31

I have 2 sets of data A and B, each with a y value for x=100, 200, 300. I want to create one graph which shows the difference between these two data sets. As such this means that for each x, there will be two boxplots(one for data A and one for data B).

我有两组数据A和B,每个都有一个y值为x = 100,200,300。我想创建一个图表,显示这两个数据集之间的差异。因此,这意味着对于每个x,将有两个箱图(一个用于数据A,一个用于数据B)。

for example, this is how the columns are organized in my data. DataSet A


#  x=100 200 300 
  1    2   3    
 1.1  2.1  3.1
 1.2  2.2  3.2
 1    2   3    
 1.01 2.01 3.01

DataSet B

#  x=100 200 300 
  6    7   9    
 6.1  7.1  9.1
 6.2  7.2  9.2
 6    7    9    
 6.01 7.01 9.01

I was able to get two graphs out of this data using:


set style fill solid 0.25 border -1
set style boxplot outliers pointtype 7
set style data boxplot
set xtics ('100' 1, '200' 2, '300' 3)
plot for [i=1:3] "A.txt" using (i):i notitle
plot for [i=1:3] "B.txt" using (i):i notitle

However, I am facing issues when combining it into one. Please help.


1 个解决方案


If you want to have them stacked above each other (in case they don't overlap), then you can just combine the two plot into one with


plot for [i=1:3] "A.txt" using (i):i notitle,\
     for [i=1:3] "B.txt" using (i):i notitle

If they can overlap, you may want to put them side-by-side with


set boxwidth 0.3
plot for [i=1:3] "A.txt" using (i-0.15):i notitle,\
     for [i=1:3] "B.txt" using (i+0.15):i notitle

Just to give two example of how you could combine those plots.



If you want to have them stacked above each other (in case they don't overlap), then you can just combine the two plot into one with


plot for [i=1:3] "A.txt" using (i):i notitle,\
     for [i=1:3] "B.txt" using (i):i notitle

If they can overlap, you may want to put them side-by-side with


set boxwidth 0.3
plot for [i=1:3] "A.txt" using (i-0.15):i notitle,\
     for [i=1:3] "B.txt" using (i+0.15):i notitle

Just to give two example of how you could combine those plots.
