
时间:2021-04-09 12:59:15

I have a structure like this in a few tables: id, [...], validfrom, validto.

我在一些表中有这样的结构:id,[…,validfrom validto。

The id is a NUMBER, and the validfrom and validto columns are of type DATE. Any given date should not result in more than one post per id.


So this is a correct example:


id, validfrom, validto
1, 2000-01-01, 2000-02-20
1, 2000-02-21, 2000-03-02
1, 2000-03-03, 2099-12-31

However, there seem to be some issues where a certain dates would return more than one value. Something like this (which is corrupt data):


id, validfrom, validto
1, 2001-01-01, 2001-02-20
1, 2001-01-15, 2001-03-02
1, 2001-03-03, 2099-12-31

So in the above example, any date between 2001-01-15 and 2001-02-20 would return two rows.


How would I construct a script that finds all thees corrupt posts?


3 个解决方案



Just to find them, assuming validfrom is lesser than validto in every row:


select a.*, b.*
from your_table a
join your_table b
on (a.id = b.id and
    greatest(a.validfrom, b.validfrom) <= least(a.validto, b.validto) and
    --exclude join the same row.
    a.rowid <> b.rowid

This just find intersecting intervals, because distinct intervals have a valid_from greater than valid_to of the other.


UPDATE: I replaced the condition not (a.validto=b.validto and a.validfrom=b.validfrom) with

更新:我替换了条件not (a.validto=b)。validto和a.validfrom = b.validfrom)

a.rowid<> b.rowid

because it will report the duplicate rows now. (Thanks wolfi)




Finding overlapping time spans is a nightmare. Very easy to get wrong, and there is no simple and good solution that I know of. In theory, Oracle has solved this with a data type WM_PERIOD, which might or might not be installed / available at your database. But it's not a beauty either:


  FROM your_table a JOIN your_table b USING (id) 
 WHERE a.rowid < b.rowid
   AND wm_overlaps(wm_period(a.validfrom, a.validto), 
                   wm_period(b.validfrom, b.validto))=1;

1 2001-01-01 2001-02-20 2001-01-15 2001-03-02



This would look for overlapping rows, and rows that are repeated:


select  *
from    YourTable yt1
where   -- Overlapping rows exist
        select  *
        from    YourTable yt2
        where   yt1.id = yt2.id
                -- Rows overlap
                and yt1.validfrom <= yt2.validto
                and yt2.validfrom <= yt1.validto
                -- Rows must be distinct
                and yt1.rowid <> yt2.rowid



Just to find them, assuming validfrom is lesser than validto in every row:


select a.*, b.*
from your_table a
join your_table b
on (a.id = b.id and
    greatest(a.validfrom, b.validfrom) <= least(a.validto, b.validto) and
    --exclude join the same row.
    a.rowid <> b.rowid

This just find intersecting intervals, because distinct intervals have a valid_from greater than valid_to of the other.


UPDATE: I replaced the condition not (a.validto=b.validto and a.validfrom=b.validfrom) with

更新:我替换了条件not (a.validto=b)。validto和a.validfrom = b.validfrom)

a.rowid<> b.rowid

because it will report the duplicate rows now. (Thanks wolfi)




Finding overlapping time spans is a nightmare. Very easy to get wrong, and there is no simple and good solution that I know of. In theory, Oracle has solved this with a data type WM_PERIOD, which might or might not be installed / available at your database. But it's not a beauty either:


  FROM your_table a JOIN your_table b USING (id) 
 WHERE a.rowid < b.rowid
   AND wm_overlaps(wm_period(a.validfrom, a.validto), 
                   wm_period(b.validfrom, b.validto))=1;

1 2001-01-01 2001-02-20 2001-01-15 2001-03-02



This would look for overlapping rows, and rows that are repeated:


select  *
from    YourTable yt1
where   -- Overlapping rows exist
        select  *
        from    YourTable yt2
        where   yt1.id = yt2.id
                -- Rows overlap
                and yt1.validfrom <= yt2.validto
                and yt2.validfrom <= yt1.validto
                -- Rows must be distinct
                and yt1.rowid <> yt2.rowid