
时间:2021-09-24 12:57:54

In MySQL, i have a table with a column full of positive integers and i want to filter out all the odd integers. It seems like there is nothing in the MySQL documentation. I tried the following query.


select kapsule.owner_name, 
  from kapsule, rec_xform 
 where rec_xform.g_conf_id=kapsule.g_conf_id 
   and (count(xform_action))%2=0 
 group by kapsule.owner_name;

I want to keep only those values where count(xform_action) is even. The table looks like this.


2 个解决方案



To filter out resultset after GROUP BY you need to use HAVING clause. WHERE clause is used to filter source rows before GROUP BY occurs.

要在GROUP BY之后过滤掉结果集,您需要使用HAVING子句。 WHERE子句用于在GROUP BY发生之前过滤源行。


SELECT k.owner_name, 
       COUNT(x.xform_action) cnt -- < you probably meant to use SUM() instead of COUNT() here
  FROM kapsule k JOIN rec_xform x -- < use JOIN notation for clarity
    ON x.g_conf_id = k.g_conf_id 
 GROUP BY k.owner_name
HAVING cnt % 2 = 0

You probably meant to use SUM() (sums values of a column of all rows in a group) aggregate instead of COUNT() (returns number of rows in a group)


Here is SQLFiddle demo (for both SUM() and COUNT())




For aggregate functions like COUNT(*) using GROUP BY you need to use HAVING clause

对于使用GROUP BY的COUNT(*)等聚合函数,您需要使用HAVING子句

select kapsule.owner_name, kapsule.owner_domain, 
count(xform_action) from kapsule,   rec_xform 
where rec_xform.g_conf_id=kapsule.g_conf_id and 
group by kapsule.owner_name, kapsule.owner_domain
HAVING (count(xform_action))%2=0 

or you could use alias (i.e. AS) like:


select kapsule.owner_name, kapsule.owner_domain, 
count(xform_action) count_form from kapsule,   rec_xform 
where rec_xform.g_conf_id=kapsule.g_conf_id and 
group by kapsule.owner_name, kapsule.owner_domain
HAVING count_form%2=0 

And you could use JOIN as more efficient than the old one of joining tables. And by the way if you have GROUP BY the fields before the aggregate function should be in GROUP BY like:

并且您可以使用JOIN比连接表的旧效率更高效。顺便说一句,如果你有聚合函数应该在GROUP BY之前的字段GROUP BY像:

select kapsule.owner_name, kapsule.owner_domain, 
count(xform_action) count_form from kapsule A
INNER JOIN rec_xform B
ON A.g_conf_id=B.g_conf_id and 
GROUP BY by A.owner_name, A.owner_domain
HAVING count_form%2=0 

See examples here




To filter out resultset after GROUP BY you need to use HAVING clause. WHERE clause is used to filter source rows before GROUP BY occurs.

要在GROUP BY之后过滤掉结果集,您需要使用HAVING子句。 WHERE子句用于在GROUP BY发生之前过滤源行。


SELECT k.owner_name, 
       COUNT(x.xform_action) cnt -- < you probably meant to use SUM() instead of COUNT() here
  FROM kapsule k JOIN rec_xform x -- < use JOIN notation for clarity
    ON x.g_conf_id = k.g_conf_id 
 GROUP BY k.owner_name
HAVING cnt % 2 = 0

You probably meant to use SUM() (sums values of a column of all rows in a group) aggregate instead of COUNT() (returns number of rows in a group)


Here is SQLFiddle demo (for both SUM() and COUNT())




For aggregate functions like COUNT(*) using GROUP BY you need to use HAVING clause

对于使用GROUP BY的COUNT(*)等聚合函数,您需要使用HAVING子句

select kapsule.owner_name, kapsule.owner_domain, 
count(xform_action) from kapsule,   rec_xform 
where rec_xform.g_conf_id=kapsule.g_conf_id and 
group by kapsule.owner_name, kapsule.owner_domain
HAVING (count(xform_action))%2=0 

or you could use alias (i.e. AS) like:


select kapsule.owner_name, kapsule.owner_domain, 
count(xform_action) count_form from kapsule,   rec_xform 
where rec_xform.g_conf_id=kapsule.g_conf_id and 
group by kapsule.owner_name, kapsule.owner_domain
HAVING count_form%2=0 

And you could use JOIN as more efficient than the old one of joining tables. And by the way if you have GROUP BY the fields before the aggregate function should be in GROUP BY like:

并且您可以使用JOIN比连接表的旧效率更高效。顺便说一句,如果你有聚合函数应该在GROUP BY之前的字段GROUP BY像:

select kapsule.owner_name, kapsule.owner_domain, 
count(xform_action) count_form from kapsule A
INNER JOIN rec_xform B
ON A.g_conf_id=B.g_conf_id and 
GROUP BY by A.owner_name, A.owner_domain
HAVING count_form%2=0 

See examples here
